This is my SPOT on the web! (A tired phrase, but I felt it appropriate, sorry.)

(Not for those with delicate stomachs!)

This is Peter's page about my cat Spot, and other stuff.
I signed up on 09/24/98 17:20:57.
My new website address due to yahoo discontinuing free websites through geocities

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, or at my link to Amazon: Amazon.Com

Satellite DISH TV, anyone?

My cousins in the states had my father's parents' names put on the Ellis Island Immigrant's wall: American Immigrant's Wall of Honor

Residents for Sustainable Development in Guelph Fighting Wal Mart's development.(I think they lost, somewhat.) Here's another big environmental kind of issue in Guelph: Big Lake Erie Drinking Water pipeline

But, maybe we'll need it if Wellington Water Watchers are unsuccessful in trying to limit the amount of groundwater being bottled by Nestl� Waters and others.

Rick Mercer Report Spread the Net campaign: