Larry was born Louis Feinberg on October 5, 1902. His parents owned a jewelry store in Larry's hometown of Philadelphia. Larry's parents encouraged him into the entertainment field while he was still in diapers. At about age two, his father stood Larry on a jewelry case to show all how good he could dance. Larry lost his balance and fell, crashing through the glass case. In another instance, Larry was badly burned on his arm after getting into a jewelry cleaning fluid. It was due to this turn of events that Larry's doctor suggested violin lessons to help rehabilitate his arm. Larry practiced his violin and became an accomplished musician. It is also stated that he played other instruments well. Whiskey played a part in Larry becoming a Stooge. As Prohibition was in force at the time, a club where Larry and his 3 female partners performed was closed down because of liquor found on the premises. Larry was asked by Shemp to replace him in the act and Larry, without a job at the moment accepted. Larry's first contract was valued at $90/week plus $10/week NOT to play his violin! Larry was characterized as tardy. More than once the others would have to cover for Larry's absence. He is also known as being laid back. Larry married and had 2 children. He died on January 24, 1975