The BSE Pad allows women to do a more sesitive breast exam because it removes andy friction when doing the breast self-exam, and the purpose of doing a more sensitive exam to try  and help women find a lump sooner and smaller - sooner is better than later and smaller is better than larger.
Discovering the lump sooner than later will give women more options to treat the positive cancer lump test. 

The pad is very tactile sensitivity which aid in finding a lump.  It is made of two pink plastic sheets, about 20 cm in diameter, with a small amount of fluid lubricant sealed inside.  When used properly, the pad eliminates friction during the breast self-exam and magnifies the sense of touch.

There was Naturopath in Calgary who was interested in the Pad   The Naturopath was checking one patient and found a lump in the Prostate glands.  Luckily, they found it in time, as it was positive.  Early treatment is the key.  Some Chiropractors use the Pad to find knots in the body without having to press as hard to hurt the patient as much.

Breast Self Exam Care
Take control of your body
Guidelines for early detection

Age 20+ :     Check your breast monthly
Age 20-39:   Have a health care profressional check your breasts every 3 years
Age 40+:       Have your first mammogram and continue to have one for each year and     have a health care professional check your breasts every year.

My Info:
Name: Glenda Smith