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Knight Rider: The Complete Series 

Knight Rider - Season One

 Knight Rider - Season Two

 Knight Rider - Season Three

 Knight Rider - Season Four

 Knight Rider - Online Video Download

 Knight Rider T-shirt


Show Type: Adventure

First Telecast: September 26, 1982

Last Telecast: August 8, 1986

Broadcast History:

September 1982, Sunday 8:00-10:00 on NBC

October 1982 – August 1983, Friday 9:00-10:00 on NBC

August 1983 – March 1985, Sunday 8:00-9:00 on NBC

March 1985 – April 1985, Friday 8:00-9:00 on NBC

April 1985 – August 1985, Sunday 8:00-9:00 on NBC

August 1985 – December 1985, Friday 8:00-9:00 on NBC

January 1986 – April 1986, Friday 9:00-10:00 on NBC

May 1986 – August 1986, Friday 8:00-9:00 on NBC


Michael Knight..... David Hasselhoff

Devon Miles..... Edward Mulhare

Bonnie Barstow (1982-1985)..... Patricia McPherson

April Curtis (1983-1984)..... Rebecca Holden

Voice of KITT..... William Daniels

Reginald "RC3" Cornelius III (1985-1986)..... Peter Parros


Brandon Tartikoff, youthful head of programming at NBC, once gave California magazine this version of the creation of Knight Rider: It seems he and one of his assistants were discussing the problems of casting handsome leading men in series, because many of them can’t act. Why not have a series, they mused, called “The Man of Six Words,” which would begin with the guy getting out of a woman’s bed and saying “Thank you.” Then he would chase down some villains and say “Freeze!” Finally the grateful almost-victims would thank him, and he would murmur, “You’re welcome.” End of show. In between, the car could do the talking.

The series that made it to the air as Knight Rider was scarcely less preposterous than that, but it was played with such a twinkle in the eye that viewers – especially kids – made it one of the top hits of the 1982 season. The opening episode told the story of how a dying millionaire named Wilton Knight rescued a young undercover cop who had been shot in the face. After plastic surgery, officer Michael Young had a new face, a new identity (Michael Knight) and a new mission in life: to fight for law and justice in Knight's incredible super-car, the Knight Industries Two Thousand – or KITT, for short. It was love at first sight between Michael and KITT. The car, a sleek black, customized Pontiac Trans-Am, was impervious to attack, could cruise at 300 mph, could leap up to 50 feet through the air, and was loaded with such armaments as flamethrowers, smoke bombs, and infrared sensing devices. Best of all, it could talk, and in fact had a personality all its own; peevish, a bit haughty, but totally protective of Michael. He could summon the car when in trouble, and it would come crashing through walls to get him.

Its deceased inventor had left behind a huge fortune to finance the crime-fighting, and a trusted associate, the suave Devon, to look after things. Based at a palatial estate, called somewhat grandly the Foundation for Law and Government, Michael (and often Devon) went forth each week, trailed by a large maintenance van that served as a sort of mobile command post. Rounding out the crew was a beautiful mechanic, variously Bonnie or April, and “RC3,” streetwise mechanic who joined the team in the in the fall of 1985. (Behind the scenes, the same Hollywood customizers who built Batman’s Batmobile and the Green Hornet's Black Beauty worked on KITT).

Though the gimmick in the series was the car, much of the show's appeal was due to actor David Hasselhoff, a tall, handsome former soap-opera heartthrob (on The Young and The Restless) who joked and kidded with his computerized companion. While he had more to say than “The Man of Six Words,” his tight jeans, wavy hair, and laid-back style (his favorite phrase was “You got it”) made women melt.

Team Knight Rider, a sequel to this series, aired during the 1997-1998 season.