“Jess has got flu – she can’t come,” Ric told Diane, who sighed.


“So the picnic’s off, then? If Jess can’t come, and Kath and Sandy can’t come, Lisa’s busy, Tom’s away, I refuse to ask Anita, and Alex is moping…” She ticked everyone off on her fingers.


“We can still make it.”


“Two of us… oh joy!” Diane replied, sounding less than enthused.


“Do I bore you that much?” Ric queried, trying to hide the fact that he was offended.


“No… no, we can still go, yeah. It’ll be fun.” She nodded, trying to convince herself.




Together—midnight in summer
The air's so much warmer
Falling in love under starlight
Holding on so tight—together




Ric handed Diane a glass of wine, and she drank it in one. “Trying to get me drunk, are you?” she giggled, as he passed her another glass.


“That’s the general idea,” he replied, chuckling.


“Okay.” Diane downed another glass of wine. “Are you not having any?”


“Sure.” Ric poured himself a glass. “Ahh.”


“You know what?” Diane remarked. “This is actually fun.”


“Don’t sound so surprised. I’m great company!”


“I know…” She reached for the wine bottle, but fell onto Ric. “Sorry.”


“’S okay.” Ric sat up, and moved Diane back into a sitting position. Suddenly, they became aware of how close together they were sitting… the tension between them grew… they moved closer and closer together, until their hands and lips met.



I won't leave you lonely tonight
I want you to hold me all night
It's gonna be alright
I won't leave you lonely tonight




“I’m sorry,” Ric said, moving away from Diane.


“Don’t be…” She pulled him back towards her.


“You’re with Tom…”


“I don’t care about Tom. How could I care about Tom? He isn’t you.” She looked deep into his eyes, and there was no doubt about whom she cared for. It certainly was not Tom.


They met in a passionate embrace, only caring about each other.



Imagine – the air filled with jasmine
The breeze blows with passion
You and me dance with desire

The moon is on fire – Imagine



They lay, cuddled together, as night fell.


“I’ll never leave you,” he whispered, kissing her.


“I don’t want you to,” she replied. “I want you to stay with me forever.”


“Tonight first… and then forever,” he promised.




I won't leave you lonely tonight
I want you to hold me all night
It's gonna be alright
I won't leave you lonely tonight



They walked home, hand in hand. No one else was around – it was just Ric and Diane. The moon smiled down on them, as they paused in the doorway of Ric’s house, clinging to each other.


“I love you…” she breathed. “I’ve always loved you.”


“And I love you,” he whispered, kissing her. “How could I not?”


“Can I come in?” she asked, gently, as he opened the door.


“I’m not letting you be lonely tonight… of course you can.”



Je t'aime beaucoup mon amour
You are the one I adore




Together, they entered his house. They were in love – loneliness didn’t exist any more. First, there was tonight. And then… forever.



I won't leave you lonely tonight
I want you to hold me all night
It's gonna be alright
No you won't be lonely tonight