Conall's Development
Month to Month
Well solid foods are being introduced! We began with rice cereal (he liked the Milupa brand best) and progressed through barley and oatmeal.  Sometimes he eats 2 tblsp, sometimes 5!  We introduced squash today- not too impressed so I mixed it in with the barley. We'll try this for three days to see if there is a reaction, then move onto sweet potatoe.

Conall has not yet rolled. He'll make a "C" with his torso, but does not finish the movement.  His 21lbs helps to keep him sitting sturdy.  He'll reach for toys when in the sitting position, and throw them once he has them.

Teething has brought us back to the days of him being a new born! We're all up at 1:00am, 4:00am and 7:00 to sooth him. I usually just fed him to help him to calm down and go back to sleep.

His babbling keeps his father and I very entertained.
6 months