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The 7th planet from the sun.

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Uranus Facts:
  • Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun in our solar system.   It is approximately 1,784 million miles from the sun.
  • Uranus is about 31,763 miles in diameter.  It is the 3nd largest planet in our solar system.  The Earth could fit 4 times across the diameter of Uranus.
  • It takes Uranus about 84 Earth years to orbit the sun one time.
  • A day (from sunrise to sunset) on Uranus is only about 17 hours.
  • Uranus's atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium, and methane.  The methane makes it look greenish-blue in color.
  • Uranus has 11 thin rings around the planet.
  • The average temperature in Uranus's atmosphere is -350° F.
  • Uranus has at least 15 known satellites, or moons, and there may be more.
  • Uranus was discovered in 1781 by a British astronomer, Sir William Herschel.  The planet was originally named Georgian Sidas (Star of George) in honor of the King.
  • In 1986, the spacecraft Voyager 2 flew by to take pictures and made discoveries such as new moons.
  • Uranus looks to be tipped on its side.  Some scientists think that a comet may have hit Uranus causing it to tilt.
  • Pluto is named after the Roman God of the heavens.

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