Mafia Hitmen

Felix Anthony Alderisio (1922-1971) AKA Milwaukee Phil

Credited with over 14 "contract" killings on behalf of the Chicago crime syndicate.

Chuckie Nicoletti

Partner to Philly Alderisio

Anthony Joseph Accardo (1906- ) AKA Joe Batters, Joe Batty, Big Tuna

Arrested 27 times since 1922 for carrying concealed weapons, gambling, extortion, kidnapping, and murder; never fined or imprisioned. Also suspected of being one of the machingunners at the St. Valentine's Massacre; Took the fifth amendment 144 times when appearing before the Kefauver Committee and cited for contempt of Congress.

Anthony Spilotro (1938-1986) AKA Tony the Ant, the Enforcer

Sam DeStefano AKA Mad Sam, Crazy Sam

Part of the Chicago syndicate he is known as the worst torture-murderer in history. Don't ever owe this guy money. He's been known to be real handy with the ice pick

Jack McGurn (1904-1936) AKA Machine Gun Jack

A good boy turned ganster who became Al Capone's top enforcer.

Dominick Nuccio (1895- ?)

One of the most feared gunmen in the Chicago Mafia-Syndicate. Part of Capone's gang, he was credited with more than ten contracted hits.

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