Lindsay Rappaport
Actors who have played the character:
Catherine Hickland(1998 to Present)

Lindsay Rappaport arrived in town in 1998 after her ex-husband, Sam Rappaport had come to Llanview. Lindsay soon found herself a man, Clint Buchanan. He was on the rebound from Viki Lord Buchanan Carpenter. The two of went to Las Vegas together to find Lindsay's son, Will Rappaport, and bring him back to Llanview. While Clint and Lindsay were in Las Vegas they got married. Lindsay and Clint marrige was runined when Lindsay gave Jessica Buchanan and Cristian Vega money to go elope. Jessica was Clint's daughter and Clint didn't like that at all. They got a divorce. Nora Buchanan represented Clint in court and Sam represented Lindsay.

After Bo Buchanan and Nora separated, Lindsay started to get very friendly with Bo. She wanted him all to herself, so she changed his test results so it said he couldn't have any children. That meant Nora's child, Matthew was Sam's. That meant Nora had cheated on him with Sam. Then they found out that Bo's original test was changed, so they did a test to see if Matthew was Sam's kid or Bo's. Lindsay payed a man named Barnes, the lab technition $500,000.00 to change the results. Lindsay could never find out if Barnes ever changed the results or not. The results came that Matthew was Sam's, but we don't know if it's the truth or not.

Then Bo's niece, Jessica became pregnant by Will. When she was pregnant she got hit by Dorian Cramer Lord Hayes in a hit-in-run. The baby Megan died and Jessica lived, but didn't have her memory. They couldn't find out who did it, and then all the clues started to point to Lindsay. She was soon arrested by Bo, but he didn't believe she was guilty. Sam is going was her lawyer. But since she was at the lab changing the test results that night, she couldn't confess to that or she would lose Bo. She got off, because the real culprit Dorian Lord Hayes confessed. After that she confessed about changing the baby's tests, but not about changing the sperm test results. Bo did forgive her for it.

Bo and Lindsay got closer and closer, then Bo asked Lindsay to marry him. She said yes, and they were to be married. Then Nora found out from a nurse that Lindsay had changed the test results, and Nora was going to ruin Lindsay's wedding by telling Bo right in the middle of it. Right before the wedding Lindsay found out she was pregnant, and was going to tell Bo after the wedding, but the wedding never ended. Nora walked in right in the middle, and told Bo the whole thing. Lindsay and Bo called off the wedding. Then in private Lindsay told Bo she was pregnant, but he didn't believe her, and walked out on her. After that Bo ran away on a motorcycle, and ended up having a one night stand with Melanie MacIver, Lindsay's sister. Meanwhile, Lindsay was having a miscarriage with her and Bo's baby.

When Bo returned to Llanview he found out that Lindsay had a miscarriage. Both Bo and Lindsay were devastated. Lindsay asked Bo if they could start over, and Bo said that too much had happened, and that he wanted to move on. Lindsay didn't still tried to get him back though. Bo and Melanie kept running into eachother. And then Bo found out that Melanie and Lindsay were sisters. Bo didn't know how to tell Lindsay that he had an fling with her sister. Then one day Lindsay over heard them talking, and found out. Lindsay was devasted, but finally understood that Bo and her were over as a couple. Bo and Melanie soon developed a relationship, and Lindsay was forced to forgive the both of them.

While all of that was happening, Nora had been in a train crash, and everyone thought she was dead. But actually Melanie's husband, Colin MacIver who was in the middle of a divorce with Melanie had saved Nora, but didn't know who she was. Lindsay one day visiting Colin found Nora there, and was mad that she was alive. Lindsay blamed Nora for the death of her baby, that her and Bo never got married, that her and Sam got divorced, and many other things. Hating Nora so much she paid Colin to keep Nora at his house, and not tell anyone that she was there. Colin held Nora at his house for Lindsay for about 4 months. Then Lindsay got a drug from R.J. Gannon that would erase Nora's memory. Lindsay injected Nora with the drug, and Nora couldn't remember a thing. Then one day with the help of Todd Manning Nora was free. Colin got imunity, and admited to kidnapping Nora. Nothing happen to Lindsay though. Nora suspected her though, and kept trying to prove that she was guilty. Colin was blackmailing Lindsay. He said that if she didn't give him money that he was going to tell the police that Lindsay helped kidnap Nora.

Lindsay kept paying him off for awhile until she had R.J. threaten to kill him if he didn't leave her alone. Colin then wrote letters that would be sent in the invent of his untimely death. The letters told everything about Lindsay kidnapping her. R.J. stopped threatening him, but Lindsay didn't. Then one night Colin was murdered. Lindsay was a prime suspect. Nora thought it was Lindsay, and would do anything to prove it was her. Lindsay found out that Andrew had Colin's letters, and was going to give them to Bo, but before he could give them to him Lindsay burned them. Nora was now more mad then ever.

Later, Melanie admited to killing Colin even though she didn't actually kill him. Melanie thought she had killed Colin, and also admited to giving her father an overdose of morphine to make it so he would die faster, less painful death. Lindsay was very upset and took it the wrong way. She accused Melanie of murdering their father, and went to North Carolina to have her arrested for murdering their father. Right now Lindsay is blackmailing Melanie into either leaving Llanview or she will have her sent to jail. Also, now that everyone knows that Melanie isn't Colin's real killer Nora is trying to prove it's Lindsay. The actual murderer has not been revealed yet.

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