About Shane
Name:   Gregory Shane Helms
Nickname(s):  "Hurricane"
Past Nickname(s):  "Sugar", "The Suicide Bomb", "The Show", "The Serial Thriller", "IBM: Insane Bump Machine", "Hurricane Kid", "Kid Vicious", Gauge", and "The Nice Package"

Birthday:  July 12,1974
Wt:  210 LBS.
From:  Smithfield, North Carolina
Fav. Manuever(s):  "The Vertebreaker" and "The Eye of the Hurricane"
Fav. Wrestler(s):  Randy Savage, Shawn Micheals, Ric Flair, Jushin Liger, Ricky Steamboat, & Chris Benoit
Hobbies:  Wrestling, Reading, Web Surfing, Comics, Movies
Fav. Movie(s):  Spider-Man, Lord of the Rings, Tombstone, Matrix, Green Mile, Unforgiven, Pulp Fiction, and Powder
Fav. Musical Performers:  Eminem, Linkin Park, ICP, EverLast, & Rob Zombie
Fav. Author(s);  Warren Ellis, Garth Ennis, Stephen King, John Saul, Brian Azzarello, Brian Micheal Bendis, & Mark Miller
Note: All the information about Shane Helms came from his official site shanehelms.com