Renee Divine Buchanan

What Actors have played the part:
Phyllis Newman(1987)
Patricia Elliott(1987 to Present)

In 1987, Renee Divine came to Llanview, where she ran into an old friend, Asa Buchanan. When Asa and Renee were younger, they had an affair with each other in Las Vegas. When she met Asa again, she decided to stay in Llanview. During this time, Patrick London was inpersonating Bo Buchanan, Asa's son. He had kidnapped Bo and was having him held in England. Patrick wanted Renee out of Asa's life so he could get closer to Asa and his plan almost worked. Asa believed that Renee was trying to poison him, but Patrick was the one who was really doing it. Asa brought charges against Renee, but then dropped them when he came to his senses. In 1988 Asa and Renee were married in a double wedding with Asa's grandson Cord Roberts and his soon to be wife, Tina Lord.

In 1991, Gabrielle Medina and DuAnn Demerest teamed up to prove that Max Holden was Asa's son, when he wasn't. Gabrielle and DuAnn's plots were revealed though when Renee overheard a conversation of theirs. Renee confronted DuAnn, but DuAnn told her that she was leaving the country. Renee and DuAnn got in a huge fight, and DuAnn was found dead moments later. Renee was the prime suspect! During the investigation, Gabrielle's mother, Julia Medina was revealed to be the real killer, and Renee was off the hook.

Renee and Asa's marrige didn't last, because in 1992 Blair Cramer came and broke it up. Renee and Asa remained friends, though. Asa then married Blair, who was just after Asa for his money. Blair and Renee remained enemies ever since.

Later, in 1998, Renee and Asa started secretly dating. They told everyone after Asa had a heart attack when Todd Manning held everyone hostage at the Buchanan Lodge.

Later, Renee told her friend, Nora Buchanan that she had a son that no one knew about. She asked Nora to find her son for her. Nora looked, but couldn't find him. Renee told Asa about the son, and that it was his right before they got married again in May 1999. They thought they found him and that it was Max Holden. But Max was just putting together a scheme to inherit all of Asa's money. It even made it worse when Renee's enemy Blair married Max. After a couple months Renee found out that Max was not really her son. She promissed to keep it a secret from Asa, because she thought if Asa found out it would break his heart. She didn't want to do that to him, because he has been under a lot of pressure lately and his heart might stop. Then we finally found out who her real son is, Ben Davidson, but Max was keeping it from her and wouldn't tell her.

Max and Blair got divorced, and Blair was going to remarry Todd Manning. At their wedding Todd interrupted it and told many different secrets to people there. Renee happened to be one of those people. He told Renee that Ben was her true son, and he told Asa too. Asa was in shock, and had a mild heart attack. Renee was happy, but at the same time mad, because Ben knew this whole time and didn't tell her. Renee soon got over it, and had a joyous reunion with her true son. Meanwhile, Asa was very mad at Renee for lying to him all this time. Renee tried to explain, but Asa wouldn't hear it. Right when Asa and Renee were finally starting to get back on good terms again, Renee found out that Asa put a hit out on their son, Ben. Asa didn't know that he was his son at the time, but Renee was very mad. Asa finally had forgiven Renee for lying to him about Max, and now Renee couldn't bring herself to forgive him. Renee ended up divorcing Asa, and Asa was very upset.

Renee still loved Asa and wanted to be there for him, but couldn't bare to be married to him anymore after what he had done to Ben. Asa was extremely mad at Max for pretending to be his son, so Asa planned a huge revenge against Max. Asa married someone who Renee hated so much, Gabrielle, Max's ex-wife. That made Renee very mad, and Renee tried to save Asa from what he had done but Asa wouldn't listen because he wanted revenge so much. Asa then faked his death and framed it on Max and Gabrielle, who Asa now hated for falling in love with Max again. When Renee thought Asa had "died", Renee was heartbroken. She thought she had lost her soul mate. She leaned on Ben for support, which made the two grow even closer as mother and son.

When Asa came back from the dead, and Renee and everyone else found out that Asa had faked his own death to get back at Max, Renee was furious! Asa told her that he did it for her too, because Max tricked Renee too, but Renee was still very mad. Asa begged Renee for forgivness, but wasn't going to go too far. Renee wouldn't budge, she was mad. Then Asa was ordered by the court to do 150 hours of community service. 50 of those hours were in debt to Renee, and Renee saw that Asa served every minute. Asa's court appointed therapy is helping him see how much he hurt everyone, and Renee is starting to forgive him.

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