
Maps and Information

This site contains many maps of the area and also information about the country and culture.

Afghanistan at the Crossroads of Asia

This site is has information about Afghanistan compiled in an interesting brief format.  It will help students learn more about the country.






Compiled by B Jones    October 12, 2001


 Not responsible for pages found by linking beyond this site.


 Every attempt has been made to use graphics that are free use or public domain.  If you notice copyright violations on this web site, please contact the web manager and any questionable graphic shall be removed.  Of course, it is not our intention use copyrighted graphics.  Many graphics are collected from the Internet where copyright information often is not available.   The accuracy and quality of information cannot be guaranteed.  The District will not be responsible for any information that may be lost, damaged, or unavailable due to technical or other difficulties.


Web Manager: Barbara Jones -Teacher and Technology Trainer

                                             Revised October 9, 2001 12:05  P.M.