Even more quotes...

(And long dialogues :)

Feeny: (Talking to Alan) Your childen are the spawn of Satan!

Shawn: I've never been so depressed.
Cory: You poor guy. Two girls want you. There's gotta be some sort of hotline you can call. But with your luck a girl would answer and she'd want you!
Billy: Can't I watch TV?
Cory: Sure.
Topanga: No! Cory!
Cory: No! Billy! What were you thinking?
Billy: But it's the Friday Night Line-up!
Cory: Ooh, the Friday Night Line-up!
Topanga What does that have to do with anything?
Cory: The Friday Night Line-up? It's only the best shows on TV. I mean, you walk into school Monday morning, and you didn't see the Friday Night Line-up, forget it. You got nothing to say.
Billy: Don't take that away from me!
Topanga: (Topanga faces Cory, Billy mocks her behind her back) Cory, you're undermining my authority. I am this child's babysitter and I take my responsibilities very seriously! (Turns to Billy) What were you doing?
Billy: I love you?
(Cory laughs)
Topanga: What, you think this is funny?
Cory: No, Mistress Topanga, I think it's the opposite of funny. I, I think it's... wood.
Billy: At least let me watch my favorite show- it's on right now!
Topanga: But it's 9:30. I know you don't stay up past 9:00.
Billy: It used to be on at 8:30, but this year they moved to 9:30- those idoits...
Cory: They moved That Show to 9:30? Why?
Billy: No one knows!
Cory: Well was it doing badly at 8:30?
Billy: No!
Cory: Well why didn't they leave it alone?
Billy: They're trying to kill it! They're trying to kill it!
Cory: Those bad, bad people.
Topanga: Cory, we have to have a little talk.
Cory: Right after The Show, honey.
Topanga: There will be no Show. (To Billy) Get to bed. (Billy leaves)
Cory: Well that was nicely done. Now it's just you and dangerous me on the cozy couch.
Topanga: You're going home.
Cory: Well then it's just you! What fun could that be?
Topanga: You have no idea what this is about, do you?
Cory: Yes, I do! And it happens to be a very important issue. Not just to me and you, but to all men and women in relationships both here and abroad.
Topanga: You have no idea what this is about, do you?!
Cory: Oh, I do ever?!
(Billy runs back in the room)
Billy: Hey, Cory! You're missin' a real funny one. The curly-headed kid keeps on digging himself in deeeeper and deeeeper...
Cory: I love that kid, he is such a doof!

Episode: "Shallow Boy"

Morgan: Mommy, if my dolly is cold, can I put her in the toaster oven?
Amy: No, honey, that would be a mistake.
Morgan: Mommy?
Amy: What?
Morgan: I made a mistake.

Episode: "Killer Bee"

Topanga: Are we all done for today?
Cory: Yeah, Shawn and I have another project we're working on now.
Topanga Really? What is it?
Shawn: Well, you know how those dolphins get caught in the tune nets?
Topanga: (Very interested) Yeah?
Shawn: It's got nothing to do with that.

Episode: "Killer Bee"

Feeny: I think Western Civilization is in it's decline.
Minkus: I completely agree. I'm gonna go watch Bevis and Butt-Head now.

(Topanga is driving away, leaving for Pittsburgh)
Shawn: It's not over yet. That car's gonna turn around. Just wait. Just watch. Any second now. Uh huh. Just wait, okay. (She doesn't turn around) What the hell kind of TV show is this?!**

Episode: "A Long Walk To Pittsburgh- I"

Feeny: Good luck in hell, Mr. Matthews.

Episode: "Graduation"

Eric: Feeny thinks he's retiring, he thinks he's movin' away, nuh uh. I'm gonna stop him. I don't know how, but I am. Maybe I'll ask the French for help. Or the Belgians- they're not doing anything.

Episode: "Graduation"

Shawn: So, that's why this building exsists!! Some of us are students, some of us are teachers, and if the students LISTEN to the teachers... then.. OH I ALMOST GOT IT!!
Cory: Then, they get good grades.
Shawn: But WHY?!
Turner: Why do you think, Shawn?
Shawn: (Ponders) Because.. if you get good grades, it means you've actually learned something- am I close?***

Episode: "Pop Quiz"

Feeny: (After Minkis has just insulted Shawn) Mr. Minkis, let me remind you that eventually the bell will ring, and you will be you... and he will be he... and nature will take it's course.
Minkus: (Scared) Will five dollars cover it?
Shawn: Hey, talk some more.***

Episode: "Model Family."

**Thanks to Amber for recommending this quote.

***Thanks to Cara Patrick for sending me these quotes. :)