


Your one claim to fame: You appeared here.... woo hoo... you're famous... you're on the net... you are so cool... Feeling good yet??

Well Well Well... who do I say Hi to? hmmm let me see......

School Shoutouts


Hey there Kim! To my bestest school bud, my constant Geography pal and Winnie the Pooh Freak-ette. Thankyou very muchly for putting up with my constant ditziness! Who knew that someone could trip over stuff so many times? You did. Thanks for introducing me (I think it was you) to the alternative side of music.... think about it... if it weren't for you, I would be... gasp!... a r'n'b chick... *shudder*. Thanks for being the funniest skater and the bestest bowler (You got the moves baby) and for being the greatest fudge maker I know. Oh yeah... and don't worry... you may be new at this ICQ thing.. but you'll be addicted soon... very soon... beware

 Natasha a.k.a Nutasha a.k.a Peeeeee-nut 

Ahhhhhh you know I can't resist peeeeee-nutting you off... hehehehhe. Danke muchly for being the french-speaking, focused, funny, freaky food eating, funky chick that you are. (Couldn't think of anymore words that start with "f"... and for those sick people out there... I am not going to use THAT "f" word. Yes I have forgiven (oooo another f word) you for your naughty naughty mean trick; that neil boy is a bad influence on you... you do know that right? (He's gonna kill me!) I pray (and know) that you will achieve everything that you set out to achieve and find happiness in doing so. Enough schmultzy stuff... ummm... Learn to type faster!!

Al-dude = Alice the Stress freak = Alice (or Alison ) the Camel

Alice the Camel has ...10 humps... hehehehe... I know you probably will never see this, cos you don't have the net, but hey.. you're special! You are truly an inspiring person Al! Your relentless passion for everything is soooo very very cool! Your talent in Art and Music and Literature is envied by me... but at least I have a buddy to appreciate them with. No one except you likes Yeats, thinks Monet's paintings are groovy and digs Tchaikowsky. All this and you manage to get the best grades! And THANKYOU THE MOST for being the only one who is as ditzy as I am... how many times have we left our folders and bags (and in my case my wallet) somewhere? Remember when you lost your bag on muck up photo day! Speaking of muck up photo day... remember us... we were so silly! I certainly was not a very scary 1920's gangster... tooo short... much too short. Oh yeah and thanks for all the absolutely classic moments; like... when you used the wrong password for the UAC line and panicked! Hehehehe.. that was funny!

Ayesha (pronounced I-sha... not I-ee-sha)

To my buddy with the Esprit Privilege Card (The only one of us that was cool enough to get one). I am so happy to have met you! And to think that you might have chosen to stay at Parramatta High and we wouldn't have met! I finally have someone to look through the Esprit and Sportsgirl with (Erica and Kim usually go to surf shops)! And who else likes Jewel and Sarah McLachlan and Fiona Apple and Bachelor Girl like we do? hehehe! Thankyou for being the constant encourager, the person who always said..."I'm gonna have to say it again! STOP SAYING SORRY!" hehehe Sorry for saying Sorry! hehehehe . I know you will get the Scholarship Ayesha! I know It!

To the chinese triad .... or should I say... quartet? (i.e Nancy, Mikki, Heidi and Sylvania)

Hehehehe! I will always remember lunchtimes when you'd all suddenly break out in cantonese... I'd just stare at you all thinking "Wow! That sounds so cooool" I don't know why.. but I remember you for your food! Nancy's sandwiches cut up into little triangles with the crusts cut-off, Mikki's salad sandwhiches with the cheese and butter carefully removed ("it's got too much fat"!), Sylvania for her little plastic packets of biscuits of every flavour in the world; those spring onion bikkie packets were cool. Heidi doesn't have a special little quirky food fact. Maybe that is special in itself. One last thing though... I still don't know what Pandan is....hehehe

Katey Kate!

Hey groovy japanese speaking chick! Watashi wa baka desu ne. That is the extent of my japanese these days. heheehee. I will always remember our many funfilled days in year 10 maths... thinking of adds and writing them on masking tape and sticking them on our books. Wow ... we were really focused on our work! Remember "Just taste those peaches and apricots ..PINEapple .. " and "Sorbent the thickest for sure" and "If you don't like it you can chuck it away... Prima Prima Prima" Ahhhh we watch too much television!

Erica (or as you prefer... Rica)

Erica Erica Erica... I only have one thing to say to you; Boys Boys Boys! (ok that was 3 words but it was the same word repeated.) Erica and her crushes!! heheheheeh how many! I don't know... And now she's settled with the dave-miester! hehehe Btw.. HI DAVE!


Don't worry... didn't forget you me ever singing 3unit english buddy. Always remember that "All the world's a stage" and "Say no more...mon amour" heheheheehe

To the other table (i.e Swati, Eylem, Tanya, Lucia, Maria and Tanya)

Hellooooo to you! You guys are so funny! You never let me take photos of you!!! Anyway thankyou to Lucia and Swati and Eylem for letting me sit on their table in 3unit math Year 11 when Erica was away, preventing me from being a nigel... Thanks to Maria and Tanya for keeping me up with the Dawsons Creek/Party Of Five/Buffy goss... you were really studying through all those free periods weren't you!!!

To the "shoo doop" that stole our natasha away  (yes that is you neil)

You and nat seem to thrive on eachother's wickedness... sort of symbiotic nature, each parasitically depending on eachother for the other's existence. Tsk tsk tsk... I still bear bad memories from "that trick" and from your other naughtinesses. Like saying I was like Jen from Dawson's Creek ... errr O can't believe you said that... and when I was trying to compliment you by saying that you two were like Noel and Felicity from... FELICITY... one of my fave shows. Gosh... I still can't get over that meaniness...

To Jase.... a.k.a Eggbert... the Eggman...

"I am the eggman, I am the eggman, I am the walrus... goo goo goo joob..." That's a song you know! By the Beatles! Anyway to my groovy mamre buddy... to think I would never have even have done the selective school test if it weren't for you.. I was too chicken!! And you didn't even stay... GOSH... you traitor. And you left St Clair too... DOUBLE traitor! Anyway I wish you much happiness with your groovy chick... be a good boy ok? We ought to go to Quix and get a grilla dog with bbq sauce and squeezy cheese sometime huh?

To double J (that doesn't sound right joey and james...better get another J in there)

I will never ever stop annoying you two! I started throughout commerce and then through Geography and I will forever! * evil laugh *

Church Shoutouts

btw... I'm getting tired about now.... so I might do these later. But for now content yourself with this:

Hello too my groovy buddy Abigail, to her little sis baaaaaaaaaaaaa ruth.... to irene, cristina, vicelle, katz, JT, anna-baby-lady, to my groovy peter youth group people; ella, genefer, carol, katrina and hinh (did I spell that right?) jonas, to the ever fun-ky  ate karen, to kuya josh, to ate mon and... to everyone else.... ok?

Family Shoutouts

Same as above... sorry!

Hello to Paolo... my favourite liddle guy... to Charise... keep on singin girl! Hi bubutski! Hey Camielle! Stop studying! Hey clarence-boy! Oi jeremy get down off a that thing! And Jonathan... "errrrr to you" Oh yeah.. and to my favourite brother (my only brother) Adrian.... you owe me money!

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