Birth - 3 months
*watches face of parents                           
*grasps objects placed in hand
*follows object with eyes and head          
*stares at hands
*smiles in response to attention               
*raises head when on stomach
*startles in reaction to a sudden loud noise (makes a snow angel)
*grasps objects when placed in hand
3 to 6 months
*holds head up when help in a sitting position
*lifts head and chest when on stomach
*smiles and babbles when parents are present
*laughs and squeals
*can identify source of sound by turning head  and directing eyes
*grasps own hands
*reaches for object when in view
*graps an object when placed at tips of fingers
*focuses eyes on small objects
*begins repeating pleasurable behaviours
6 to 9 months
*rolls over, stomach to back and back to stomach (may happen all at once, or with a large time lapse between the two)
*tries to stand on his feet and support some weight when held upright
*picks up toys and small objects within reach
*exchanges objects between both hands
*holds bottle or sippy cup            
*tracks fallen objects or items taken out of sight
*imitation begins with gestures and sounds
*feeds self crakers or cookies
*sits alone without support                   
*pulls self to stand
*walks while holding onto something
*responds to name                                 
*utters "mama" or "dada"
*imitates sounds and simple words   
*plays "peek-a-boo"
*identifies parents from stangers
*uses thumb and fore finger to pick up objects
9-12 months