Fifth Grade Homework Policy
West Freehold School
Revised September 2001

Homework is an important part of the learning experience.  It helps students develop good study habits and communicates to students that learning takes place at home as well as at school.  Assignments are written in Student Planners and must be signed by a parent or guardian each night.  Homework is expected to be fully completed on a daily basis in a neat fashion.  Following are homework guidelines that will be adhered to in the fifth grade.

Excusable reasons for late homework:

¨      Absence

¨      Illness

¨      Religious holiday

¨      Family emergencies accompanied by a note

Unexcusable reasons for late homework:

¨      Homework under the “Excusable” heading that is not turned in within the established time parameters

¨      Instrument lessons and band rehearsal

¨      Supplemental, BSI, Speech, Shared-Time, or any other pull out programs

¨      Improper organization of homework materials and supplies (ex.: assignment left at home)


When your child is missing his/her assignment:

1.      A “Homework Not Done” stamp will be placed in your child’s planner next to the missing assignment.

2.      The assignment will remain on file as a “0” until it is made up within the established time parameters (see below).

¨      The child will be given the same amount of time he/she is absent to make up the missing assignments.

¨      Unexcused missing assignments are due the following school day and will not be accepted after 3 days


¨      Unexcused late assignments in a specific subject will result in a 1-point reduction from the final marking period average for each late assignment.

Ex. 6 late assignments = 6 point deduction from final average

¨      Assignments not turned in within the established time parameters will be averaged as a “0”.

Please discuss the importance of good study skills and responsibility with your child.  Save this policy for future reference.  Sign and return the slip below.  Thank you for your support.



The Fifth Grade Team


I have read and discussed the fifth grade homework policy with my child.

_________________________   _________________________
       Parent/Guardian Name                Parent/Guardian Signature

_________________________   _________________________
              Child’s Name                             Child’s Signature


Comments: ________________________________________________________________________