Bo Buchanan
What actors have played the character:
Robert S Woods(1979-1986, and 1988 to Present)

Bo Buchanan came to Llanview, in 1979 to join his relocated father in the east coast division of Buchanan Enterprises. Soon he had a love interest in the TV talk show host Pat Ashley. In 1983 he had a new love, Delila Ralston, but they stoped the relationship from going any further because on Bo's mother's deathbead, she said Yancy Ralston was Bo's father not Asa. That would make Delila and Bo cousins. When Asa found out Bo and Delila weren't together any more, Asa married Delila. Bo then started sleping with Becky Lee Abbott, who became pregnant with their son Drew. They split up, and then Delila and Bo found out they weren't related and they got married. Later in 1984, they got divorced.

Wanting to get away from his family for a while, Bo went to work at the Lord-Manning fatory using the fake name of Bill Brady. He lived with the O'Neill family and fell in love with one of the daughters, Didi O'neill. Didi was injured by an explosion at the factory and went blind. She and Bo got married in 1985. Later in 1985, Bo took off for Vietnam in search of MIA's.

Three years later in 1988, while Bo and Didi were in England being held hostage, Patrick London transformed himself by cosmetic surgery and pretened to be Bo in Llanview. During the hostage situation, Didi was electrocuted and died in Bo's arms. In 1990, Bo fell in love with and married Sarah Gordon. But soon after the wedding, Sarah was kidnapped by Carlo Hesser, and she was presumed dead in a plane crash. Later in 1991 he married Cassie Callison Cramer, but he still couldn't forget his feelings for Sarah. After their wedding, Sarah returned from the dead surprisingly. Out of obligation, Bo stayed with Cassie, but before long, he and Sarah reunited. Cassie and Bo annuled thier marrage.

In 1992 Sarah was killed by a hit-and-run accident on the day that she was supposed to re-marry Bo. After her death, Bo tried to commit suicide, but was talked out of it by Sloan Carpenter and a new attorney in town, Nora Hanen Gannon, helped Bo to get over his loss. They got engaged in 1993, but they couldn't get married yet, because Nora had a had a brain tumor and needed surgery. After they surgery, Nora went temporarily blind, and was stalked at her beach house by her client, and convicted raist Todd Manning. Bo rescued Nora and they went back to Llanview together where she was operated on again, and her eyesight was restored. Finally in 1995 Bo and Nora married.

Later Bo's son, Drew Buchanan, arrived in Llanview. Drew soon became a cop just like his father. He was on an investigation and got in the way when Barbara Graham was trying to shoot Kevin Buchanan and was shot. He died, and Bo was devestated.

In 1998, Nora and Bo were trying to have a baby. Lindsay Rappaport changed the test results so that they said that Bo couldn't have children, because she wanted him for herself. After Nora found out that Bo was not able to have children she asked Sam Rappaport to have with her a baby with her, and then they would say it was Bo's. Nora soon told Bo that the baby was not Bo's, it was Sam's. Then Bo and Nora seperated. Later in 1999 Nora had the child, and she and Sam named it Matthew. Later, Nora found out that Bo really could have children. In the meanwhile, Bo and Lindsay had gotten very friendly. Then she thought that the baby might really be Bo's so they had a test to see who the father was. Lindsey payed the Lab technician Jeff Barnes $500,000.00 to change the test results. He ran away somewhere, so she didn't know if he changed the results or not. When they got the results it said Sam was the father, but it might have been changed so we don't know. After that Nora and Bo got a divorce, and Bo and Lindsay got together.

Bo's niece Jessica Buchanan was pregnant and got hit by a car in a hit-in-run accident by Dorian Lord Hayes. She lost her baby Megan. Bo investigated the accident and started finding different evidence that would lead to his girlfriend, Lindsay. At her birthday party he arrested her, even though he didn't believe she was guilty. Eventually, Dorian came forward and confessed that she was the one who had hit Jessica and Lindsay was released. Lindsay confessed to Bo that she tried to have Matthew's DNA test altered, but changed her mind at the last minute. Bo forgave her, but what she hasn't told Bo is that she doesn't know whether Barnes changed the results or not. Bo also doesn't know that Lindsay was the one who originally changed his sperm test results, making Nora think that Bo is sterile.

Not much later, Bo was very much in love with Lindsay, and the two had planned to get married. A week or so before they were to be married Lindsay found out that she was pregnant with his child, and she planned to surprise him with that on their wedding night. Then on in the middle of their wedding just as Bo and Lindsay were about to recite their vows to eachother, Nora bardged in their wedding telling everyone that Lindsay was the was the one who changed the sperm test results that forced Nora to sleep with Sam that ruined Bo and Nora's marriage. Bo was angry, and confronted Lindsay about it. Lindsay confessed, but also told Bo that she was pregnant and that she couldn't leave her. Bo didn't believe her, and walked out on her.

Bo was angry, and upset at the world. He found himself at Rodi's bar one night with some fellow friends from the police station. He found R.J. Gannon their, one of his enemys. R.J. started to make fun of Bo and harrasing him. Bo lost his sense of control, and punch R.J. Then R.J. accused Bo of police brutality, and Bo then left the bar, and left Llanview in his motorcycle.

Bo stopped by a bar in Cherryvale not far out side of Llanview. While he was in the bar a beautiful woman named Melanie MacIver ran into Bo's motorcycle. Melanie just happened to be Lindsay's sister. Melanie and Bo then ended up having a one night stand with eachother. But Meanwhile, back in Llanview while Bo was sleeping with Lindsay's sister, Lindsay was having a miscarriage with her and Bo's baby after an encounter with Nora. The doctors tried to get a hold of Bo, but no one knew where he was. When Bo returned to Llanview he had found out that Lindsay was actually pregnant with his child, and that she had had a miscarriage. Bo was sickened by what he had done.

Later, in april of 2000 Bo was taking Will Rappaport, Lindsay's son to Stateville prison for something that he hadn't done, and that Asa had framed him for. While on the train Nora, asked Bo for his forgivness for what she had done. Bo just couldn't bring himself to forgive her, and that night the train derailed, and Nora was stuck in the the train that was about to explode. Bo tried to save her, but the minute he went to go get helped the train exploded, and Nora was "dead". Bo felt guilty for a long time.

Nora was actually alive, and Melanie's husband, Colin MacIver was keeping her prisoner in his house, because Lindsay was paying him to do so. Lindsay hated Nora, because she thought that Nora ruined her marriage to Bo. Meanwhile, Lindsay told Bo that she actually didn't really know weather Jeff Barnes changed the test results to prove whether Mathew was Bo's son or Sam's. Bo and Sam soon had Mathew tested again, and found out that Mathew was indeed Sam's kid for sure. Bo was very sad, and Melanie was there to comfort him. Soon Lindsay and Melanie were fighting over Bo, but in the end Bo chose Melanie, and Bo and Lindsay were through for good.

When Nora returned from the dead Bo was shocked, and surprised. But when Nora returned she had no memory of the events in her life except that she was once married to Hank Gannon, and had a child Rachel Gannon, but that was it. Then Nora got a drug that improved her memory, and she then remembered being married to Bo, but only up to that point and nothing after. Bo then had to inform her that their marriage was over. Bo asked Melanie to marry him. She refused at first because she is hiding a secret from Bo, that she helped her terminally ill father to die, but she finally did agree to marry him.

Then Colin, Melanie's ex-husband died, and Melanie was one of the suspects in his murder. When a hair sample taken from Colin's fingernails matched Melanie's hair, Bo was forced to take Melanie into custody. She admitted to hitting Colin with a poker the night he died and also revealed the secret she'd been keeping, that she'd killed her father. Melanie broke off her engagement to Bo, but Bo wasn't convinced that she was the one who actually killed Colin.

Bo put the pieces together and realized that Melanie wasn't the one who killed Colin, someone else did. Because Melanie's niece, Jen Rappaport said that she saw Colin after Melanie thought she "killed" him. Bo forgave her for killing her father, and Bo and Melanie were together again.

Later, Melanie wanted to get married to Bo, but Bo kept saying that it was too soon. Melanie thought Bo would never marry her and was starting to get very worried, so went to her sister Lindsay for advice. Lindsay told her to pretend that she has a disease that doesn't have a cure, and then Bo will marry her before she "dies". Melanie took Lindsay's advice and told Bo that she was "dying". Bo was very sad, and thought the right thing to do was marry her before she "died" so that she could be happy. On their wedding day Bo found out that Melanie really wasn't dying, and broke off their marriage plans. A heartbroken Melanie left Llanview for good after that.

Not long after Melanie left Llaview, Asa died. Bo was extremely sad, and wanted to get back at whoever killed him. Bo suspected Gabrielle Medina and Max Holden. Asa was actually alive though, and living it up on the island of St. Blaze! Asa faked his death to get revenge on Max and Gabrielle. Asa left clues all over the place to for Bo to find to prosecute Max and Gabrielle for Asa's murder. Bo played right in to Asa's game and charged Max and Gabrielle for Asa's murder. Then Bo found a tape that Asa planted, which had Max and Gabrielle discussing to kill Asa. The tape had different backgrounds though, and Bo discovered that someone had tampered with the tape trying to frame Max and Gabrielle for Asa's "murder". Bo suspected Asa's ex wife, Alex Olanov. Alex was also on the island of St. Blaze. So Bo, Gabrielle, and Max went to St. Blaze's island looking for Alex.

Alex found out Asa was really alive, and blackmailed him in to marrying her. Bo, Gabrielle, and Max walked in on Asa and Alex's wedding and they were all furious to discover that Asa was really alive! Bo took Asa back to Llanview, and charged him for fraud. Asa threw Gabrielle out of his mansion, and Gabrielle was homeless. In order to get back at Asa for playing him for a fool, Bo let Gabrielle stay at his house. Asa was mad at Bo for that. In court, Asa pleaded guilty to all charges and was sentenced to 150 hours of community service time, and a court appointed therapist, Rae Cummings. 50 of those hours were ordered to be at the police station, and Bo got to be Asa's supervisor. Right now, Bo is helping out Gabrielle, much to Asa's disapproval.

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