
I would be interested in opinions about required attendance in developmental courses; there is evidence that attendance significantly impacts learning, and college success.


This may be college, but we're still taking attendance: Colleges try to stem dropout rates by reaching out to students who skip classes.

That part of taking attendance is pretty standard. But what comes next makes Professor Diehl's class and other freshmen classes at Mississippi State University seem almost revolutionary.




What Factors Predict the Success of Developmental Education Students in an Introductory Biology Course?

The Answer is Attendance! Academic success correlates strongly with high rates of class attendance in an introductory biology course for first-year developmental education students.


Impact of Attendance, Instructor Contact, and Homework Completion on Achievement in a Developmental Logic Course

Regular attendance appears to be such an obvious condition for success in college as to hardly warrant further discussion. Based on the author's experience teaching at-risk students for six years in the same institutional setting, students who miss too many classes end up doing poorly, withdrawing, or requiring significant help in the form of one-on-one meetings or tutoring in order to catch up.


Required Attendance: University of Texas

Students who are required to enroll in Developmental Education because they have failed one or more parts of the THEA examination are subject to the following policies.

Students sign a contract that states that they understand class attendance is mandatory and if they are absent and do not follow the procedure in the contract, they will be withdrawn from The University of Texas at Dallas for the semester with no refund



Required attendance will be initiated in the fall of 2004.


Attendance: LaMar State College

Students enrolled in developmental courses are expected to attend regularly and complete all assignments and testing. Students who are absent 6 (six) times within one semester will be dropped from the course and risk dismissal from LSC-O. In addition to the attendance policy, instructors may drop a student from a developmental course for failure to do assigned work and/or testing.

Attendance: St Louis Community College

Developmental courses must have attendance policies where sessions missed have a direct impact on students' grades. As course requirements, attendance policies will necessarily be well defined in course profiles.


Attendance: Howard County Community College

Students enrolled in college preparatory course work due to the Success Initiative policy are required to regularly attend and participate

in class activities. Students who miss six (6) hours or more of class may be penalized and may fail the class due to lack of

attendance. Instructors have the option to drop students for lack of attendance, or the instructor may choose to give the grade they

earn. The instructor will state his or her attendance policy in the course syllabus. Students are responsible for keeping track of

their attendance and, if needed, checking with their instructors to see if absences threaten the successful completion of a course.



Attendance: West Texas A&M

All developmental education courses have attendance policies provided with the course syllabus. Success

in class is directly linked to attendance.




HUM2461 LATIN AMERICAN HUMANITIES: Valencia Community College

Attendance is required. There will be information presented to the class in lecture, discussion, video and group presentation. If you are not present, you cannot participate and it will be hard to make-up the class. You are allowed 1 absences. After the second absence, ten points will be deducted for each class meeting you miss  and you will receive a notification of excessive absence. After the third absence, you may be withdrawn from the course. You need to talk to me to stay in the class. If you stay in the class and you miss one more class, your final grade will be lowered one letter grade. Being late to class or leaving the classroom may also affect your grade. Every three late marks will be considered one absence. If you are late, you are responsible of notifying me so I can change you absence mark to a late mark.