DAYS Weddings:
Jack and Jen
John and Marlena-1987
Bo and Carly's Mayan wedding

John and Marlena during the 80's
When they first meet
Wilderness trip
1987 Wedding

May 8 - June 25, 1997: Scenes from:
Marlena figures out the whole Kristen/Susan thing
1997 EMMY's
Secret Room
KSusan and John's wedding
Sami's shock
Carrie and Austin's dance

June 26 - September 5, 1997:Scenes from:
Kristen, Viv and Ivan's arrest
John and Marlena's reunion
John and Marlena's almost wedding
Eric's return to Salem
Carrie and Mike in LA
Sami and Austin's almost wedding
Will's real paternity

September 5 - December 25, 1997: Scenes from:
Carrie and Austin's wedding
John gets Stefano out of jail
Jungle storyline
Austin and Carrie in Rome
Jack transformation
Jason Brooks return
X-MAS clips

Scenes from:
Marlena returns to Salem - August 12 - 19/91
Night Sins - 1993
Belle's birth
Belle's kidnapping
Belle's baptism
Belle is John's
Roman and Marlena sign divorce papers at warehouse

Scenes from:
Alice and Roman rescue Bo from the Torres family.
Masquerade Party where Carly and Bo are reunitied.
Bo and Carly on a picnic in the park-----March 11 - 17, 1992.
Bo and Billie in LA
Winter Heat
Maison Blanche: arrival, Catillion, Roman & John

Maison Blanche cont'd
Roman and Marlena sign divorce papers
Bo and Hope leave Salem - April 20, 1987
Marlena "dies", Roman's last goodbye to Marlena - April 23, 1987

February 1998 - March 11/98 Scenes from:
1998 SOD Awards
LEEZA: Male Nominees
Kristen's demise, Killing Pool Storyline - PART I
**This tape contains every scene that Eileen Davidson was in during the above time period.**

February 1997 - May 8, 1997 Scenes from:
1997 SOD Awards (not the first 15mins though)
Kristen's baby shower
Susan hired as the baby nurse
Shawn-D is shot
Roman is declared legally dead
TODAY SHOW with Drake & Eileen
EMMY Pre-Show with Drake
Marlena finds Susan's pet rock at Kristen's

PARIS Storyline Scenes from:
Masquerade Ball - August 2, 1996
Tunnel Explosion
Rachel shoots Stefano
Kristen looses the baby
Will is kidnapped

Scenes from:
Paris - The morning after Sami and Austin's "fake" wedding
Jack and Peter's fight
Carrie and Sami's fight at the lodge
Hope and Bo's almost wedding
Peter's shooting, and his death/funeral
X-mas clips - 1996
Sami's hit by Austin's car and her hospital scenes
Kristen and Susan clips
Susan goes into labour
Aremid clips

Scenes from:
Men of DAYS - 1994 & 1995
Jason Brooks on EXTRA
DAYS on channel 2 NEWS
Devil posession clips
Vivian goes into labour at hotel
Carrie with bandages
Marlena's baby shower for Belle
Carly buried alive
Sami and Carrie kidnapped by Alan
Tom Horton's funeral
Magic Show - John's houdini trick
Bo and Hope in Santa Rosa
Bo chooses Billie over Hope
Billie leaves for Paris

Scenes from:
Carrie and Austin and the Lodge Conference
Missy Reeves and Jason Brooks on ET
30th Anniversary on LEEZA
Jen and Peter's wedding
Tony setting up his own death
Tony shoots himself and frames John
Deidre Hall on OPRAH
New Years - Sami drugging Carrie
X-Mas clips - 1995
Peter Reckell on EXTRA
Austin, Lucas, and Jonah on RICKI
Soap Opera Awards clips form 1996
Kate comes back from the dead
Marlena is kidnapped by Stefano
Aremid scenes
DAYS Bloopers
Carrie and Austin modelling
Kristen finds the "letter"
Austin and Lucas on ET
Kate exposes Sami
Victor has a stroke
Marlena figures out everything about Kristen
EMMY clips - 1997
Kristen looses the baby in Paris
Will's custody hearing
Marlena caged in Paris
Men of DAYS - 1996
Sami and Will in the barn fire
Paris scenes

Note: #'s 12 - 14 contain clips not full episodes or storylines.

John and Marlena's:
Pier Reunion
$100,000 dance
Affair on the plane

August 25 - September 25, 2000
Scenes From:
Nicole sets up Lucas for wife abuse and killing Franco
Brady's first appearance
Haddie the waitress
The Dr. Marlena Show
Nicole is screwed out of 5 million
Eric's last scenes
Nicole and Greta have a confrontation
Roman and John fight about Brady
Tuscany - John and Marlena dance, Brady causes a scene
Chole finds out about the bet
Austin and Greta go to Paris to fulfill Greta's requirements to become a princess

Miscellaneous Tape:
50 Years of Soaps
Bo and Hope wedding bloopers
Pure Soaps DOOL special-tribute to MacDonald Carey
Pure Soap w/Christie Clark and Patrick Muldoon
Pure Soap w/Deidre Hall
Pure Soap w/Kristian Alfonso
OPRAH with Matt Ashford, Missy Reeves, Wall Kurth and many more!
2 episodes during 1994 - Bo and Billie in the bathtub, Kristen and Tony's wedding, Sami trying to sell Belle, Tom Horton in the hospital
7th Annual Soap Opera Digest Awards
Poor quality

May/June 1986
John/Roman and Marlena back in Salem
Mine explosion
Hospital Benefit
Bo is Victor's son
Kayla comes home!

One Stormy Night
1992 Soap Opera Digest Awards
1992 DAYS episode: John and Lawrence (the lockets!)
Men of DAYS 1993 clips

1995 Soap Opera Digest Awards!!
DAYS Winners: Jason Brooks, Drake Hogestyn, Robert Kelker-Kelly, Lisa Rinna, Louise Sorel, Deidre Hall and DAYS won for "Best Show".

Bo and Hope's 1985 wedding
Shawn-D's birth
Bo and Billie's wedding
Carrie and Austin's 1st wedding

John & Marlena skinny dipping - "hot springs"
1997 Soap Opera Update Awards

June 1986
Shawn and Caroline with the Brady Kids
Emma Plotting against Kim
Mike and Robin
Marlena falls off the ledge
Andrew is kidnapped

April 25 - June 7, 1999
Austin and Carrie's downfall
Will's custody hearing
Sami kidnaps Will
DAYS Emmy clip and Susan Lucci's win
Sami's almost execution

June 14 - July 23, 1999
Mike's downfall
John and Marlena's wedding and honeymoon!!

July 26 - September 21, 1999
Ali's sexual harassment suit
John and Marlena in Hawaii
Ali's downfall
Bo and Hope flashbacks
Austin and Carrie after Mike leaves Salem

Scenes from:
John & Isabella's wedding
Abby's birth
Isabella's death
Gas Chamber
Paris execution
Will's birth

Roman dies on the island
All of Salem finds out that Roman is dead
Thanksgiving 1986 at the Hortons with clips of special memories and weddings

35th Anniversary Show
Channel 4 News Clip of Peter Reckell's house fire
Victor Alfieri on E.T.
2 blooper clips
DAYS wins Peoples Choice Awards
23rd Annual EMMY Awards
12th Annual SOD Awards
30th Anniversary Special on LEEZA
SOD Awards Pre-Show with Jensen Ackles and Drake Hogestyn
Austin Peck and Roark Critchlow on HOWIE MANDEL

March 12 - April 17, 1998
After Penelope's death
The Killing Pool Storyline - PART II

April 20 - 24, 1998
The Killing Pool Storyline - PART III
Blooper Clips
Alison Sweeney on FEAR FACTOR: 03/11/02

June 22 - July 3, 1998
Chief of Staff saga comes to a hault
Craig sets up Mike, but Mike is named COS in the end
Sami thinks Franco cheated on her with Sophia and "punishes him"
Franco proposes to Sami
Bo is the bayou in New Orleans with Swamp girl
Eric and Nicole get back from L.A.
Brady/Horton 4th of July picnic
Carrie and Mike kiss for the first time!
Lucas gets charged with drunk driving thanks to Sami
Franco goes to court on green card fraud
Roman and Billie remember "making love"

July 6 - September 14, 1998
Mike is the new Chief of Staff
Carrie starts to realize her feelings for Mike
Stefano controls Vivians moods
Sami strips for Franco and they have sex
Carrie becomes the hospital's new PR Director
Sami accuses Lucas of hiting Will
Alison Sweeney, Drake Hogestyn, Bryan Dattilo and Josh Taylor's personal appearance at Canada's Wonderland
Sami is shot...but who was it meant for?
Bo starts to think the swamp girl is Hope, while Hope starts to think she's the real Princess Gina
Lucas loses custody of Will
Sami and Franco's wedding
Lucas kills Franco, and Kate frames Sami
Lucas kidnaps Will and gets in a car accident

September 26 - October 20, 2000
Garden of Eden
Marlena finds out that John slept with Gina, and is the father of her baby
Rome - Brandon/Angela/Sami vs. Kate/Victor/Lucas
Sami falls off the cliff
Jennifer and Bo in Ireland - Bo gets kidnapped
J.T. "dies" on the operating table

October 23 - November 10, 2000
Deidre Hall on Rosie
Sami, Brandon and Angela leave Rome for Salem
Kate and Victor return to Salem too!
Jen and Bo in Ireland
Marlena wants Brady arrested for Belle's accident
Roman and John's fight at Tuscany
Isaac and J.T's baptism
Greta and Austin in the Garden of Eden
35th Anniversary Show
Victor and Nicole start to get cozy!

November 10 - December 5, 2000
Victor and Nicole get intimate
Jen and Bo in Ireland, and their flee to Salem
Angela and Brandon plan their wedding
John tells Hope, JT is his son
Brady on the run after Belle's accident
Belle comes out of the coma
Thanksgiving at the Kiriakis mansion
Hope starts to prepare for the wedding
Doug and Julie return to Salem with Bo, Jen, and Abby
If you like the teens of Salem, there are a lot of clips with them on this tape!

December 5, 2000 - January 15, 2001
Brandon, Angela and Sami plan for the wedding
Mimi, Jan and Jason plot against Chloe
Hope prepares for their Christmas wedding
Brady is paralyzed
Austin as a gladiator with Greta in the Garden of Evil
After Bo and Hope's wedding; Sean and Belle find a body under the ice
Nicole and Victor head off to Mexico, while Kates leaves for Rome
Angela and her father go back to Italy, Brandon and Sami follow them for the wedding

Cruise of Deception

The PIT Storyline
Bo and Carly's 1992 Wedding in Salem

Steve Johnson's funeral
Jack & Jen's 1st wedding
Jack & Jen's honeymoon
Jack buys the Spectator

Chelsea & Abby Scenes
November 12, 2004 - May 12, 2005

Jack & Melissa's Wedding
Roman & Diana clips
Premier Episode 11/08/1965
Hope's Funeral
Steve's death

Week of October 9-13, 2000

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