Welcome to Brown Bear's Web Site!!

Hello! My full name is Mr. Brown Bear!  I live in Phoenix in the summer and San Diego for the rest of the year.  One might think that because I am a bear I would not want to live in a hot place like Phoenix.  However, I have gotten quite used to it over the past 18 years.  I lived in England for about two years when I was very young, but I don't remember much of it anymore.  This is a picture of Kendra and me when we were living in England.  We were both about three in this picture.  Kendra takes wonderful care of me and hugs me a lot!  Her friend Debbie is sometimes mean to me though.  She calls me Stuck-up Bear, because she says my nose sticks up and I guess she thinks I am a snob.  Last summer when Kendra went on a long kayak trip though, Debbie took care of me at her place in Flagstaff.  That was pretty fun because I got to hang out with Freddie, Debbie's rabbit.  Hopefully I can get a picture of him and me up here soon!  Until then here is Debbie pretending to strangle me!

I've been kinda upset with Kendra lately because she did not take me to Italy with her over spring break. We did go to Davis together in mid-April for "Picnic Day" at UCD though, and that was pretty fun. Most of her friends in pepband were very nice to me. I even got to meet another bear with my same name! I have some other pictures of me and my friends, but none are scanned yet so come back soon!  Go visit Kendra's web site now!

 Please e-mail me! 

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