by Commander Becky Norris

Greetings, everyone, and happy June! I hope everyone has big plans for their summer--but if you go anywhere fun, have a little for me because I will probably be stuck right here in Odessa for the duration. Actually, I might be able to escape a couple of times during the summer months for two or three days at a time, and I guess that will have to do.

I'd like to say to everyone who made the picnic last month, THANKS! I really had a great time, and I know that Brianna and Chelsea did as well. To those of you who didn't get to stop by, too bad--it was a lot of fun, and the hot dogs were grilled to perfection. We should definitely do it again. Perhaps we could make it an annual event--just picture this... THE 15TH ANNUAL FEARLESS PICNIC. Makes you stop and think, doesn't it?

Don't everyone forget to wish Mike and Sandy a happy anniversary this month. On June 25th, they will have been bound in holy matrimony for ONE FULL YEAR! This was our first shuttle wedding, (but not the last?) and it will always be special for the crew of the FEARLESS, (and of course for Sandy and Mike!). By the way, if any of you lovebirds are thinking of tying the knot, June is a lovely month for it, and you've got a built-in wedding party.

I would like to ask each of you to do me a favor. Recently, I was told that my personality makes people uncomfortable. This was a surprise to me, because I certainly don't go out of my way to intimidate people (OK, I admit it--I do if they are asking for it...). So I would just like to ask that if anyone has a problem with anything in the shuttle's administration, please say so. I won't bite (very unsanitary, you know), and I don't like to think that my perception of the way things are running and the perception others have of the same situation are different on a polar scale. I always have time for my friends, and I put every one of you in the FRIEND category. And just for the record, I like my personality. It's taken me years to get it just right, and it pains me that there are some people who feel that just because I don't fit into their ridiculously tight little cubbyhole of how they think I'm supposed to be, I'm the one who needs to change. I say, GET WITH THE PROGRAM GUYS! Okay, I'm done with that now.

Convention time is closing in on us, so everyone needs to be getting ready for that. We will probably be asked to work a security detail, as we have in past years, so if you are interested in being a part of that, let me or Sandy know. Just in case anyone has missed out on the info, Trek-O-Rama '95 will be held on Sunday July 16th from noon-6PM at the Midland Hilton and Towers (same as last year). Hopefully, we won't have a repeat of the events which transpired at last year's con (the one with the unmentionable name again crawled out from under his rock to plague us), and a good time should be had by all. Be watching for promotional announcements on the station within the next couple of weeks. They'll give you all the details about tickets, etc.

If there are any Heart fans among the crew (besides me, that is), I've got some information you might find useful. Ann Wilson is getting together a band for a solo tour (short but sweet) and she will be playing a few dates in Texas. I'm probably going to try to make the El Paso show on August 11, and anyone who's interested is welcome to come along. I'll pass along more details as I get them.

Well, as I said before, I hope everyone has plans for a great summer. Don't forget to include the convention in your plans, and also, remember we'll be planning a commissioning party for later this summer as well. So, Trek your brains out! See you at the meeting.

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