Total: 250 guests
Name: Kristi Kirwan
Referred by: Net Search
From: Minnesota
Time: 1998-12-05 05:21:33
Comments: Hi! I was just looking up my last name in a search engine and I got your page. I never knew that we Kirwans were actors. I'm not related to Dervla, but maybe some where along the family tree we have the same ancestors, since my great grandparents were from Ireland.

Name: Mell D
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Maine USA
Time: 1998-12-04 17:24:05
Comments: Is there any way that we could set up a Ballykissangel chat for the fans of the show? Does something like this already exist? I think it would be a fabulous idea for people with similar interest to communicate about the show. If anyone has any ideas and wants to contact me about it feel free.

Name: nancy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: oneonta, ny
Time: 1998-12-04 02:15:39
Comments: I love Ballyk and am just catching on episodes...I've been obsessed with this and other Ballyk websites lately...trying to read about anything and everything about Steve and Dervla, since not much is printed here in the states. I'd love to see anything new that either is in; I recently saw Steve in "Brassed Off"; quite a different character from Peter, but shows Steve's range of acting.

Name: JoAnna Tatman
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Nebraska USA
Time: 1998-12-01 00:34:14
Comments: I wish Stephen and Dervla the best and we fans will miss you.

Name: Rachel Ozers
Referred by: AOL
From: Morpeth, Northumberland
Time: 1998-11-30 20:20:59
Comments: Ballykissangel is an absolutly MINT!!!!!!! programe.

Name: Kathy Oliver
Referred by: Geocities
From: Ft. Lauderdale, Fl
Time: 1998-11-29 00:44:17
Comments: Just started watching the series and I thought so much of it I'm here trying to find out as much as possible.

Name: Cat
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: West Midlands
Time: 1998-11-26 08:38:35
Comments: You Are A SEXY BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: janet pina
Referred by: Net Search
From: vista, california, usa
Time: 1998-11-25 19:54:49
Comments: I was lucky to see BallyK from the first episode on my Public Broadcasting station fron San Diego. what a great series. All the characters are memorable, even if it takes a keen ear sometimes to hear all the words. Quigley continues to amuse me as a memorable character, but all the men and women of the village are wonderful and realistic. I look forward to seeing more of this treasure from the UK.

Name: bahadir gelis
Referred by: Yahoo!
Time: 1998-11-25 09:17:29

Name: Amery Harrington
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Wisconsin, USA
Time: 1998-11-25 03:51:56
Comments: A few months ago, I just happened to come upon Ballykissangel on our local PBS station, and I instantly fell in love with everything having to do with the show! I'm from the US, but I'm very, very proud of my Irish ancestry, which makes me love Ballykea even more. I'm dead-set on visiting Ireland at least once in my lifetime, and I would just flip if I could see where Ballykissangel is taped. Imagine what I'd do if I actually got to meet a star or two! Anyway, being in the US, I'm way behind in the episodes, desperately trying to catch up. Assumpta is my very favorite character, and I just saw the episode where she died! I was shocked, horrified, and brought to tears. How about they bring her back as a ghost? She can haunt Fitzgerald's! Just a thought. I would love to see anything else Dervla Kirwan has been in; actors from the British and Irish islands are my favorite! I guess all I really wanted to do was to say how groovy I think this page is, and that I plan on returning often to see what's new on my new favorite show!

Name: David Maier
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Yakima,Washington,USA.
Time: 1998-11-23 04:14:38
Comments: Started waching on our Public Brocasting Station and love the show. My grandmother was 100% Irish(MacManaman) making myself 1/4 ..Often wonder about Ireland and this show gives me a feeling of Grandmas People. So much is told about my Grandfathers line(german) .. My Aunt Grace is still recieving invitations to the Ballintubby Abby(spelling could be off) If any one knows where this is please reply... my name is David... Love the show.....

Name: Michael
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Los Angeles
Time: 1998-11-22 08:44:42
Comments: WHO can help me? I just got hooked on the show for the last couple of episodes and POOF! the local PBS station ended it's run in Los Angeles. OOOF!...must have more. Does anyone know if there are any plans to run/rerun more in this market? Please advise. Thanks...

Name: Carissa Miller
Referred by: Net Search
From: Quincy, Massachusetts, USA
Time: 1998-11-19 15:13:04
Comments: November 19, 1998 What a funky show! I love it! I've only just discovered it and was completely caught up with the characters. I decided to surf around and find some info. Now, unfortunately, I'm all depressed because I know the outcome of Peter and Assumpta's relationship. Oh well, so it goes. You've mentioned Stephen Tompkinson's new project but you haven't mentioned what Dervla Kirwan is up to. Hope to see her in something else soon.

Name: Anna Elín Steele
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Iceland-USA
Time: 1998-11-18 22:44:48
Comments: I cryed buckets ;( when Assumta died, I've just started to follow this up on BBC, and last 2 weeks I was ill at home with pneumonia, and looking for my favorit show...and this was how it did end! WE have it on the Nat. TV in Iceland part III, but not so faar gone. I started looking on the net if there was a village similar to Ballykissangel, or if itself did even exsist, I still wonder! All the players in this show are so real that even I who does not use TV much find them remarkable life and truthful. I wonder if they do make more programs. Or if I can find out who made them, the author or something to get the end right. I do thank you for this grate page it's nice. Regards Anna

Name: Ashling
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA
Time: 1998-11-16 22:27:18
Comments: This is a great website. I've only just started watching the show, and I love it. The stinky thing, though, is that I didn't realize Assumpta was dead. That truly sucks! Keep up the good work -- we don't get any info. on the show here and it isn't on a major network, so now I know where to go for some fun facts. One thing -- why don't you like Friends?

Name: Ashling
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA
Time: 1998-11-16 22:26:59
Comments: This is a great website. I've only just started watching the show, and I love it. The stinky thing, though, is that I didn't realize Assumpta was dead. That truly sucks! Keep up the good work -- we don't get any info. on the show here and it isn't on a major network, so now I know where to go for some fun facts. One thing -- why don't you like Friends?

Name: gary hartley
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: liverpool
Time: 1998-11-14 05:33:19
Comments: glad tofind so much on bally kae would like to visit avoca some day and meet an nice irish girl hope so one day thasnks

Name: an american in switzerland
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA
Time: 1998-11-13 23:12:17
Comments: really enjoyed reading your fan fiction and helen's extra scene. also really enjoyed reading your tribute to assumpta. found it very heartfelt and well done. thanks for creating this page. i was so angry after last week's show, the reckoning. it's nice to know there is a "support group".

Name: Mel Ford
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canberra, Australia
Time: 1998-11-13 02:55:42
Comments: I am an avid fan of both Drop the Dead Donkey and Ballykissangel. Wasn't very pleased about Assumpta dying or Peter leaving but what can you do. I want to know what happens between Brendon and Siobhan!

Name: Mel Ford
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canberra, Australia
Time: 1998-11-13 02:55:35
Comments: I am an avid fan of both Drop the Dead Donkey and Ballykissangel. Wasn't very pleased about Assumpta dying or Peter leaving but what can you do. I want to know what happens between Brendon and Siobhan!

Name: Patrick Marinus
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Belgium
Time: 1998-11-12 17:12:29
Comments: I love BallY K. Everybody who want to mail me about Bally K is very welcome.

Name: Els
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Perth, West Australia
Time: 1998-11-12 02:37:00
Comments: Hey Sarah, I've been visiting your page reguarly for a while, but don't think that I've ever signed the guestbook. I just wanted to comment on your fan fiction. I loved it and I'm hanging out for part two. I think that Eleonora's writing of the "missing scene" was needed, well done. I hope in future parts that any more "missing scenes" are written in.

Name: Amy Jolly
Referred by: Net Search
From: Lincoln, Nebraska [USA]
Time: 1998-11-11 21:46:42
Comments: I recently discovered BallyK by accident, while at my boyfriend's parents' house for dinner. The TV was on PBS (our local non-commercial station) and the first episode came on. I've been watching it ever since. It's the best comedy/drama I have ever seen. I'm a hopeless romantic; the budding romance between Peter and Assumpta is definately my favorite part about the show. I just happened to be cruising the net one day and found "Sarah's Groovy BallyK" page. Thank you very much for all of the hard work put into it. The series has just started here so I was a little disappointed to see how everything ended for Peter and Assumpta, but I loved the fan fiction. Anyway, the show is great and so is this website! Thanks!

Name: Lizzie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Switzerland
Time: 1998-11-11 07:49:25
Comments: Here in Switzerland, BBC Prime just aired "The Reckoning." I was stunned completely by the ending, since I had no advance notice of Assumpta's death. Shame on the producers/writers for building the expectations of the viewers, then changing course at the last minute and making a "politically-correct" ending. And please, anyone who has knowledge of emergency medial procedures realizes that her death was completely unrealistic. There is no way a competent physician would cease CPR before the cardiomobile arrived with special equipment for restarting her heart. It works in the vast majority of shock cases. Her death was just a bit too convenient, if you ask me.

Name: Jackie Mooney
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Maplewood, New Jersey USA
Time: 1998-11-08 22:05:27
Comments: BallyK is the best!! Me and my dad watch it every Wednesday and Sunday nights! We were so disappointed to learn that Assumpta and Fr. Peter were leaving the show! I love the websight. Thanx for all the great info!!

Name: Kati P
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Marshfield ma
Time: 1998-11-08 21:50:44
Comments: HI, Just wanted to let you know of another fan in Massachusetts. This is my first time on this web site. thanks Kati

Name: Kati P
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Marshfield ma
Time: 1998-11-08 21:50:44
Comments: HI, Just wanted to let you know of another fan in Massachusetts. This is my first time on this web site. thanks Kati

Name: Tracy Johnson
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: U.S.A. stationed in Germany
Time: 1998-11-07 19:51:52
Comments: I love your site. I logged on hoping that I could find anything on Ballyk. I just discovered Ballyk about ten months ago on bbc prime. All week I can not wait untill mondays for ballykissangel. I feel that I have missed so much though. I hope that when I get back to the U.S. I will be able to find the show over there. Keep up the good work. Tracy Johnson.

Name: Kristi Sara
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Idaho
Time: 1998-11-06 19:24:25
Comments: Hey what'z up with you well i was just surfing the web and i found this and i like signing year book's so i decided to sign your year book. kristi sara

Name: R. Stiles
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Wisconsin, USA
Time: 1998-11-04 02:09:53
Comments: My wife and I know that Assumpta gets killed off. When that happens and when Father Clifford leaves, that's when we stop watching the is done and done.

Name: Melanie 'Spooky' Withers
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Digswell, Welwyn
Time: 1998-11-03 20:47:50
Comments: I like Ballyk because if you think about it, it is just like real life. I think that when some people hear or read about it they think it is too religious, but it is not that at all. I like the way it is a calm program. I don't think it is the same without Steve & Dervla but I think the new characters are good.

Name: Kirby Conlon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Jersey, USA
Time: 1998-11-02 21:05:47
Comments: Hi, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Finally, I have found a place that has some information about BallyK and the actors. It is so hard to find any information here in the US about this show, except for an occasional review which are very positive. I am interested in finding out more about Dervla Kirwan and Stephen Tompkinson in other films, TV shows etc they will appear. I would like to see them in other roles to judge how they are outside of these roles. Is there anyway you could inform us about these? In any case, thank you for all you have done here. I am sure it has taken alot of work.

Name: Derek
Referred by: Net Search
From: Scotland
Time: 1998-11-02 00:35:06
Comments: Good to see an active interest in what has got to be the main reason for paying my TV Licence. And yes the new characters need a bit of support and yes ORLA is a super addition. However,if you meet the actress Tina kellegher who plays Niamh tell her in my eyes she's the One

Name: patrick clark
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: glasgow....scotland
Time: 1998-11-01 21:33:48
Comments: any info photos of victoria smurfit ( orla ) she is drop dead gorgeous

Name: Michel Stikkelorum
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: the Netherlands
Time: 1998-11-01 21:30:34
Comments: A very good page and well up to date.I have watched BallyK. from the start. Keep up the good work!

Name: Camille Dee
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Long Island, NY USA
Time: 1998-11-01 00:46:38
Comments: Thank you so very much for providing us devotees of BallyK with so much information! I think our station Ch. 21 has stopped with Episode 4.1 and I'm sad. I have a friend in New Jersey who also loves the show and who visited Ireland this summer and saw the town where the show was filmed. Would love to find out more about the show's writer, producers, etc. since the characters are so well-drawn. There's nothing like it on American TV now. Thank you again for this site.

Name: Cecilia Murphy
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: United States, Long Island, NY
Time: 1998-10-31 04:33:31
Comments: Hi! I've been a fan of BallyK for about 5 months. We see it every Wednesday night on channel 2l at 9:00p.m. It's such a terrific show. Most of the series programs that we have in the US are very seedy. This is more wholesome with a little spice. I'm really going to miss the characters of Father Peter and Asumpta. I think it was a really bad move on the part of the writers and producers, I think they are going to find theirs ratings drop. Thank you for letting me share my thoughts with you. Bye!

Name: Mark Murray
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Time: 1998-10-30 02:19:36
Comments: Great site.

Name: AM Collins
Referred by: Net Search
From: NY
Time: 1998-10-30 00:50:27
Comments: I would just like to tell you how much I enjoy your webpage. I live in New York and found Ballykissangel on the public television station. Yesterday's episode was the last one of the third season. I have to admit, I peeked and read all about the third season before it aired. Your pages are accurate, informative and, I love the commentary! I noticed that you do not comment on the fourth season. I agree with you -- I will find it difficult to watch Ballykissangel without Peter and Assumpta. Thanks again.

Name: Julie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Appleton, WI USA
Time: 1998-10-29 01:54:08
Comments: Hi! I am very excited to find this wonderful and informative page about my newest "find"...however, I only recently located the show on my PBS station and have missed sooooo much. Is there anyway to locate past shows? Help me...PLEASE!!! So many of the episodes sound terrific and I hate the thought that I will never see them. We are toward the end of series 3 around here...That's all for now. Thanks for the great work! I'd love to join your BallyK day some year when I can plan a trip overseas!

Name: Mell D
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: State of Maine, USA
Time: 1998-10-28 21:29:05
Comments: I stumbled upon BallyKea one afternoon this spring as I was watching our local Public Television station and simply fell madly in love- mostly with Father Peter at first, of course, but eventually with the entire series, characters, actors, and writers. They just seem to have so much more depth than any of those found on American television. Anyhow, to make a long story short, I also hooked my fellow anglophiles, a.k.a best friends, on the show, and we have been watching faithfully every Sunday night to get the updates, especially the relationship between Peter and Assumpta. However, reading this page, I was shocked by a couple of things- #1- I must now call my best friend and break it to her that Assumpta dies (you see, we have only just seen the episode where Assumpta calls from London and breaks the new that she just got married) and... #2- Stephen Tompkinson is a velvet-clad man! Oh, My!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR THIS PAGE- I am so grateful!!!!!! -Mell D

Name: Terry Gail Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New York, USA
Time: 1998-10-28 01:51:28
Comments: So happy to know that I am not the only one in the world who got so caught up in Ballykissangel. I was happy that Peter and Assumpta declared their love for each other and was overwhelmed by her death by elctrocution. I should have seen it coming, but I didn't--- I, too, hope that the show continues to hold my interest as before. It did somehow make me feel better to know that Stephen and Dervla are engaged and perhaps already married. We are looking forward to the next series here in New York.

Name: Anna
Website: Stuff
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Bath, England
Time: 1998-10-27 22:15:20
Comments: Just watched 'Grafters'...hmmm...Tartuffe has to be the best thing I've ever seen him in...probably because you get to see him in the flesh though!

Name: Nancy Grant
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Washington state, US
Time: 1998-10-26 22:40:27
Comments: I've been watching for the past year or two, and catching up on the repeats. So glad I finally found some information about the show and actors. Kind of relieved to find out that Peter and Assumpta are a real life couple.

Name: Karen Thomas
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Indianapolis, Indiana USA
Time: 1998-10-26 04:38:30
Comments: I thought I was all along watching this !!! I am now watching the shows I missed only found it this year. Will be sad with out Assumpta. does any one know where this is filmed ? Hope to go over this summer and would like to have a pint in Fitzgerald !! See ya Karen

Name: julia mckay
Referred by: Lycos
From: scotland
Time: 1998-10-25 12:57:31
Comments: ballykissangel is great i never miss it

Name: Alaine DeLaunay
Referred by: Net Search
From: Rockaway Beach, NY
Time: 1998-10-25 00:33:03
Comments: Tell me it isn't so!!!!!! Assumpta can't be DEAD!!!!!!

Name: Bettie M. Magee
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Naick, Massachusetts USA
Time: 1998-10-23 14:13:43
Comments: I want to join your group. I watch Ballyk 3 times a week, 4 pbs stations. Just met Diedre Donnelly in NY. Her sister Terry is one of the ensemble brilliant players in The Irish and How They Got That Way, Frank McCourt's historical musical. My son Rusty is the music director, pianist, singer, actor and comedian in the show which just closed after a year long very successful run at the Irish Repertory Theatre. Diedre was sitting behind me at the theatre. I turned around, gasped and said "My goodness, you're the Veterinarian on Ballykissangel" On your website the form for signing up does not come on no matter how much I click. By the way, in America we are still on series 1. I knew about Assumpta from a neighbor, but didn't know how she died until your website. Please e mail me so I can get on your mailing list. We have it 3 times a week because of PBS channels in Boston, Providence and New Hampshire that reach here. I am an animal rights activist, that all started when I moved back to the USA from Spain after ll years there. My cat Baggio, a Spanish orphan, is my best friend and inspiration. I am a 72 year old grandmother of 4. I hope you get this. I am now going to try to figure out what I did wrong in signing up. Cheers. Bettie Magee

Name: Dr. Denise Brennan-Rieder
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Ireland, Australia and presently live in New Jersey, U.S.A.
Time: 1998-10-23 13:47:28
Comments: I have never been a soap opera addict. I do, however, enjoy excellent quality T.V. I thought that soap opera had reached the peak of perfection in Northern Exposure but I was wrong. Ballykissangel is an amazing show, the writing is the tightest I have ever seen and the acting superb. In particular the sexual tension and issues discussed between Dervla Kirwan and Stephen Tompkinson was magnificantly done. This week we have seen the episode where Assumpta dies and I feel like a child who has just found out there is no Santa Claus. I don't want these characters to be gone although I understand that there is only so long you can go on with any theme and that they have other career interests. I wish them every happiness in their future together. I also hope that the show will not lose its momentum or quality in their absence. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to air my views.

Name: Ken
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA
Time: 1998-10-23 01:57:20
Comments: I really appreciated Sarah's alternate ending. I was just sick about the way it really ended, and this allowed me to see how it could have been.

Name: Jen Dumond
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: North Bay Ontario Canada
Time: 1998-10-23 00:40:35
Comments: Dear Sarah, Excellent site! Very comprehensive indeed. I am a quite a fan of Ballykissangel (obviously) but unfortunately the airing of it in my area is sporadic at best. Just as i was getting hooked, they replaced it with Johnathan Creek! Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that i liked your site and that the lure of Ballykissangel is far-reaching. Sincerely, Jen Dumond

Name: toby
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Isle of Wight. UK.
Time: 1998-10-22 13:32:06
Comments: A great page, but depressing nonetheless. I'm still waiting for the news that she's young, free and single again. Oh well. Keep up the good work.

Name: Lydia
Website: LavendarGoth
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Birmingham, England
Time: 1998-10-20 13:57:32
Comments: I am amazed at such a brilliant site - I have been trying to find info on BallyK for ages and ages. I have to watch the show religioulsy - and make my boyf sit through it too. Although Stephen and Dervla have left the programme is still excellent - although I can't stand the new priest nor his sister - what were the casting agents thinking of!!! Email me back with any info you can - I love Stephen t. - (His new show Grafters starts on 27 Oktober, ITV - don't forget to tune in!) bye for now!!!

Name: Chris Prior
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Just down the road
Time: 1998-10-19 18:34:24
Comments: Juust so you know that we are watching!!!

Name: Kathleen Moore
Referred by: Net Search
From: Iowa, USA
Time: 1998-10-19 16:30:46
Comments: Sarah: Loved your alternate ending. Very well written. I did think, though, that Fr Mac and the Bishop both rolled over too easily in letting Peter break his vows. I thought that leaving the priesthood was harder than just quitting a job. We have only had seasons 1 and 2 air here, and I found that season 3 synopsis sounded a little depressing what with Assumpta marrying Leo, Sibohan's baby, and Fr Clifford giving up his vocation. Assumpta's death was the final straw. Almost makes me not want to watch season 4. Thanks for a great page!

Name: Christine Thompson
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: California
Time: 1998-10-18 05:29:52
Comments: Was searching for information on Ballykissangel, Derval Kirwan and Stephen Tompkinson. Enjoyed your site!

Name: Deb Henson
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: San Diego, California
Time: 1998-10-17 02:39:34
Comments: I was trying to kind out what happened in last night's episode. We are a bit behind you all in England I think. Last week's episode ended with Niamh (Neve?) answering the phone and saying to Ambrose "Assumpta got married!" And I missed last night! What happened? I read about what happens later to Assumpta.....wish I hadn't! Thanks for a wonderful web page. I love this show!

Name: Kevin
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: New Jersey, USA
Time: 1998-10-16 16:07:31
Comments: Love your page. It's the best of the lot. My wife and I happened on BallyK after it started running on a local public television station in the Philadelphia area. We came in at the middle of "series 1" and followed the story to the bitter end of series 3. The station has started replaying it from the first episode so we're rewatching the shows we saw and catching the ones we missed for the first time. We both love the show. I'm an Irish-American Catholic and my wife is a Protestant of English ancestry so we enjoy the whole set-up. I worked for the Catholic Church for eight years and I must say the depiction of the Church over over there is very familiar to me. There are many, many Father Macs in the real Church, and blessedly many Father Peters as well. Thanks again and wish you well. Kevin

Name: Marilyn Burns
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Boston, MA. U.S.A.
Time: 1998-10-16 03:41:34
Comments: Thank you for the updates on episode four. Boston's PBS station is rerunning series 1, 2, & 3. I'm so glad to find out what is happening back in BallyK ( a bit obsessed) and not have to wait a year to watch it!

Name: Sandy
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Richmond, Virginia
Time: 1998-10-14 21:09:45
Comments: I love your site! I guess I'm addicted to anything Irish. I agree, Ballykissangel is the best program I've seen in years. There's a bit of everything in every episode -- some of the funniest lines and some of the saddest, but all so true!

Name: Antony Van Coillie
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Belgium
Time: 1998-10-13 16:09:58
Comments: Good site, but I must say, I do like the new series just as well. Give the new priest & his sister a chance.

Name: Michele Birkner
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Peoria, Illinois
Time: 1998-10-13 04:03:39
Comments: Love your site! Help! Ballykissangel has dissappeared from our local PBS lineup and I can't find it on BBC programming. Has it been cancelled? If anyone out there knows for sure I would love to hear from them. I watched about six episodes of it and fell in love with Ireland and went there for a visit. It would be a shame if this show is gone!

Name: Dawn Carpenter
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: New Jersey, United States
Time: 1998-10-12 20:14:33
Comments: Series 1 of Ballykissangel began showing here in New Jersey on public television last week. I have only seen two episodes and cannot get enough. The chemistry between Peter and Assumpta was evident from the beginning. When I discovered this web page, much to my delight, I also discovered that Stephen and Dervla are an item. I only hope that they both work together again in a vehicle that is seen by a wider American audience.

Name: kathy tierney
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: San Juan Capistrano, CA U.S.A.
Time: 1998-10-12 05:23:23
Comments: Where is it?!! My husband and I were just getting addicted to Ballykissangel and it's not on PBS tonight! We want to know what happens next. Last week they left us with Father Clifford hiking off into the hills. HELP!!

Name: michelle
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: australia
Time: 1998-10-12 04:00:49
Comments: i wish peter and assumpta has got together. it sux how they didn't. it would have been so cool if they got married and then left. oh well. at least in rela life they live together. that is kinda cute!

Name: michelle
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: australia
Time: 1998-10-12 03:50:23
Comments: hello! i wish ballykissangel was still on., but down here it has finished. damn!

Name: Rita Goobic
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Westfield, NJ, USA
Time: 1998-10-10 22:30:56
Comments: love the show. thanks so much for this great website. wished i'd visited avoca when I was in ireland last year.

Name: Karen Sullivan
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Hyde Park, NY USA
Time: 1998-10-09 21:43:21
Comments: This is great! I have been looking for a comprehensive website on Bally. I watch on a local PBS station.

Name: Diane Verville
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Magog (Quebec) CANADA
Time: 1998-10-09 05:06:07
Comments: I really enjoyed your site. I started to watch BallyK earlier this year, on our local PBS station. They showed several episodes from the first two series and almost all episodes from the third series. BallyK was a wonderful show. Of course, it was fascinating to witness the evolving relationship between Father Clifford and Assumpta, but the other characters were also very enjoyable. Our local PBS station is not showing any new episodes or reruns and I feel cheated! That's also the way I felt about the last two episodes of Series Three. The ending was simply not logical at all. But the show and the cast were terrific. And this site is great!

Name: Kevin Wigton
Referred by: Net Search
From: Omaha Nebraska USA
Time: 1998-10-09 02:44:06
Comments: Great show...We watch on our local PBS (Public Broadcasting Station). Love all the BBC shows we can get. Wish Assumpta and Peter had gotten together..would have been a great story. Thanks for the Website

Name: Randy Kirwan
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Gresham, Oregon U.S.A.
Time: 1998-10-08 20:13:16
Comments: Just thought I'd say hi to someone with the same last name.

Name: John Janos
Referred by: SimpleNet
From: Maryland, US
Time: 1998-10-05 14:39:08
Comments: Public television has just started showing Ballykissangel in the States, and it's a refreshing change from the nonsense usually seen on the tube. After checking out your site, I can't believe Assumpta dies, she is Ballykissangel. In Assumpta, the writers have created a character worth watching because she possesses a combination of qualities that are entirely too rare; she is inherently self assured and she is cool. By cool, I don't mean a "center of attention" type, but that she is an outsider who doesn't want to be inside; she does her own thing and is not the least bit concerned with what anyone makes of it. Did I say that I can't believe she dies? Well at the rate that PBS televises Ballykissangel, it will be a few years before that episode airs. Great page! Thanks for the information.

Name: Bob & Pat St.Germaine
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Boca Raton Florida, U.S.A
Time: 1998-10-04 22:09:17
Comments: Love this show. I was in the Avoca area last April when I first heard about the show.It is due to come back on TV soon (I hope)! the show

Name: uncle roc
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: richmond,va.
Time: 1998-10-03 23:56:18
Comments: nice website. thanks for the work you put in to it. i was hurt that they had to kill off assumpta; and that peter hiked off into the horizon; but "is what is". that stephen and dervla are engaged in real life is cool. i wish them the best. i, too, place ballykissangel alongside northern exposure as places i looked forward to visiting each week. i'm waiting for our local pbs station to begin broadcasting the 4th season; but am happy to be catching up on the repeats i missed(2 seasons worth) the first time around. it's for programs such as these i own a tv and a vcr. little flecks of gold in tons of dreary ore. thanks again for your website. p.s. any listings of other appearences by stephen & dervla likely to find their way across the atlantic would be welcome.

Referred by: From a Friend
From: England
Time: 1998-10-03 14:07:36
Comments: I have no comment other than to say hi.....

Name: Laura
Referred by: Net Search
From: Shropshire
Time: 1998-10-01 20:18:39
Comments: I can't believe I finally found a site dedicated to my favourite programme! It's so much better than I ever expected, well done Sarah!

Name: Clare
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Australia
Time: 1998-10-01 09:15:31
Comments: Thanks Sarah - your fan fiction was soooooooooooooooo good!!! Can't wait for the next part!!!!!!!

Name: Kim Barron
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Time: 1998-10-01 07:15:57
Comments: Thank you for a very nice page on a wonderful program. I watch BallyKay, on BBC America. I have seen the first 2 series, but couldn't resist reading the episode guide for series 3 and what there is for series 4. Shocking and sad. But it would have been more sad if Peter and Assumpta hadn't said what they did to each other. I hope BBA America will show the series 3 soon. I alway like a good cry. Kim

Name: Scott Cook
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New York, NY USA
Time: 1998-09-30 19:53:51
Comments: I found your site on BallyK and had to take a look. I watch the show here in New York City and love it. Atlthough we are quite a bit behind you in viewing it. I've only seen up to where Asumpta gets married and I can't wait to watcht the rest of the shows. I had to stop myself from reading all your episode guides because I don't want to spoil it for me. Anyway, it's a great site and very well done! The show has really grown on me. I started out liking Father Peter and Assumpta, but now I love the whole cast and love to watch the show when it airs on Wednesday nights here in New York. Thanks, Scott Cook

Name: Chris Hays
Website: Chris Hays
Referred by: Net Search
From: Los Angeles (La Canada) California, USA
Time: 1998-09-30 06:44:03
Comments: The Reckoning was a shocker. I am amazed at the stupidity of producers on both sides of the pond! When I first discovered the series, my wife and I were vacationing in Wales. It was by pure chance we saw a rerun of the first two episodes. We were delighted and were pleased when it finally arrived here (albeit on a station with a marginal signal here). It reminded me of a series I loved in the US called "Norther Exposure." Perhaps some of you have seen it. It was set in Alaska, in the fictional town of Ciscle, with a delightful collection of misfits. But the show revolved around the Docter who was from the 'big city' New York, having to serve time there to pay for his education. The romantic twist was a delightful cat / mouse relationship between him and Maggie O'connel, the local puddle jumping airline owner. Why I am I mentioning this? Because the actor who plays the docotor got big headed after the show was a success and decided to leave. The producers in their infinite stupidity, wrote new characters. The result? Ratings plummeted. The show lasted only one more season and went out with a whimper (after four very successful seasons). See a pattern here? Any producers watching this listen up: ACTORS CAN BE REPLACED: KEY CHARACTERS CANNOT! JUST RECAST THE BLOODY PARTS! DON'T DESTROY A SERIES BECAUSE OF BIG EGO ACTORS!! ITS DONE ALL THE TIME ON SOAP OPERAS AND NOBODY CARES! I'm not attacking the actors in question. They have to make carreer choices, and it is interesting that both Ballykissangel and Northern Exposure were location shoots. These are very very hard on cast and crew. The novelty of the charming locale wears off quickly, and you are working your tail off with none of the amenities you are used to. But this is another reason to either recast, or pay them enough to makeit worthwhile to stick it out. As to the actors, good luck. Haven't seen any sign of the guy who played the doctor. The US unemployed lines are full of actors who bailed on successful series. Funny, it makes them a little undesireable to hire. I wonder why. Hope she enjoys her new modeling carreer. I predict: one season tops. The whole gestault of this series revolved around the moral dillemma of these two marvelous characters. And it was getting so delicious (anyone catch the hint of father Michael's illegitimate daughter? that had huge possibilites). Brilliance destroyed by myopic producers who don't realize what makes a show work. All that good writing just to have a premature end. And a technical note: anyone knowledgeabel of electrocution and CPR (of which I am both) found the ending technically laughable: anyone knocked out by an electric shock where a trained physician who knows CPR gets to them within 20 seconds has probably 99 percent chance of survival. Hint to writers: do some research next time. There are lots of ways to kill someone. Do it in a manner believeable. (another curious parallel: the series LA law killed an actress by having her step into an elevator when the doors opened on to an empty shaft. BZZZT wrong! Doors can't open if the car isn't there: the door actuator is on the car. This was also the beginning of the end of that series. Now that the shock is over, get angry with these idiots!!! I hope some angry mail got to the british press on this. At least maybe next time these idiots will know what to do. Very po'ed in Los Angeles, Chris Hays

Name: Douglas Russell
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Arcadia, California
Time: 1998-09-28 18:20:33
Comments: 28 Spetember 1998 My wife, Liz, and I just watched the "Day of Reckoning" episode and I knew from the beginning that Assumpta was going to get killed off. I decided that I would chaeck the net to see if I could find out why. As I haven't really previewed the site, I don't really have any comments yet, except thanks for building it. It looks great! Best, Douglas

Name: Carrie Fala
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Cherry Hill NJ USA
Time: 1998-09-27 17:27:30
Comments: Am a new but dedicated viewer. Oh, how I truely miss Assumpta!

Name: heather kennedy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: alexandria, scotland
Time: 1998-09-26 22:45:32
Comments: groovy!

Name: Alex
Referred by: From a Friend
From: wales
Time: 1998-09-23 13:40:48
Comments: Dear S, thought I would drop you a line to say hello.I'm not going to say anything private, but I thought I'd save this message just for you. Your page is now known in the hallowed depths of NESCOT admissions office - cos I had to prove that I wasn't reading Chelsea pages!! I hope you're o.k. & that you've been left some lovely messages today by lots of lovelt BallyK fans. Do take care, yours with love and bally-kisses..A. xx

Name: joan keller maresh
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Holmen, Wisconsin USA
Time: 1998-09-21 17:06:48
Comments: My husband and I are avid fans of the show and are taping all the shows so we can watch them again and again. I hope the loss of Peter and Assumpta, which we will see this year in the USA will not be the end of this marvelous series.

Name: Dave Richard
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Newburyport, Massachusetts
Time: 1998-09-21 00:46:08
Comments: Hi. So glad to have found this great site. Haven't seen all the episodes yet. Got a late start. Love BallyK and all the great things brought to us from the BBC. Got teary-eyed at Assumpta's departing and Fr. Clifford's going. Will miss them both much. Look forward to seeing the new series soon here we all hope.

Name: Regina
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Boston, MA, USA
Time: 1998-09-20 23:22:29
Comments: Thanks SARAH!!! Knew we could count on you to be the first with the great synopsis (I love the way you always capture each show's essence with your descriptions.) It does sound like the writers did do a good job in keeping the memory of Assumpta alive. I'll reserve judgment on their treatment of Peter until I see it for myself :-) AGAIN, GREAT JOB IN KEEPING US ALL ABREAST OF THE SHOW'S HAPPENINGS. CAN'T WAIT UNTIL IT I RECEIVE THE COPY FROM ME FRIEND IN THE UK IN A MONTH'S TIME!

Name: frank giitter
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: omaha, nebraska, usa
Time: 1998-09-20 22:34:02
Comments: I really enjoy the series and thought I had managed to tape all of the episodes shown on our public TV stations, but wanted to make sure I hadn't missed any. That's how I came to find your web site. I haven't spent much time here yet, but am looking forward to enjoying your content. What I've seen so far looks good!

Name: Linda
Website: home inspections
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: U.S.A.
Time: 1998-09-20 12:27:46
Comments: I really love the show Ballykissangel but the 2 eppisodes that were really sad were when Father Peter Clifford was leaving Ballykissangel to go back to England until Assumpta stopped him.And the other one was when Assumpta dies and the look that Father Peter Clifford had on his face made me want to cry it was so sad.

Name: Dana
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Grafton, MA
Time: 1998-09-16 21:45:15
Comments: Ballyk is so cool! It's my favorite show! Thank you so much for all the cool info and the groovy pictures! I was shocked when Assumpta died. I never liked her too much, but once I knew she was going to marry Peter, I liked her a bit more. I will be coming back to this site many times in the future! Thanks again!

Name: kathleen
Referred by: Net Search
From: massachusetts
Time: 1998-09-15 22:34:26
Comments: Do you know if series 4 has begun in the 'states? I'm still watching various episodes from series 1, 2, and the dramatic 3rd series as they are being aired by our local public television station, wgbh, boston. Ballykea is a very warm program. I am enjoying it very much.

Name: Mike
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Los Angeles
Time: 1998-09-15 02:58:15
Comments: ooooooof! Thank you for the "spoiler" warning. I've only seen a few episodes and now I can't trust myself to look over the rest of your web for fear of premature-ballykissangelic-vissions. Oh well, sometime in the future, perhaps. I must leave now to reset the Black Sabbath CD for my infant son... ;-)

Name: Mike
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Los Angeles
Time: 1998-09-15 02:53:47
Comments: ooooooof! Thank you for the "spoiler" warning. I've only seen a few episodes and now I can't trust myself to look over the rest of your web for fear of premature-ballykissangelic-vissions. Oh well, sometime in the future, perhaps. I must leave now to reset the Black Sabbath CD for my infant son... ;-)

Name: patricia burt
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Philadelphia, Pa.
Time: 1998-09-12 21:49:23
Comments: Great show. I missed the first few, but the series is now in reruns here and I can see the first show tonight. I already miss Father Peter and Assumpta. I was complelty stuned when she died

Name: Emma
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Massachusetts
Time: 1998-09-11 18:47:14
Comments: i loved your fanfic. I am also impressed how much you know about ballykissangel. i hope you will be doin continuit fanfics to the one you did it was fantastic!

Name: G. Lombardi
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Jersey USA
Time: 1998-09-10 12:49:48
Comments: Dear Sarah, Thank you for the terrific ending you wrote for Series 3! The producers of Ballyk should take note of it. Thanks again for taking the time to write it and the energy to run your website. Yours truly, G. Lombardi USA

Name: Kathleen Doherty
Referred by: Net Search
From: Boston Massachusetts
Time: 1998-09-09 14:02:36
Comments: I have been deeply moved by the last two episodes of BallyK. I am delighted that our Public TV station picked up this series. The series WILL NOT be the same without Peter and Assumpta. I do not know if I can keep watching. You all are lucky that you can see other shows with Stephen and Dervla in it. We here in the US have to wait. They are re-running the series again, this time I will know to tape all the episodes! I would have fallen for Fr. Clifford too!

Name: Erin Rothenbuehler
Website: Erin's Deep Void
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Time: 1998-09-08 20:56:18
Comments: I can't believe Assumpta dies. How sad. I have not yet seen the third series yet, coming to Wisconsin soon. I think that it is beautiful though that the producers are able to do such a thing to such a prominent character. A tragedy like this would never have been allowed on American TV. The characters would have been forced to stick around until they were completely and totally predictable and by that time no one would have cared about them anyway. This way Assumpta will never be forgotten. Just another reason why I think British Television is sooooooooo much better than anything America produces. By the way, I love the site. Great design and so much information!

Name: Patricia O'Connor Gogel
Referred by: AOL
From: St. Louis, MO., USA
Time: 1998-09-07 21:55:30
Comments: Sarah, Just loved your Ballykay information. Unfortunately, there were plenty of spoilers, but that won't deter me from watching the two remaining series. At present, my PBS station has purchased the first two series......and I'm enchanted with the series. Too impressed that you have met and spoken with the stars themselves....definite chemistry between them. Makes me doubly glad they are an "item" in real life. I have enlisted the assistance of several friends to ensure that we are going to be privy to receipt of the remaining episodes of the third and fourth series. On Public Access, money is always an object. I so appreciate your input and obvious painstaking attention to detail in producing these pages. I found you via Mike and Joann's web page. Thank you! Pat

Name: Cynthia
Referred by: Net Search
From: Anaheim, California
Time: 1998-09-07 13:30:15
Comments: Just read your new fanfic. It was great. It's too bad that all of the thousands of BK fans who want a happy ending for Peter and Assumpta can't take up a collection, hire ST and DK to star in a pirate video with your script, and then keep it as the way their story ended. Looking forward to your next episode.

Name: Trudie Signor
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: South Boston, MA USA
Time: 1998-09-07 04:54:04
Comments: I'm a huge fan of Ballykissangel and last night I Saw the episode where Assumpta is killed and I was trying to find out what prompted this turn of events. Did Dervla wish to leave the show or were the Catholics up in arms. Any info regarding this turn of events would be helpful. Please feel free to e-mail me. Thank you.

Name: dennis ward
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: boston
Time: 1998-09-06 22:44:17
Comments: i have just seen the end of the third saeson. is that all there is?

Name: Gabriel McKernan
Referred by: AOL
From: Folsom Pa 19033 USA
Time: 1998-09-06 20:04:11
Comments: I Love The Show and was looking for more information on it.

Name: Mary Ann Moran
Website: Devastated - Assumpta
Referred by: Net Search
From: Norwich Connecticut USA
Time: 1998-09-06 15:06:50
Comments: I just saw the episode in which Assumpta dies. Toward the end where Peter was in the rain it got hazy and I was hoping that maybe it was somehow all in a dream of his. Anxious to see the next episode I soon realized that it was no dream and she had indeed died. She was the first character he interacted with I couldn't figure it going on without her - now I learn he is leaving. I can't imagine the show without them. My whole family is hooked - I have to send tapes to my sister in Garden Grove Calif. because no stations carry it in her area. She doesn't know yet! Well - all on this end that have seen it are horrified. I'm happy the series is going on but can't imagine it without them. That's all. Great site you have here!

Name: Sinead Quigley
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Westport, Ireland
Time: 1998-09-05 13:43:34
Comments: a really cool site!! I love BallyK!!

Name: Elizabeth
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: San Francisco, California, USA
Time: 1998-09-05 05:52:09
Comments: Hi, Sarah. I recently saw the episode in which Assumpta died, and I can't find the words to convey how I felt. I felt certain it must have been the end of BallyK. I couldn't imagine the show would go on without Assumpta, and perhaps without the berieved Peter as well. I wasn't satisfied. I longed to know what would become of Siobhan and her baby. I am so relieved to here there will be a series 4 of BallyK. Thank you for this web site.

Name: K. Foyles
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Cincinnati,Oh
Time: 1998-09-03 02:04:46
Comments: I just love the show,,, Hope the show stay on the air for a long time..

Name: Warren McCausland
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: San Francisco, CA, USA
Time: 1998-09-01 18:35:38
Comments: An excellent site, with more info than can be imagined. Fell in love with BKA maybe 10 months ago when started to be broadcast on a PBS (Public Broadcasting) station in San Jose, CA, but had no idea of history or how many episodes, etc. Immediately hooked, and Tues 8pm blocked out to watch. See from your great site there were three series, but just total of 26 episodes. Think we saw about 18. Tues 8/25/98 was the shocker -- we got 'The Reckoning', followed by the final episode. Devastating blow. I could not believe it, but life goes on. Not sure I could watch continuation with some new characters. I agree with you, Assumpta Fitzgerald was an unforgetable character. Thanks.

Name: Agnes Arbuckle
Referred by: Geocities
From: Omro, Wisconsin 54963 USA
Time: 1998-08-30 04:28:21
Comments: I really loved Ballykissangle. But the Public Station here never showed the end of the series with Peter and Assumpta. I had to get my friend in Belfast to record it and then pay to have it converted to American Tv so I could watch the end. It was fantastic.

Name: Julie Murdoch
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Perth, Western Australia
Time: 1998-08-29 10:13:46
Comments: It's been far too long since we have heard the lovely "BallyK" theme music on our screens down here - I'd give anything to have a repeat season screened ASAP. . .I actually haven't visited this site since the traumatic Series 3 finale, just had to let the emotions settle for a while. Glad to renew the acquaintance now and see the early info on Series 4. Just can't imagine loving the "new" show like we used to but better not be too judgemental huh ? ! Keep up the magnificent work Sarah - this has to be one of the most entertaining and thorough sites around.

Name: Jennifer
Referred by: Net Search
From: Wisconsin USA
Time: 1998-08-28 16:55:54
Comments: Hello from Wisconsin, where I have been fortunate enough to see 2 of the 3 series of what has to be the most enjoyable show PBS carries here in the states. I've loved watching Ballykissangel from the moment my local station started carrying it. Thanks to Sarah for providing such an informative and enjoyable place for all who have become engaged in this wonderful show!

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: originally Ottawa, Canada, now Saratoga California
Time: 1998-08-27 22:12:30
Comments: wonderful web page --- enjoyed all the scoop regarding Ballykissangel. Public Television is carrying this series currently. How do I get to see the First Series and the Second Series -- All I've ever seen is the Third series of the Wonderful show. Planning a trip to Great Britian, Ireland and Scotand next summer -- Would love to visit "Ballykissangel"

Name: Anna
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Burlingame, California
Time: 1998-08-26 19:39:06
Comments: Our PBS station (KTEH in San Jose, California) showed the last 2 episodes last night and I was devastated at the ending. I hope that the station decides to show the 4th series, because there is definitely going to be a void in my life -- I'll be wondering about what's happening in BallyK. Although I think the series won't be as interesting without Peter and Assumpta (I thought the episodes where they were missing were a bit dull). The rest of the cast were very good but these two gave the show sparkle.

Name: Ken Mcgreevy
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: San Francisco, California, USA
Time: 1998-08-26 06:36:38
Comments: Feeling sad after just seeing 'The Reckoning' and 'Among Friends'.

Name: Deborah Armstrong
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Jersey USA
Time: 1998-08-25 23:51:56
Comments: How could they have done this? You are an incredible actress and I hope the world will be seeing you in something worthy of you in the very near future! I only recently tuned into the 'Ballykissangel' program and was hooked. It was because of you and Stephen's characters. You, most definitely because of the strength and independence you portrayed... and 'Peter' because of the honest, trusting and loving person he offered to you. I am amazed they would make any changes to a program obviously loved around the world..this based on the web pages I've read. I was watching the final episode and couldn't believe it when they 'killed' you off. I thought "No she'll 'come to' after Peter gives her the blessing...some miracle of resurrection...but when they brought the body out in the rain and Peter flings his collar to the river..I was heartbroken!! This beautiful world I escaped to each week was gone! I just wanted you to know you were wonderful and made alot of people very happy. Now I wish the same for you and good manners doesn't allow me to elaborate on what I would like to do to those '?%#$#' who came up with the bright idea to change something that was obviously working. Unless it was your decision..well then I cannot blame you if it means a better job offering. At least I hope that is what it is. The greatest of luck to you! I think you would be wonderful in a role you decided to take on!

Name: Deborah Armstrong
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Jersey USA
Time: 1998-08-25 23:33:49
Comments: You are wonderful! I have just recently been introduced to the world of 'Ballykiss' and am hooked. Or should say was! Without you and the character 'Assumpta' it will not be the same. I was watching the final episode and when Assumpta was killed, I was horrified. 'Peter' and 'Assumpta were perfect for each other and could have represented a whole new view on 'life after priesthood'. I was heartbroken! You do your job so was so easy to see why people connected with the characters. Why did they do it? Could the Church not stand to see a character such as Assumpta's...a strong, independent woman who felt the way she did toward the clergy.....steal the priest away from them?? I don't understand and I am only just now getting a taste of this beautiful program. Well I do wish you all the luck in the world. Thank you for portraying such an honest, lovable person whom, by the web pages, has been loved alot longer than since I've come on the scene.

Name: abby
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
Time: 1998-08-25 14:27:41
Comments: I think this is an excellent page, I especially like your pages about Peter/Assumpta and about Stephen and Dervla. Unfortunately I have never seen Drop the Dead Donkey, Goodnight Sweetheart, or anything they have done except Ballykissangel. It's so cool that you met them! I don't think Assumpta and Leo should have stayed together, it would have wrecked things between her and Peter [if she hadn't been brutally killed by the fuse box!] although I do think James Nesbitt is really cool and would like to see some other shows/movies of his. It's sad that people don't like an actor just because the character he played they didn't like. Anyway, your site is really cool. And my station is re-running ballyk so I will tape all of the shows I ~~~didn't tape~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LONG LIVE ASSUMPTA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [in our hearts, anyway.] ballyk forever, abby

Name: Barbara A. Regent
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Wisconsin, USA
Time: 1998-08-24 20:45:30
Comments: My husband and I really enjoyed the whole Ballykissangel series. We became attached to the characters, they felt like part of the family. It was our favorite part of Saturday night. When Assumpta died in the last episode, we were devastated. The finality of death was so real. Wish the series could have gone on forever. Would like to see how the other characters lives turned out. Thanks for this Web site. Barb Regent

Name: P. Louie
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Richmond VA
Time: 1998-08-23 06:10:55
Comments: Just happen to catch the last part of episode 3.10. It's nice to see good acting, character development, and a high quality show on television. Thanks so much for the webpage/ballykissangel background. I look forward to viewing some of the earlier episodes at some point.

Name: Mad Cat
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dallas, Texas
Time: 1998-08-23 04:11:02
Comments: Great Web Page and site. We in Dallas only started this series about 4 weeks ago (August 1, 1998) and I used to find "Ballykissangel". Great summaries of the episodes thus far. Even though I now know the climax, I shall still enjoy getting there. The nice thing about this series is that all of the actors are brilliant, and you immediately feel at home in BallyK. Keep up the great work on the web site. Mad Cat

Name: Alexandra Johns
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Wales
Time: 1998-08-21 09:47:04
Comments: Wow, what a fab and groovy page ! Almost as fab & groovy as ...........!!!!! Hope you had an excellent time, speak to you soon - very soon! Take care loads of love....A xxx

Name: Mark C. Barron
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Time: 1998-08-21 06:25:24
Comments: I was extremely saddened when Assumpta was killed. I thought that the prospect of Peter leaving the church to follow his heart was the best plot line that could ever have occured. If an heir to the throne can give it up for a commoner, then I think that a preist should be allowed to leave the chruch for the same reason. Love. Doesn't god preach love? Darn cathoilic church removed the ability of preists to marry in hte middle ages. It's about time that rule was revoked.

Name: Catherine Geraghty
Referred by: Net Search
From: NZ, living in Hawaii
Time: 1998-08-20 21:37:25
Comments: Great page, we get nothing here except the series so it was good to know the behind the scenes things. We have just seen the 3.10 epsiode.

Name: Marta and Don O'Keefe
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Rochester, NY, USA
Time: 1998-08-20 20:21:26
Comments: Actually we were referred to your site by our local PBS station. We found Bally K just by chance, but were hooked from the first episode. In fact, we planned our Sunday evenings around the series. Now that it's over, we feel a definite void in our TV viewing habits. I'm afraid no-one can take the place of Peter and Assumpta but we're more than willing to give the next series a try. Hope our PBS station picks it up. Thanks for a terrific site.

Name: Karen M. Lutke
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Redwood City, CA, USA
Time: 1998-08-19 15:19:14
Comments: Your web page is grand! Series Three is running on the local PBS station now. The final two episodes will air next Tuesday night. I did not heed your warning and did preview the end. I am glad I did so as to lessen the shock. I, too, share your opinins regarding the end of the series. The actors in this series are fine studies and certainly do not want to limit themselves to playing the same type of characters for their entire careers. And like any good time, it is best to leave when you are enjoying yourself the most. The memories are better. I have just finished reading the first book in the Ballykissangel series; I have book two on order. Is there a book three? Thank you for your time.

Name: Ben Sims
Referred by: Net Search
From: New Jersey, US
Time: 1998-08-17 02:09:31
Comments: The episode of Assumpta's death just ran tonight. Interestingly in this area ( near New York City) we have two channels running Ballykissangel so Assumpta is still alive on one ofthem because it started showing the series about three weeks later. Unfortunately some episodes have been skipped. It is a wonderful series because the characters are real people who one can relate to rather than caricatures. Can the book you mentioned be purchased? e

Name: Michael A. Marunchak
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Mountain View, California, USA
Time: 1998-08-16 02:09:33
Comments: Very nice site. I have become a fan of the series, and especially Niamh, since my cable provider started carrying BBC America (it has the look and feel of the BBC down to the hot air balloon floating over the lake during the breaks). I was in Belfast about ten days ago, and I saw Tina Kellegher in the Jury's Inn hotel there, and then a day or so later in Belfast train station. If that wasn't in fact her, then she should know she's got a doppelganger out there. (I'm convinced it was her - I just watched an episode, and even the walk was the same).

Name: mavis
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: boston, massachusetts
Time: 1998-08-14 17:44:53
Comments: BallyK is a super show. I started watching not too long ago and find it so refreshing compared to so many predictable American tv shows. Thank you for helping me to figure out how Assumpta died- I missed that episode and i thought that Peter and Assumpta staged her death so that they could get married in the states or something. What a tragic ending. I was so glad to hear that in real life Stephen and Dervla are getting married- congrats to them both! Thanks for the info, so long from Boston.

Name: Colleen Kress
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Papillion, Nebraska
Time: 1998-08-13 17:37:32
Comments: I am very thankful for all of the important information you had about the stars.

Name: joan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: california
Time: 1998-08-13 04:45:48
Comments: great home page, i'm originally from county tipperary,ireland and enjoy the show very much--thanks for the info!

Name: gwen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: rhode island, USA
Time: 1998-08-12 04:11:24
Comments: I love reading the comments---i only started watching BallyK this past year but have cught up with nearly all episodes. The love between Assumpta and peter was so evident from the very beginning and yet we always knew it would be doomed because he is(was?)_ a GOOD priest and so they would never let them just live happily ever after. I hated to see her die, she was a strong and wonderful character. It will be hard to watch without them.

Name: Annemette
Referred by: Net Search
From: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Time: 1998-08-12 00:21:30
Comments: Have now followed BallyK and its likeable inhabitants for nearly 2 years, or however long ago it was I happened to come across it on Canada's religious channel. I was caught from the first moment, when I saw the Italian confessional fly in thru' the roof of St. Joe's. Vision Tv only showed the first season, but to make up for that they repeated it a year later! Since then we have been able to watch it on Detroit's Public Tv, which we hope will also pick up the fourth (and following) series. We think that the series will have a lot of potential, even though we will miss Assumpta and Peter. But there must be so much more to tell about all the other Ballykissangel'ers!

Name: Aimee
Referred by: Net Search
From: Wisconsin, USA
Time: 1998-08-11 19:21:47
Comments: I hope the local PBS station picks up the next bunch of episodes! If not,I'll have to rely on your synopsis of each episode to keep me going.

Name: Angie
Referred by: Net Search
From: Wisconsin, usa
Time: 1998-08-09 05:36:32
Comments: Here's to baby polar bears

Name: Robert L. O'Neil
Referred by: Net Search
From: Amherst,MA. USA
Time: 1998-08-09 02:44:10
Comments: Well just watched the last episode and I must say that that ending did not please me. I will be the first to admit though I enjoyed all the happy endings on the show, and was hoping that this would also be an ending I would deem happy. Something like Peter escaping the grip of the evil empire and Father Mac, and soaring of to start a new and exciting life with Assumpta and the rest of the Bally k characters. Well as real life it was not to be and again reality sucked. Well I will move on and put a positive slant to my reality, but to those that made the show possible, lighten up on the sad stuff, it is on the news every day, its not why I watched Ballykissangel! Thanks for the web page, Good Luck- Robert O'Neil

Name: lindz
Referred by: Net Search
From: england
Time: 1998-08-02 20:57:31
Comments: hello all ballyk lovers. This is my first time on the internet and I thought I'd say hello! plus I know Sarah through working with her so i thought I'd embarras her hi Sarah! Luv L!!!!

Name: rebecca lyne
Referred by: Yahoo!
Time: 1998-08-02 19:11:03
Comments: Hello from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA I am practically livid about the ending to the series and I am very upset about the ending to the show Do you know if the series can be purchased on video tape in a complete set? Thanks!!

Name: Mitchell
Website: haven't got one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Weybridge
Time: 1998-08-01 16:31:01
Comments: Well Sarah, what a great site. Well done! See you on your return! J Tim Mitchell!

Name: Carla
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: San Diego, California USA
Time: 1998-07-31 20:18:55
Comments: We have only begun to receive Ballykissangel in San Diego and are interested to know how many episodes there are. We have seen only the first 9, I believe. I am immediately addicted and can hardly wait for Thursday evenings at 9!

Name: Cynthia
Referred by: Net Search
From: Anaheim, California
Time: 1998-07-30 22:48:21
Comments: BK is shown on PBS here and we are just going into 3-1. I set my VCR to tape 3 episodes while I was in England on vacation, but forgot to turn it on. While in England (July6-July28), I learned what happens at the end. So, when I got home, I started looking for websites. Yours is great; your synopses are very good, especially for the romantic scenes.

Name: Brenda Wilt
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA
Time: 1998-07-29 21:58:11
Comments: I stumbled across Ballykissangel quite by accident on our local public television station and immediately fell in love with the show. I even got my parents watching it! Am very disappointed in how the third series ended, but am hopeful that the fourth will be just as entertaining. I also hope the PBS station decides to carry the new series. I enjoyed your website very much; I'm glad to be able to get "inside" information about the show. Now I'm hoping videotapes of the series will be made available here in the U.S. so I can have my "fix" of Peter and Assumpta, et al, whenever I want. BallyK forever!

Name: george chism
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Southampton,Pennsylvania USA
Time: 1998-07-28 17:59:57
Comments: My wife and i watch BallyK on public TV and are big fans.Sorry to hear it is done!!

Name: Ken Mahren
Referred by: Net Search
From: Vermont USA
Time: 1998-07-28 06:33:09
Comments: Just finnished watching "The Reckoning" episode and like many others it seems (from this great website) I found it hard to accept. yes I know it's "only a Television Story". All the characters were terrific, the writing was superb. The subtle humour and humanity of the series will be missed by many.... untill PBS shows series 4. I still hope episode 1 in series 4 opens with Peter waking up from a dream of Assumpta's death and we can all continue to enjoy one of the nicest gentlest love stories I've seen in a long time

Name: Ann Rotolante
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Time: 1998-07-27 21:06:44
Comments: Love your web page! Keep up the great work!

Name: Elaine
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: USA.......California
Time: 1998-07-27 18:28:16
Comments: Thanks for fixing the font, Sarah! it's much easier to read. You are so efficient!

Name: ellidoc
Website: Mr O's Pig Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: England! Irish Heritage
Time: 1998-07-27 00:54:05
Comments: We all love Ballykissangel and we cant wait for the 4th season. we all cried at the ending of the 3rd and we wish Peter was still here! He's sooo fit!!! We think Brian's ace too. Is anyone watching Amongst Woman? He's ace in that too!! There seems to be half of Ballykissangel in that!!! Thanks for a great Ballykissangle site!

Name: Elaine
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: UK
Time: 1998-07-26 16:40:24
Comments: I'm Becks' friend. Sarah, could you change the font on the page on "The First Signs of Madness"? It is awfully hard to read on my Mac, in that Italic, for some reason. Just saying this because others may have the same difficulty too. I did read it, with some squinting. Thanks! Elaine I think Stephen has wonderful legs too, LOL!

Name: Patricia Orstad
Referred by: Net Search
From: North Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Time: 1998-07-26 06:49:38
Comments: We have been thoroughly enjoying your program and hope tonight's episode of Ballykissangel will not be the last. When you can bring a tear to the audiences eyes, you know you have done a good job and are a master at your craft. Keep up the great work. Sincerely, Patricia.

Name: Anne
Referred by: Net Search
From: Eastern Washington, USA
Time: 1998-07-26 03:15:39
Comments: WOW! I love Ballyk! I don't know how many people in the states get to watch Ballyk, but they don't know what they're missing! I'm a huge fam! Though I don't like the fact that Stephen and Dervla smoke-yuck! I think they are the best couple and I can't wait to see next week's show! this is a good page! Thank you, Anne

Name: Louis
Website: Sky
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-07-25 20:34:48
Comments: hi Sarah, It's great! Keep up the good work ! ^_^

Name: Maggie Holmes
Referred by: Net Search
From: East Providence, RI USA
Time: 1998-07-25 03:19:22
Comments: Waahhh! I just saw The Reckoning so I had to come find this page to make sure it was really true. I kept hoping for medical miracle. It's not fair! I will really miss those two. Do you know if the show is out on video yet? Maggie

Name: Toni Brumbaugh
Referred by: Net Search
From: Rapid City, SD USA
Time: 1998-07-24 21:52:28
Comments: Great show!

Name: Rev. Kimberly J. Murphy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Massachusetts, USA
Time: 1998-07-23 05:14:28
Comments: Dear Sarah, Thank you for the extremely inclusive website. I have enjoyed this series very much...although I am very disappointed and saddened as to how it ends. I agree with you, "happily ever after" would have been much more preferable. Is it too much to ask to see two characters in love enjoy their happiness for a change instead of getting blasted into the next dimension? Anyway, I really loved the series, not only for it's beautiful scenery, wonderful stories and fantastic acting, but also because of the portrayal of Father Peter. It's about time that we (especially in the States) get to see a "person o' cloth" portrayed in popular culture as a sympathetic, lovable and loving person -- instead of the usual psychopathic, sociopathic, child-molesting, greedy Anti-Christs that I usual have to stomach. So, if you ever have a chance to speak with Mr. Thompkinson, please give him my warmest regards and my heart-felt thanks. We clergy appreciate seeing such a warm and human embodiment of a profession that, at best, can be lonely, joyous, difficult and graced. Thanks for your efforts in creating such a cool website. Yours, Kim Murphy

Name: Kelly Fay
Referred by: Net Search
From: Milwaukee, WI USA
Time: 1998-07-22 16:29:16
Comments: My husband and I are absolutely hooked on BallyK! We spent our honeymoon in Ireland, and when we stumbled upon the series a few months later, we were instantly transported back to Ireland and all the wonderful memories. We've seen almost every episode, and I couldn't help but read what happens in the final Series 3 episodes. I can't imagine the show without Assumpta and Peter...the episodes without them seem empty. BallyK does have a great cast, though, and I can't wait to see what happens with Series 4. Great website. Thanks for taking the time to share all your knowledge about the show with us.

Name: Jillanne Bagnell
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Mt. Laurel, New Jersey-USA
Time: 1998-07-21 04:51:18
Comments: I really enjoyed your BallyKea site. I look forward to the show every Friday evening. The last episode we saw was when Assumpta called to announce her marriage. I can't wait to see Peter's reaction to the news. I'm so glad our local public stations are showing this great series. Thanks for the web-site.

Name: Sherry Kidd
Referred by: Net Search
From: Vancouver, Canada
Time: 1998-07-20 22:06:51
Comments: I'm quite thankful for your page....Thanks for all the info!! :-)

Name: Judy Sweeney
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Milwaukee, WI USA
Time: 1998-07-19 21:13:10
Comments: I just "happened" to find Ballykissangel late one Saturday night. Until last week, we got it Sat. nite at 8:00, another episode at 9:00 (different channel) and then Sun. nite at 11:00. Now Sunday's episode has "disappeared". However, I am taping every episode I can. Is the series available as of yet for purchase? I've turned my mom, daughter and several others on to the program. It has become my favorite show and I look forward to it each weekend!

Name: Marilyn Kerr
Referred by: Net Search
From: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Time: 1998-07-19 09:08:17
Comments: You have a fabulous site. I just watched the show here in Canada tonight where Assumpta was killed. I was so shocked that I needed to do something after the show, so decided to search the web and see if there was any Ballykissangel sites. Thank you for such a great site. Marilyn

Name: Kathy
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Surrey
Time: 1998-07-17 21:08:22
Comments: Very interesting page. I was riveted. Bye now!

Name: joe
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-07-15 18:53:55
Comments: nice page. do you know when the 4th series is due to air? noticed over 10,000 ballyk fans have seen your page. anyone know if it is official that series 4 is the last? CYA joe

Name: W. Scott Glasgow
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Madison, WI USA
Time: 1998-07-12 03:43:03
Comments: Just finished watching the episode featuring Mr. Quigley's housekeeper about a half-hour ago. Enda Sullivan, my favorite character, has been out of action for 2 weeks now. I sure hope he comes back! BK is the best....

Name: Janet Lamb
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Philadelphia, PA USA
Time: 1998-07-12 00:40:19
Comments: Thanks so much for the rundown of each episode. I missed the first few of the first series, but I've seen all of the second series and the first few of the third. I couldn't resist reading the synopses of the end of the third series. I was shocked, but I can't say I didn't see it all coming. And I will stick with the series into the fourth set, if PBS picks it up here. It's a great program, and I've loved getting to know the folks in BallyK. (Great website, BYW)

Name: RMPontes
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: USA
Time: 1998-07-11 21:34:30
Comments: Excellent site Sarah! - Well organized and up-to-date! Thanks for the Ballyk theme song download! It greets me when I turn on the computer and when I shut it down for the night. Kudos to Shaun Davey, the composer!! Looking forward to series 4 and your weekly informative episode reviews (along with Philip's sounds and pics library) which will keep me informed until they eventually air over in the States.

Name: Meg
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Australia
Time: 1998-07-11 12:00:59
Comments: BallyK is one of my fave shows. I'm looking foward to seeing the repeats and then the 4th series after that. I'm still devistated about "The Reckoning" and sad that the next series won't have Stephen and Dervla. This is a great page. It's good to share your thoughts about BallyK.

Name: Ed Wollet
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Clinton, Illinois, USA
Time: 1998-07-10 05:07:12
Comments: Thank you for giving us an opportunity to "peek" into life in a small Irish town and for providing us with quality entertainment to boot. We see BallyK on WILL-TV from Champaign, Illinois. Time for a short joke.... Fellow playing golf stops at the 16th green for a rest. Looks down and sees a bottle which he picks up and rubs...a genie appears..genie offers 3 wishes...fellow refuses saying he doesn't need them and asks the genie to give them to the next the man is walking down the fairway the genie decides, unbeknownst to him, to grant him 3 wishes just because he's such a nice person...wish 1..better golf scores...wish 2..better health..and wish 3 (since he's a man after all) a better sex life...a year later the fellow is playing a round of golf again and happens upon the same bottle...poof, out comes the genie and asks the fellow how his year has gone..fine replies the about your golf game inquiries the genie...just great, 5 strokes off from last year...and your health...I used to suffer from the most dreadful headaches and haven't had one in about a year...and your sex life, how's your sex life been....oh, about once or twice a month...once or twice a month exclaims the genie...hey, the fellow retorts, not bad for a priest in a small town... good luck in any future ventures...we'll be looking for your productions over here in the states...

Name: Sherrilyn
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Miami, Florida
Time: 1998-07-10 04:51:10
Comments: Love the show and I'm really happy I found your web page. I just saw the last episode here and I still am in tears over Assupta's death. I've come to look forward to seeing the show each Sunday night (I'm totally hooked!).

Name: Ruth
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Hertfordshire
Time: 1998-07-09 20:19:50
Comments: I can't believe that you have met the man himself, I hope you realise quite how luky you are? I don't really hate you I'm happy for you, yeah right and if you believe that you'll believe anything! Even though it was so obvious what was going to happen at the end of Ballyk I couldn't help feeling gutted for Peter, but we've got to realise that it is 'only' a story, so my mother tells me all the time. But she doesn't understand, no-one can! I'm sorry I sound really screwed up but I'm not! I just fancy the pants off Stephen, and after seeing him in the flesh in Tartuffe I am even more smitten!!!! This is a fantastic page and I think after your convention thing why not have another one and invite me, but I'll only come if Stephen is there.

Name: Ruth
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Hertfordshire
Time: 1998-07-09 20:18:46
Comments: I can't believe that you have met the man himself, I hope you realise quite how luky you are? I don't really hate you I'm happy for you, yeah right and if you believe that you'll believe anything! Even though it was so obvious what was going to happen at the end of Ballyk I couldn't help feeling gutted for Peter, but we've got to realise that it is 'only' a story, so my mother tells me all the time. But she doesn't understand, no-one can! I'm sorry I sound really screwed up but I'm not! I just fancy the pants off Stephen, and after seeing him in the flesh in Tartuffe I am even more smitten!!!! This is a fantastic page and I think after your convention thing why not have another one and invite me, but I'll only come if Stephen is there.

Name: Katie
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Australia
Time: 1998-07-09 11:43:34
Comments: Wow, look at all the Americans signing this. A month or two ago it was Europeans and Australians and now Americans . Took them long enough huh? I'm glad they finally decided to air it there, maybe they'll get more British and Irish shows now that they realise how good they are. Well that is what the Americans want I bet. I would. In Australia we get quite a few British shows and I would like to see even more on our screens and more Australian shows too. British shows are tops and everyone has to agree after seeing Ballyk.

Name: mike
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-07-09 07:40:38
Comments: think i may have found the error that is keeping the counter from working, insert after counter/geocitiesususername"> and that should maybe fix it, sent email also take care mike

Name: Elaine Macaluso
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: West Chester,OH
Time: 1998-07-08 18:03:22
Comments: I did watch the last 2 episodes of year 3 with trepidation.(I had read what would happen). However - the last episode was "wonderful". I feel the show CAN go on without Peter ( kind of whiney, I decided) and Assumpta. Give season 4 a chance. I don't think we'll be disappointed. It is interesting that in the States the PBS stations carrying it seem very sporadic. 1 station, in CT, said it was an "expensive" show! Glad we are in SW Ohio.

Name: Michele
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: New Jersey
Time: 1998-07-08 14:40:58
Comments: I am constantly amazed that FINALLY we in the States are able to watch some TV which is well written and worth while. Having caught one episode in Britian while on vacation I was hooked and couldn't believe my lucky that PBS was running it over here. I love the show and the mix of comedy and drama.Also the way they incorporate real topics of interest today with the ups and downs of living in a small town. It will be tough to follow Peter and Assumpta though but I hope that the writers are up to the job. Glad to see so many from the USA are behind this show....most people I talk to say "Bally what?"

Name: Natasha Meyer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ohio, USA
Time: 1998-07-07 21:31:23
Comments: Cool page. My whole family loves this show.

Name: Connie Moore
Referred by: Net Search
From: Boston, MA
Time: 1998-07-07 01:33:30
Comments: This is so great! We are so far behind (we're in the second series) and i was glad to read ahead and see what happens.

Name: Sandy O'Connor
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Baton Rouge, La.
Time: 1998-07-05 18:24:59
Comments: Great series! would like to live in Ballyk.

Name: sharon
Referred by: Net Search
From: Northern Virginia
Time: 1998-07-05 16:23:51
Comments: Originally viewed Bally K while living in Boston. Hope that it come to Nothern Virginia.

Name: Emma Bradley
Website: -
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK
Time: 1998-07-02 14:52:37
Comments: This site is absolutely fantastic - the best one dedicated to BallyK. The up-to-date news, gossip and pictures (especially of Sexy Stephen!!) are aiding me in my survival until the next series (or repeats, at least!). Everyone involved with the show should be so proud of themsleves for making an excellent show. Keep tuned in to Angel FM!!

Name: Lauren
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: USA
Time: 1998-06-29 12:58:45
Comments: Neat site. I know Geocities has to advertise but all those cookies they force on you; my tummy hurts! The actors seem like real people, not just beautiful icons. It's so great to see a show about the lives of ordinary people in all their depth and subtlety. Makes you feel you might be worth something. And the writing is super! Siobhan is wonderful and Quigley makes us laugh our heads off. One day one of his schemes is bound to succeed but I'm not holding my breath. Have the series creators done other shows? Wish we had more like Ballykay in the States.

Name: Terri Johnson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-06-28 08:09:10
Comments: Your website is fantastic. It's 1998 and PBS started showing Ballykissangel on Saturday night (Boston, Mass) in the US. I was hooked immediately. I had avoided watching Cadfael because of the religious connection but I could not resist seeing Derek Jacobi again after "I Claudius." Cadfael saw people as they were, not bad but flawed (human). Father Peter was the same. I liked him, I could believe in him. I do like Stephen Tompkinson. I saw Sean Pertwee as Hugh Beringar in the first four Cadfael shows here in the US. While tracking his career, PBS showed some of the "Chancer" Series and there was Stephen Tompkinson. I am sorry to see that Peter and Assumpta will be leaving "Ballykay" as their relationship was what had drawn me to the series. It was the first episode when Peter asked Assumpta to drive him to the farm to deliver last rites to the farmer. They arrived too late and Assumpta did not think it mattered. Father Peter said it mattered more to the surviving wife. That touched me. Thanks for such an imformative site. We don't get to see many of the British shows or movies unless some promoter decides we might like it or, thank God for PBS Masterpiece Theatre or Mystery. Lately, Saturday night(PBS) is "The Thin Blue Line," "Are You Being Served (Yes, I'm Free)", "One Foot in the Grave," "Chef," and "Ballykissangel." I love it. Thank you for your efforts from the US. Regards, Terri Johnson

Name: Barbara Goodman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Dublin, Ireland, live in NH, USA
Time: 1998-06-23 17:40:48
Comments: I really enjoy your webpage! Great graphics...The show is still playing here in the U.S.; needless to say, I haven't read the episodes summaries too far ahead!

Name: jackie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: NY
Time: 1998-06-23 04:21:25
Comments: Great Job!

Name: Raymond J. Kirwan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Seattle, Washington, USA
Time: 1998-06-22 23:20:22
Comments: Always nice to see Kirwan's doing well in the world. :-)

Name: Stephen
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Ireland
Time: 1998-06-21 19:33:07
Comments: Hi Sal, sorry I missed you in Dublin - it would have been great to be able to spend some time together there. Hope you had a good time and I'll see you in August. Terrific website by the way - the best one I've ever seen! Lots of love, Stephenxxxxxx

Name: Alan Little
Referred by: Net Search
From: Chigwell, Essex, UK
Time: 1998-06-19 13:36:30
Comments: I would just like to add that this is the best show ever made and please keep watching in the autumn for the new series I have this terrible feeling that now Asumpta is dead and Peter has gone people will stop watching but do because I reckon it will still be brilliant. Look at Quigley, Niamph, Ambrose they are great too so don't loose heart!!

Name: Claire Douglas
Referred by: Net Search
From: San Francisco, California, USA
Time: 1998-06-16 23:43:37
Comments: I just discovered Ballyk and love it. It was pre-empted last week due to public tv pledge drives. Can't wait for tonight's show. How quickly I have come to "know" the characters.

Name: Andrew Kirwan
Referred by: Net Search
From: Australia
Time: 1998-06-16 13:46:27
Comments: Just to say hi to maybe a distant relative.Good to see a fellow Kirwan on the big screen.

Name: Melissa Mallen
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Santa Monica, California USA
Time: 1998-06-15 05:01:06
Comments: I just started watching BAllyK as we just got the series here in the US. I wanted to know about the show so I just sought out the website and now, I think I know everyone's name at least!! Thank you for putting this together or I would be lost!!!!

Name: george v chism
Referred by: Net Search
From: philadelphia,pa.usa
Time: 1998-06-13 15:15:08
Comments: love BallyK,it is on 2 different public tv stations in the phila area

Name: Susanna
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Stockholm
Time: 1998-06-11 22:00:53
Comments: Since I´m a bit curious to know whether I actually am the only one in Sweden to have seen BallyK (well I´m probably not but I haven´t yet met anybody else who´s seen it) and got totally obsessed by it, I suddenly thought this may be a way to find out! My main interest in BallyK is by far the gorgeous Steve!! And the impossible, almost unresolved, lovestory between Peter and Assumpta. So if anyone from Sweden happens to get here please mail me and let me know I´m not alone over here!

Name: Melissa
Website: A page for Casey Siemaszko
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: WA
Time: 1998-06-09 23:19:47
Comments: I haven't yet heard of Steve but you sure have. Do you know him or something? Great job, he sounds great. Please vist my page and sign my guestbook

Name: Twizzel
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: California
Time: 1998-06-07 04:12:23
Comments: Ballykissangel is the most wonderful show to come along in a long long time it is a must see

Name: Diane Speros
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-06-04 18:29:33
Comments: We just started getting BallyK. a couple of months ago here in New York City and I'm hopelessly hooked. But I heard something so sad, I have to ask if it's true. A friend told me that Stephen passed away shortly after the series wrapped production. Say it's not so! Thanks, Diane

Name: Katie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Australia
Time: 1998-06-04 04:37:15
Comments: I know I sign this a lot but it is probably because I come to this site at least once a week. I can't help it. It is just that this site is soooo good. ( and I must say it is the best ). I went to some other Ballykissangel sites but this one is definitely the best. My heart dies everytime I think of Assumpta and Peter. It was just unfair and way too sad. I think about Ballykissangel every day and its good when I'm sad to remember the good times. By the way thanks for putting on a few of your favourite sites because I found stuff on The Corrs. Thankyou!!! This site has heaps of cool stuff on the best,greatest...,I could go on forever,show that I loooovvveee heaps and heaps and heaps and.............Ballykissangel!!!!

Name: Carole Fisher
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-06-01 12:19:00
Comments: Dear Stephen, I have just enjoyed your reading of 'About a boy'. Is it being released on Audio cassette.Also 'Brassed Off' And of course 'Ballykissangel'. Just viewing the First series again. All the best to you both, Carole

Name: Lauren Ross
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Australia
Time: 1998-05-28 09:15:34
Comments: This is a fabbo website, definately one to visit often. Like everyone, I was upset at the end of the 3rd season, and I'm glad that your website mentions the possibility of getting a fan fiction section, because I've been hunting for some Ballyk fan fic for ages. If you know of any, could you please e-mail me? Thanks :)

Name: John Parsnip
Website: N/A
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Rochester, N.Y. USA
Time: 1998-05-26 21:41:45
Comments: We get this on the local PBS station. My wife Diana and I discovered BallyK several months ago and love it. How many episodes are there total? John Parsnip

Name: Katie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Australia
Time: 1998-05-24 21:40:54
Comments: Just a quick note to say I think the idea of a fan fiction section would be a great thing to have as we would be able to make ourselves feel a bit better.Love you all.Ballyk forever!!!

Name: Morvyn Finch
Website: Woodbridge Salvation Army Webpage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ipswich
Time: 1998-05-22 22:38:44
Comments: Well, Sarah, this page is just unbelievable. I count it a privildge to be friends (or should I say Cyberfriend) with someone of such talent. The layout is superb! and the content, well, what can I say!!!. Keep it coming!!!!!. I see a certain picture has made it's way on here!!!

Name: Ruthii Turner
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-05-22 15:37:43
Comments: I had never watched BallyK until it was the final two episodes a few weeks ago. I've always found Stephen Tompkinson rather sexy, and I thought that I should watch the last two episodes, as he was starring in them Even though I had not seen it before, I was deeply moved by the whole tragedy, and even found a few tears rolling down my cheeks. If there are any other Stephen fans out there, please E-Mail me PS Did anybody else think that Assumpta killed herself because of Peter's dilema? I do

Name: Timothy Winks
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Nottingham
Time: 1998-05-20 12:43:46
Comments: Having left a private message I thought this was a bit silly and should share my thoughts with other Ballyk fans. I thought the last series had lost a lot of the joyousness of the first two. Peter's increasing isolation, losing his home, his mother, his certainty about his place in the Catholic Church (interesting he never questioned his faith in God), and his agony over Assumpta. Assumpta was clearing suffering too, as did Brian Quigley in his own way and Paedrig. The death of Assumpta I felt was wholly out of tenor with the feel of Ballyk. and was too violent and unnecessary. An enigmatic ending would have been best in my view - with Peter's qualities as a priest being recognised and rewarded with a larger parish in London. Leo lived in London. The series could have ended, and ended finally, with Assumpta selling Fitzgeralds to Brian Quigley announcing she was going to London. It could then have been left for us all to decide in our own way whether she was going to Leo or Peter. It was right that Peter was not shown questioning his actual faith - his character was a quiet one compared to the Brian Quigley's and Assumpta's of the series and the strength of his character was that he was a normal bloke who cared about people and had a quiet but profound faith. Steven Tompkinson did well conveying the depth of faith without it really being ever spoken. One quibble I really had with the last series with Assumpta's actions. I just do not believe that a strong, independent 90's woman like her would have run off and married Leo because she felt she could not have Peter - I felt that was really out of character. Nor can I understand why the scriptwriters failed to give her lines expressing her love for Peter in the penultimate episode. Surely anyone who finally discovers that the person they love loves them and is prepared to give up everything for them would actually respond with at least an 'I love you'. Finally Peter Clifford was the coathanger on which the whole series of Ballyk hung - I believe the series can survive without Assumpta - but without Father Clifford - I doubt it.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-05-19 13:59:05
Comments: The greatness of Ballyk was the humour and the bitter-sweet unspoken love between Father Clifford and Assumpta. With good script writing the humour can remain and bitter-sweet love can be regenerated through two other characters. However, essentially Ballyk was about Father Clifford, 'an ordinary bloke' who happened to have without it ever really being put into words a deep and profound faith. Father Clifford was the backbone of this series and although it can survive without Assumpta I really don't believe it can without Father Clifford. However wonderful the other characters are, and wonderfully drawn they certainly are, essentially they fleshed out the storyline of Father Clifford. The fundamental lonliness of his position and the essential loneliness of Assumpta (I seem to remember she was referred to as having an unhappy childhood) added such poignancy to their relationship. I thought it was unnecessary to kill Assumpta (they did it nastily but any way would have been out of step with the whole tenor of the programme) and although Dervla Kirwan apparently asked for her to be killed off, in the real world the script writers have the last say. Not many 25 year olds get electroculated and far more realistic would have been to have an ending which left you guessing. Father Clifford given a bigger parish in London - Leo lived in London. So why not simply have Assumpta selling Fitzgeralds to Brian Quigley and moving to London - then we would all have been left wondering - was she going to Leo or Peter. I found her marriage unlikely - here was this fiesty fiercely independent girl - would she have run off and married a man because she couldn't have the man she really loved.? My only other quibble is that I think it very unlikely that in the romantic scenes between Peter and Assumpta that after all those longing loving looks that she wouldn't have actually said back to him 'I love you'. If the script writers wanted to be enigmatic I wish they had restricted it to the ending and not the dialogue . The desperate loneliness of Peter all through the third series meant that much of the joy of the programme was lost I think - and the third series to me missed some vitual deliciousness because of it. Also, and I would add here that I am 53 years of age so beyond the 'fan' stage, I would especially pick out the acting of Steven Tompkinson which was always quiet, understated and 'ordinary' -as all good acting should be - therefore making his character totally believable - he WAS Father Clifford a Roman Catholic priest - an achievement for those who came to the series with preconceived ideas of the actor from Drop the Dead Donkey. All in all a tonic for Sunday nights and I think the Last Recokoning should have been our last dose.

Name: Tom Kirwan
Website: The Weather Channel
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: New York, NY USA
Time: 1998-05-18 20:43:56
Comments: I just accidentally landed on your page trying to locate a relation of mine, anyway, where can I find Ballyk in NYC?

Name: emma and lorna
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: scotland
Time: 1998-05-16 22:40:47
Comments: We loved BALLYK. and the next series won't be the same with out ASSUMPTA and PETER but we'll still watch it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Name: Cheryl Russell
Referred by: Net Search
From: LaCrosse, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Time: 1998-05-15 22:17:05
Comments: Here on Wisconsin Public Television, we are only on the first season, and coming up on episode 5...and I'm already hooked...trying to get my co-worker hooked, too!!! I'm NOT (I repeat, NOT) going to read ahead....but I'm so happy to know that there are other Ballykissangel fans around the world...

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-05-14 22:58:38

Name: Jo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: NW. England
Time: 1998-05-13 19:03:26
Comments: hi everyone, well a week later and it still feels like sunday and monday night. Couldn't watch the new series that's on in place of it, can't see anything getting to me as much as ballyk. I've been buying as much of the merchandise i can get me hands on, just so i can rrelive the happier moments although just thinking about the polar bear joke gets me down. It's good to have a lpace to get all these emotions out otherwise i'd be really upset. Its good to see i'm not alone in my misery over assumpta's death. gonna miss them both in the new series but i'll still watch to see how the others get on, especially siobhan and the new baby. nuff from me and can't wait for ST's new show, loved him in oktober ;-]

Name: Katie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Brisbane, Australia
Time: 1998-05-12 07:37:19
Comments: Well on Sunday night when there was no Ballykissangel on I felt terrible. I felt lost and lonely as if without a friend. I can't wait till the 4th series and I hope I won't be disappointed.( although without A+P I will )I miss Ballykae heaps and heaps and heaps and heaps.I love it to bits. I am so sad! I am so lost for words except I love you Assumpta and Peter and Ballyk.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-05-11 13:15:44
Comments: Sarah Who's a clever girl, setting up a paddy's web-site I will keep your Site Info so i can keep track of all your friend's and maybe tell them a little about you , Who knows i may scan a photo of you as a baby one day.!! Till then it's best if you keep in my good book's SEE YOU SOON UNCLE TONY

Name: Henk
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Holland
Time: 1998-05-10 16:49:03
Comments: After seeing the last two episodes of Ballykissangel I was very sad and shocked. It felt like loosing a near relative. Asked my self if I was the only person with this feelings. Surfed on the internet and found this site. I was relieved and comforted by the reaction of all the other viewers. The first reaction after watching the last episode was no more Ballykissangel again. The pub without Assumpta. No more Peter and Assumpta. I don't know. have mixed feelings about the 4 episode. Sarah your site is great and gave me much comfort. Thanks.

Name: Andrea Simmons
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: England
Time: 1998-05-10 14:26:51
Comments: What were the BBC thinking of?! The last two episodes made brilliant drama (as was the whole series) but why not a happy ending? Or would that have been too idealistic, ie the young priest leaving the priesthood and marrying, living happily ever after? Congratulations to all concerned, and special wishes to Stephen and Dervla - they will be sadly missed in the series. At least they have eachother in real life!

Name: Zenon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-05-10 09:25:14
Comments: Good bye Assumpta

Name: Sandra Walker
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Perth, Australia
Time: 1998-05-09 06:26:36
Comments: When Assumpta died I really felt like a member of my own family had died. My husband and I have been avid fans of Ballykissangel since the first episode and wouldn't answer the phone or door when it screened each Sunday night. I will miss the richness that Assumpta and Peter's characters gave the show terribly but I will also definately watch the next series. In some ways the episodes where Peter and Assumpta were absent in the third series were among the best as the other characters were allowed to develop. Please, just make the next series quick - we need our Ballykissangel fix!

Name: Annabel François
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Belgium
Time: 1998-05-08 12:46:08
Comments: As many others I am also deeply sadened by the final episodes of BallyK. It was however to be expected that something tragic would happen to either Peter or Assumpta. The relationship between the two main characters was the strand that kept the story together, but it was wearing thin. I thought is was tantalizing in the first series. The second series was a lot of romantic fantasizing (lovely) but in the third it sometimes became a bit much. I say this with the utmost respect, because like so many of you all across the world I AM a fan. But Assumpta's unexpected marriage, Peter's retreat and mother dying? I don't know, it didn't feel right. I prefered the subplots a lot more. I am looking forward to the 4th series, although I am a bit iffy about the arrival of an Irish model (Victoria something?) I only want to add that this is a truly great website (a lot better than Becks, sorry) and finally, I was fortunate enough to live in Ireland/ Dublin for over a year and have beenI back regularly. Believe me, the characters in the series are true to live and I would recommend a trip to Ireland most hartily to all die hard fans. Someone in the guestbook wrote, that she really felt a part of that community. Life in Ireland really can be like that, be it not as sweet because of the romantic interest. I also have a question: What do the Irish actually think of the series?

Name: Lisa
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Gold Coast, Australia
Time: 1998-05-08 02:09:28
Comments: This is a great site - thanks to those responsible. And ditto to what everybody else has had to say in their tributes. I don't feel like such a freak now! After "The Reckoning" I was completely shocked and unable to sleep for days, but I don't think I've ever cried so much at any film, book, TV show, whatever (and I'm a crier!) as I did after the final episode of the third series. Ambrose's speech at the grotto, the wake scene (God, the tears are coming now would you believe) and Peter's final departure were particular tearjerkers. The actors on "BallyK" managed to convey so beautifully the love and warmth of the friendship that their characters shared. So much so that I myself felt drawn into their circle. I experienced a physical ache at the thought of that bond being disturbed and broken as it was by Assumpta's death and Peter's leaving. As Peter left to go out into the world, alone and heartbroken I was begging him to turn around and stay with his friends. Thanks to all the actors for their fine performances (Ambrose and Niamh are my favourites, and Peter and Assumpta of course). To Stephen and Dervla - thanks for the memories! I hope to be proven wrong, but I can't see how Ballykissangel will ever be the same without you!

Name: Anna
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Brisbane, Australia
Time: 1998-05-07 10:42:22
Comments: I have watched BallyK from its first episode but have only just stumbled upon this site. How incredibly relieved I am to find that others have been equally affected by recent goings on in that sleepy hollow. What were the writers thinking? Did they mean to traumatise us completely! I still well up with tears at the thought of the final two episodes, (this is an improvement as I wept solidly for a day and a half, my workmates thinking one of my family members had died, and maybe in a way they were correct). I have watched the episodes a number of times to try and desensitise myself. All to no avail.One part of me wishes desperately to watch reruns of earlier episodes so that I can remember what it was like "pre-Reckoning", but the other part of me doesn't think I can bear it, knowing how it all ends. I think it is an enormous credit to the actors and the writers of this wonderful series that so many of us have been moved in this way. But I swear NEVER to get this emotionally involved in a television series EVER AGAIN!! Thank-you with all my heart to those involved with "BallyK" - both past and present - and all the best for the future. I do think you could have given us one lousy kiss, or one "I Love You" from Assumpta though!

Name: Leslie
Referred by: Net Search
From: Glasgow
Time: 1998-05-07 08:35:16
Comments: Great site!!! Many thanks... I too was devasted, and not least because I have been fortunate enought to meet Dervla 3 times. The ultimate tribute tho was on the show itself, the use of Yeats' poem He wishes for the Cloths of heavenHe Wishes For The Cloths Of Heaven HAD I the heavens' embroidered cloths, Enwrought with golden and silver light, The blue and the dim and the dark cloths Of night and light and the half-light, I would spread the cloths under your feet: But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Name: Anne C. Sproat
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Now in Orem, UT, native Texan, lived all over, incl. 14 yrs. in Marshall Islands
Time: 1998-05-05 21:08:12
Comments: Just discovered the series, which showed episode 2-1 here last week. Desired to know more about BallyK and went surfing yesterday, only to be devastated by what I learned. (I couldn't refrain from reading the spoilers). Even though I'm an old woman (almost 50) more in Brian Quigley's generation, I was totally caught up, from the very first scenes with Peter and Assumpta. I will continue to watch and enjoy. And evidently, cry. Thanks to all who have so lovingly created this web-site and also to the producers and writers and actors who have been in the series. It's a treasure. Anne Sproat

Name: jennifer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: perth western australia
Time: 1998-05-05 14:50:27
Comments: great show. would like to remove last two episodes and have the story rewritten from there.

Name: Simone
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: The Netherlands
Time: 1998-05-05 12:26:47
Comments: I was shocked by the death of Assumpta Fitzgerald. She was just a tv-character I know, but in her own way she - the 'hard' woman she was - made you think of things. She gave herself to the world, her feelings, her doubts and she reached out to me, so it felt. She grew on me and I loved her for that. And now she's gone. Gone's the sense of warmth, friendship, the feeling that there was a woman I could relate to. Assumpta Fitzgerald was a wonderful character. She was given to us and we loved her. Her death is truely painful. I'm disappointed and sad. With her goes her love for Peter, a man in distress. A great character as well. A true man. Warm, honest, intelligent and sensitive. What those two charaters gave us is irreplaceable. I truely regret Assumpta's death and can only hope that Peter will be back. I really don't want to do without them. In a sense they showed us what life's all about. Please don't let the myth stop here. I wish the best for all of those who mourn with me.

Name: Samantha
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Queensland, Australia
Time: 1998-05-05 12:02:28
Comments: Although I am new to the internet, I have watched BallyK since day one. I have read a few of the "tributes" to Peter/Stephen and Assumpta/Dervla, but found it difficult to continue through the tears. I, like many others were hoping Peter was having a dream and that he would awake to realise that his love for Assumpta was something even his religon could not stand in the way of. But alas, it wasn't to be. I suppose one comfort in our loss, is that Stephen & Dervla are together in real life - perhaps that was why their relationship on screen seemed so real and eventually tragic. Can't wait to see Steve & Dervla in other shows and I wish them the best of luck!

Name: Susanna
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Stockholm
Time: 1998-05-04 23:53:28
Comments: I´m quoting an email I just sent you: "Please speak to me Sarah. I feel very left out here, not being able to see these episodes myself (just reading about them) and not getting any replies to my emails. Susanna"

Name: Morvyn Finch
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Ipswich
Time: 1998-05-04 18:49:52
Comments: I 100% agree with everything written about Assumpta. Being a huge fan of Dervla, I can think of no one else who would have played the role to perfection. As a focal character she will be sorely missed and it is the first time I have grieved for such a powerful fictional character. Let us keep these pages as a legacy to her and to the very alive Dervla Kirwan.

Name: Heather
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Glasgow, Scotland
Time: 1998-05-04 18:49:22
Comments: Was absolutely devastated last night.. couldn't stop thinking about it. Will have to watch tonight to get some resolution I think!

Name: Morvyn Finch
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Ipswich
Time: 1998-05-04 18:45:10
Comments: I 100% agree with everything written about Assumpta. Being a huge fan of Dervla, I can think of no one else who would have played the role to perfection. As a focal character she will be sorely missed and it is the first time I have grieved for such a powerful fictional character. Let us keep these pages as a legacy to her and to the very alive Dervla Kirwan.

Name: Alison Green
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Glasgow, Scotland
Time: 1998-05-04 15:32:47
Comments: Why did their love have to end this way? Everything was so happy. They went together so well. I think the worst thing is that they never properly kissed. Poor Peter, I just want to go to Ballykissangel now and give him a huge hug. This is a wonderful site, dedicated to a wonderful show. Many sad tears, Alison. xxx

Name: Jo King
Website: Jo King's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Derbyshire
Time: 1998-05-04 15:16:17
Comments: Father Clifford(Stephen Tompkinson) If you need a shoulder to cry on I'm ready and waiting in hope that you will one day want to give up the church for me. All my love and forever yours Joanna King(Your biggest fan in the whole entire world. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Name: Severine Dufour
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: The Netherlands
Time: 1998-05-04 14:11:39
Comments: I always thought I belonged to the group of 'sensible' people who wouldn't cry for a tv-figure. Turns out I'm a complete idiot after all! How devastating it was to see Assumpta die after all those troubles... Can't help but feeling sorry for Peter. Ok, I had to get it out of my system, thanks for the occasion!

Name: Christine Miller
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Australia
Time: 1998-05-04 08:34:43
Comments: Thank you for a most interesting site. I do enjoy the Ballkissangel show. Do you know if there will be more episodes made.

Name: Naomi
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Canberra, Australia
Time: 1998-05-04 03:44:11
Comments: I saw the final episode of season three last night. It is bad enough that Assumpta is gone and now we say good-bye to Peter as well. Good luck to Peter wherever he has gone, we will miss you and Assumpta very much.

Name: Julie McWilliams
Referred by: Net Search
From: Seaville NJ USA
Time: 1998-05-04 02:38:35
Comments: We're just seeing the first episodes and have become enchanted. Our feelings that we had a real winner have been confirmed by finding several websites such as yours. It's been a pleasure to see that so much more awaits us.

Name: Jonathan Hall
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Norfolk
Time: 1998-05-03 23:58:04
Comments: I've only really started watching Ballyk from series three but its brillant. However, tonights events will mean that BallyK will never be the same again. What on earth is Auntie Beeb playing at ?? Okay Dervla and Stephen wanted to leave but not this way surely ? Can we never have a happy ending once in a while. I'll watch tomorrow but with a heavy heart. At least I have the thought that I can watch series one and two on video but it's not the same unless its "live". God Bless BallyK.

Name: Katie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Brisbane ,Australia
Time: 1998-05-03 23:46:44
Comments: Well the last episode of series three was on last night. I cried throughout and after, along with( I am sure) many other Australians. I feel really lost and upset. I don't know what I'll do with myself untill the 4th series start and still then something will be missing and that will be Assumpta and Peter. I know why I feel a loss and that is because Ballyk is finished and it might not ever be as brilliant as it was. I love all the other characters and I think that they are all wonderful actors but in all the next episodes we will remember Assumpta and her tragic death and we will remember poor Peter and it will be depressing and it will hang over it. But if Ballykissangel again becomes the light-hearted and funny and beautiful and the best show , I believe that I will look back and remember Assumpta with a smile on nice memories . I love Ballykissangel. I love you Assumpta and Peter!

Name: Tom Shanahan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sydney Australia
Time: 1998-05-03 23:34:08
Comments: Today, May 4 1998, A whole country mourns at noyt only the loss of Assumpta Fitzgerald, but also the loss of a wonderful, emotional and heartwarming series. How I will cope from withdrawl symptoms is beyond me. I beg the producers, please make a fourth series, PLEASE!!!!!!!!! Faithful fan, Tom Shanahan

Name: sandra brumond
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: The Netherlands
Time: 1998-05-03 22:02:12
Comments: Oh Men, I wasn't ready for this. I have never cried so hard over a television show before, but I couldn't help myself I truly loved BallyK and will miss it. I will not watch it anymore, for how wonderful all the supporting actors were, BallyK will never be the same without Assumpta and Peter! I am a fan for life and hope to see more of them in the very near future.

Name: Kevin Tennent
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Durham England
Time: 1998-05-03 22:01:20
Comments: So sad to see the death of Assumpta Fitzgerald - we have just seen it in England tonight with the last episode still to be transmitted (can't believe the Austrailians get it before us) and well I can't believe it. Well at least I know Assumpta and her memory will live forever because its unlikely we'll forget tonight and of course we'll still have the previous episode - but it's sad it had to end this way. I suppose its all over for Father Clifford too now but at least Assumpta died happy.

Name: Yvette
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Australia
Time: 1998-05-03 14:42:16
Comments: Well...I suppose I'd better say something now that series three is over for us Australians. The last two episodes have been the most touching pieces of TV I've ever seen - it's just a pity they were so depressing. Dervla and Stephen's performances didn't let down for a second, and the supporting cast did a terrific job holding the story together. I'm now off to find a quiet corner in which to whimper for a while, Yvette

Name: Alison
Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1998-05-03 11:59:12
Comments: i love BallyK...just watched the final episode tonight in Australia...was devestated last week when Assumpta died...and i wish there more episodes to come

Name: Kelley O.
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Time: 1998-05-02 21:26:46
Comments: The local Public Broadcasting station just finished airing the first two seasons and I am anxiously awaiting the third. However, being incredibly impatient (you know the type who reads the solution to mystery stories first), I had to discover what happens in the third series--was truly astonished. Have really enjoyed the characters and their portrayers--even got my normally cynical brother hooked on the show. Great website--thanks for all the information. Kelley O.

Name: Mark
Website: Quantum Theory
Referred by: Net Search
From: Swansea, Wales, UK
Time: 1998-05-02 14:46:29
Comments: There is an interview with Dervla in the British TV listings magazine at

Where she explains why she wanted to leave the show.

Name: Cathy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Blue Mountains, Australia
Time: 1998-05-02 07:26:49
Comments: Ballyk is the best TV series that I have had the privilege to watch. The Reckoning was, without a doubt, the most powerful and moving episode of any TV series. I cried throughout the whole show and watched with tearful glee, the tender moments between Peter & Assumpta and Peter finally saying "I love you". I watched Assumpta's death in complete disbelief and waited for them to revive her so that Peter could publicly declare his love. Alas, the writers chose a more tragic path and sent the world into shock. The spark between Peter & Assumpta was wonderful to watch and what makes her death exceptionally sad is that we can't be a witness to their forbidden love anymore. Hopefully tomorrow night's episode will help us with our grief. The fact that a TV series has had such an impact on so many people is testament to the excellent writing, characters and acting that makes Ballyk so special. Although I will miss Peter & Assumpta immensely, I look forward to what the writers have in store for us in the future. Thank you Peter & Assumpta & good luck Stephen & Dervla.

Name: Beth & Janelle
Referred by: Net Search
From: Ipswich, Qld, Australia
Time: 1998-05-02 04:53:04
Comments: My sister and I knew what was going to happen to Assumpta before we saw last Sunday's episode but we were still really upset. That the producers chose this way to resolve their relationship was felt to be a bit of a cop out. We think it would have been braver, perhaps, to have them dealing with the problems the couple may have encountered after Peter left the priesthood for Assumpta (particularly if they stayed in BallyK). However, the whole episode was beautifully realised as usual and the we've read that the final episode of this series (which airs tomorrow night here in Australia) will be even more moving.

Name: Fiona
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Adelaide Australia
Time: 1998-05-01 16:00:44
Comments: Assumpta has been struck down by the proverbial lightning. I dont think it's a coincidence that she was electrocuted after tempting a priest. I think the producers let the hard line Catholics have their revenge.

Name: Yvette
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Australia
Time: 1998-05-01 11:42:23
Comments: Well...well...well. it's been almost a week since we watched 'the reckoning' and i'm still dying over here. it's great to see all the australian ballyk fans pulling together - people keep saying 'it's only a tv show'...but it's not really. assumpta and peter were a match made in heaven (bad choice of words there... :o) and assumpta being mercilessly killed off in the same episode they finally got together. aaagh...this sunday is not going to be fun, yvette

Name: Madeleine
Referred by: From
From: Sydney, Australia
Time: 1998-04-30 00:08:11
Comments: I was never a big TV watcher but by pure chance I happened to see the very first episode of Ballykissangel and I was hooked. I have watched every episode since, which is a first for me! I feel like these people are part of my family and the show was my big highlight of every week. I can't explain how I have become so attached, but emotionally I love these people! Crazy isn't it? I am just shattered over the last episode 'The Reckoning' and I almost can't believe it is over. I do think there are enough tragic stories in the world, just turn on the news, so I wasn't ready for a tragedy and am angry about it. How could they (the Producers) do this to me?, don't they realize they have depressed people all over the world?. I loved the character of Fr Clifford, and I will miss him. Bring them back!!!!!

Name: Morvyn Finch
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-04-29 21:17:24
Comments: Ballyk won't be the same without Assumpta!!!

Name: Jo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sydney, Australia
Time: 1998-04-29 13:57:45
Comments: Well, the only thing I can say is that at least there are a lot of other people out there feeling the same way as I do - and that should probably tell Dervla and Stephen how much admired their work is, and how close they have become to so many people. I was deeply, deeply shocked on Sunday night and tossed and turned, and felt like a fool until I heard someone on Sydney radio the next morning saying his wife and daughters hadn't stopped crying from the night before. The hints were all there, in the episode, I guess, but like so many other people, I kept hoping that Peter would wake up, or that Assumpta would be revived. I will watch next week, because its what most of us need to do, but I'll be grieveing like everyone else. It's just too hard when you find a `place' where you feel part of the community, and where you can witness true love (however vicariously) which is dealt with in an honest, adult, and delicate manner and then wham!!! I really think that the writers/producers have hurt a lot of people in a way which was essentially unnecessary. Oh well, back to the hankies, this website, and forever playing `I think of you all the time' sound bites on my computer.

Name: Anne
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Brisbane / Australia
Time: 1998-04-29 03:50:03
Comments: Ii would just like to varify that the last entry (katie) is one of my best friends and every thing that she said is double by my feelings. It was true that she cried all day, we all did. today we are having an Assumpta Memorial Day and visiting this site has made all the feelings of sunday night return. I still find it extremly hard to believe that she is gone forever from Bally K. Why ? Our only concellation is that our brilliant acting couple ( Dervla and Stephen ) are together in real life. All the actors on Bally K have brought the town and it's charaters to life as to bring us into the story every week and Assumpta's death has shocked us as much as the townsfolk. Assumpta will live on in our memories and thoughts. And to our dear Peter the whole world is mourning with you. All our love, Anne and Katie

Name: Katie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Brisbane Australia
Time: 1998-04-28 11:04:45
Comments: I wrote here last night but I just read your ASSUMPTA FITZGERALD article, Sarah , and I wanted to say that it was really sweet. You are right, Austalians were shocked and deeply saddened by 3.10. You said it was as if we knew her because she was with us once a week and you were absolutely right. After the episode on sunday night I cried myself to sleep and I had a restless night because whenever I woke I would start crying again . On monday morning I cried again and then again at school with my friends. I nearly made it through today but this afternoon it hit me again and then again just then when I read ASSUMPTA. It is so upsetting that such a perfect couple with such love as shown in 3.10 should be torn apart.We love you Assumpta.Can't wait till England sees it so you can put pictures of them together over the internet. I am mourning with Peter because he has lost his love, Assumpta and we only know part of what he is feeling. We won't ever forget Assumpta.

Name: Rachael Elswyk
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Coomera, Queensland, Australia
Time: 1998-04-28 09:15:51
Comments: "Oh my God!" This was all I could say for hours after the show. How could they do such a thing to a love so true? All I could think of was that Peter was just dreaming, perhaps feeling some guilt about his calling, but boy, was I mistaken! And, have I been led to believe that this is the last ever episode or the last for this current season? Television now has no meaning!!

Name: Shannon Lortz
Referred by: Net Search
From: Texas, USA
Time: 1998-04-28 08:34:15
Comments: I am currently in Australia visiting my sister, and had never seen Ballkissangel before. As soon as I watched the first episode I became hooked!!! I have to say that the untimely death of Assumpta has come as a great blow. It seems merely convenient for the writers to kill her character off rather than have to tackle the problems with Peter leaving the priesthood. It seems that there is enough heartache in the world, so why do these shows have to be tragic as well. Some people cannot understand how or why I am upset about this latest event. They say it is only fiction, but I ask them was it so wrong for Peter and Assumpta to love each other??? I think not!!!

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