Mrs. Wright's
Psychology Page

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Purpose of the Course

The purpose of the Introductory Psychology course is to introduce students to the scientific study of the mental processes and behavior of humans. Major sub fields within the discipline of psychology will be covered.


Textbook: Rathus, S.A. ( 1998 ). Psychology: Principles in Practice. Austin TX: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
These books must be covered immediately
Replacement cost will be $ 51.70.

You will need a notebook, folder, 25 sheets of loose-leaf paper. Bring all materials with you everyday.

Course Objectives

  1. Students will study the major concepts and theories of psychology. The will be able to identify, define, and utilize key vocabulary terms.
  2. Students will be able to apply psychological concepts to class projects, as well as their own lives.
  3. Students will develop their critical thinking skills.
  4. Students will improve and build their reading, writing, and discussion skills through practice.

Behavioral Expectations

  1. Do not interfere with another's ability to learn and succede.
  2. Be in your assigned seat before the bell rings.
  3. No food or drink allowed except water.
  4. I do not want to see or hear the gum you chew.
  5. Absolutely no profanity is allowed in class.
  6. No sleeping allowed in class.

Course Policies

  1. Respect for all is expected and demanded. You do not have to agree with everyone or all opinions, however,you must respect everyone.
  2. Students will be responsible for all reading assignments. Do the reading and be prepared to participate in discussions. If you put in the effort to stay on top of the material, you will be able to be successful in this class.
  3. Turn in all assignments on time. They are due at the beginning of the hour. Assignments will be accepted for ½ credit for one week. Major projects decrease in value by one full letter grade each day late.
  4. It is your responsibility to ask for any missing work! Plan ahead. If you will be absent for a known reason ( music lesson, college visit, etc.) you must make arrangement with me in advance. This applies to daily assignments as well as tests and projects. If you are absent for an unforseen reason ( illness, family emergency) be prepared with your assignments or to take a test on your first day back to school. You are responsible for any missed notes, activities, or labs. If an extended illness occurs we will make alternative arrangements.
  5. Be honest. Cheating will not be tolerated. It is not worth risking your integrity and reputation. Trust is very difficult to regain.
  6. Papers should be word processed. I will explain exceptions (some projects involve creative presentations and you will have more flexibility).
  7. Seek help. I am very willing to meet with you outside of class time to assist you. If you need assistanceI can be found in 202, 212, 214, or the IMC during 2nd and 6th hours. After school I will be in our classroom ( 204 ). Other times can be arranged.
  8. Put your full effort into class work and tests. There will be NO extra credit. If you have time to do extra credit, you have time to do the original assignments.


    I use a point system and I do not curve grades. I set high standards for my students. If everyone meets or exceeds the standards, everyone will earn high grades.

    100-97 A+ 70-77 C+
    96-93 A 76-73 C
    92-90 A- 72-70 C-
    89-87 B+ 69-67 D+
    86-83 B 66-63 D
    82-80 B- 62-60 D-
    Below 60= F

      Semester Grade:
    • Quarter 1------------43%
    • Quarter 2------------43%
    • Semester Exam------14%

    Summary of Course

    1. Introduction to Psychology ( 1 week )
      1. Overview
      2. Careers
      3. History
      4. Perspectives

    2. Statistics ( 2 days)

    3. Research Methods ( 3 weeks)
      1. Descriptive Methods
      2. Scientific Method

    4. Biological Influences on Behavior ( 2 weeks)
      1. Neuron
      2. Brain
      3. Endocrine System

    5. Sensation and Perception ( 1-2 weeks)

    6. Sleep and Dreams ( 1 week)

    7. Learing ( 2-3 weeks )
      1. Classical Conditioning
      2. Operant Conditioning
      3. Cognitive Learning

    8. Theories of Personality ( 2-3 weeks)

    9. Psychological Disorders and Treatment Methods ( 2-3 weeks)

    Contact Me  

    My classes are in Room 204. My prep periods are 2nd and 6th hour. I am also available after school most days.

    You can also call me or send me an e-mail. My phone number at Central is (414)604-3100, voice mail extension 6204.
    Click here to send me an email.