About Me
My Info:
Name:  Teryl
Location:  Northern California
Marital Status:  Single
Children:  Breaunna, age 14
Pets:  One Yorkie named Sophie and one Maltese named Macy-Brat

My family and my daughter are the two most important things in my life.  They will forever come first in anything I do. 

I have three siblings who constantly remind me of who I really am.  When I am with them I actually see my soul come to life. 

I have an awesome Mother who forever amazes me with her ability to love her four kids (and grandkids) without any expectations (Thank God).  She never ever once waivered in her belief in us when all others did and she probably should have.
Mom, you are appreciated and valued. 

My Father has been nothing but a great source of strength for me.  He taught me that all things in life can be handled with laughter and love.  He grew up without having either in his life.  But somehow found both within himself and gave his four children, his family, his friends, love and laughter in endless amounts.  He came from so little and became so much.  I honor you, Dad, always.

My Step-Mother, Glenda, has become one of the key women in my life.  She has become the thread that holds the fabric of our family together.  She is not only a parent figure to me but a woman that I can look up to and aspire to be like. Glenda, you are loved and respected deeply by me.  How lucky are we to have someone as wonderful as you fall in love with our father?  We are blessed to have you in our family.

I have tons of  Aunts and Uncles and cousins in Indiana, California and anywhere else they may be now. The time we shared is still here with me.  Every moment with them impacted my life.  They are a part of my heart and always will be.  Time spent apart could never change that fact.  (Uncle Randy and Aunt Karen - tears of happiness every time I think of you.)

My Grandmother, Monu, was the biggest role model in my life.  She taught me that a woman can be independent and strong and still be ultra-feminine.   My Grandmother  was strong and independent long before it became fashionable for a woman to be so.  I hope heaven is exactly how you always pictured it to be, Monu.  And I especially hope, for your sake, that angels are  allowed to wear lipstick and high heels and that everything matches your angel wings and halo.   I miss you so much.  Thanks for making me the strong and independent girly-girl I am today.  I hope that you are proud of me.

My late husband, Dean, has an enormous family with enormous hearts.  They are constant reminders of how loss doesn't destroy you...it just makes you love harder while you are alive.  Thanks for keeping Breaunna and I a part of your family.  We always feel a deep sense of belonging when we are with you.   We love each and every one of you.  You are appreciated.

I have two nephews and five nieces and one great-nephew.  Douglas, Shawn, Jamey Tori, Kylie, Shannon, Asia and of course...Anthony!  All of you are loved deeply by Auntie Teryl.   Each time I am with you I can literally almost feel my heart burst.  I have so much love for you and so much pride.  I will always be here when and if you need me.  I just wish you all would quit asking me to do that stupid dance for you! :-) Auntie Teryl knows she looks like an idiot jumping around! That's just proof that I'll do anything for you! I love all of you very much. 

My daughter Breaunna....like I have always said, "You are the air that I breathe."  I cannot remember what I did before you.  You are my life...my greatest joy.
I know if Daddy was alive today our first thirteen years of being mother-daughter would have been less sad and probably a little easier on both of us.  But the love he gave to us can never be denied.  It is what continues to pull us through.  He is with us every second of every day.  He loved you more than life itself.  For four months you made him the happiest man on the face of the earth.  That in itself should be honored, remembered and cherished by you.  Death can never erase the love that was given to you in life. 

I'm so proud of who you are.  I know your Daddy is too.  You have such an awesome sense of humor, Breaunna.  You make me laugh like no other.  You are your own person.  I totally love that about you.  You amaze me with your strong sense of self. -
"You are who you are and no one will ever change that about you." It took me years to find that kind of self-love.  I am in awe of you.  You are already becoming the woman I wish that I could be.  I am deeply proud of who you are.  I love you and will always be here for you no matter what.  You are my inspiration in everything I do.  My life and soul are dedicated to you, Breaunna.  I hope I make you proud...

I love you, my Breaunna. 
