Stars: Tan Tao Liang, Meng Fei, Jack Long, Blackie Ko
Director: Tyrone Shu
1977, Hong Kong
A corrupt man has plans on becoming the king of China. To prevent this from happening Minister Tai must get to Yunan where he will raise and train some men and form an army.
The minister’s chief of guards, Li Tai Kwei (Tan Tao Liang), finds three men who’ll provide escort of the minister.
Irritatingly bad!
It’s full of funny low budget special effects like jumping over houses backwards and acrobatics that are cut so that the guy does like five somersaults in the air without coming down.
Tan lifts up this movie from the cloaks with his excellent kicks but he doesn’t get the chance to show what he’s made of.
Jack Long plays a guy who fights everyone who calls him "nancy boy". He’s acrobatic, of course, but his acting ain’t exactly beautiful. He looks strange without long white hair and beard.
There’s a guy (Lung Fei I think?) that could’ve bean an OK kicker but he just keeps waving his legs and arms like they were a couple of rags.
The kung fu is pretty bad and sloppy (except for Tan’s kicks), after seeing them waving and doing their ugly stuff for a while you’ll be bored.
Pointless dialogs, bad acting and lots of silly comedy is what you’re going to find here.
