Welcome to Egypt

Name: _______________________________

1.What are the names of two of the three great Egyptian pyramids at Giza?




2. Why was the discovery of Merenptah tomb such a surprise?


3. Why were versions of the Book of the Deadplaced in tombs?


4. Describe some Egyptians by telling a little about them and their lifestyle.






5. List three facts about the Nile River according the Odyssey in Egypt.






6. Alexandria was once a capital of Egypt. What are at least two monuments you would have
found there and give one fact about each.



 Click on crowns below.  Next, scroll down (It is quite a way down the page.  Be sure you look for crowns.)

7. What did the different crowns of the pharoahs mean? (Hint: fact/fiction)



8. What happened to the temple at Abu Simbel when Lake Nasser was formed?



9. Who did the Egyptians worship?



10. Who unlocked the mystery of Egyptian hieroglyphics?



 11. What is the "mummy's curse"?



 http://www.torstar.com/rom/egypt/sentocar.html  <--- Click for Hieroglyphics translator

12. Use heiroglyphics to spell yours and your partner's first names.



13. What are the latest theories on the building of the sphinx? (Hint: monuments)



14. What was so exciting about the crocodile papyri?



15. What does the aton mean in the last part of Tutankhaton's name? What do we know him as today?



http://www.vtusd.k12.ca.us/balboa/egyptsca.html  The above activity came from the Internet site
on the left.  A few of the questions were changed just a bit and updated as sites change.

Revised October 6, 2001