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The 2nd planet from the sun.  

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Venus Facts:
  • Venus is the 2nd planet from the sun in our solar system.   It is approximately 67 million miles from the sun.
  • Venus is about the same size as Earth.  Venus is sometimes called Earth's sister planet because of its size.
  • It takes Venus about 225 Earth days to orbit the sun one time.
  • A day (from sunrise to sunset) on Venus is about 243 Earth days long.  Venus also spins in the opposite direction of earth.  On Earth the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but on Venus, it rises in the west and sets in the east.
  • Venus's atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, argon, sulfur dioxide, and water vapor.
  • Venus is covered with craters, mountains, volacanos, and lava plains.
  • Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system.  It can reach up to 900° F.
  • Venus does not have any satellites.
  • Venus is a difficult planet to explore bcause the atmosphere is so thick.  The first spacecraft to fly by Venus for exploration was the Mariner 2 in 1962.  Several space probes since then have successfully landed on the surface.
  • Venus is one of the brightest objects in our night sky.   It can be seen early in the morning and just after sunset.
  • Venus is named after the Roman goddess of gardens and fields.

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