Stars: Meng Yuen Man, Lilly Li, Wilson Tong, Choy Chung Sun, Chan Lung
Director: Cheung Sum / Wilson Tong
1980, Hong Kong, Honest Films

Chi Chu Cheng’s (Meng Yuen Man) grandfather forbids him to train kung fu cause his brother resently died in a challenge. But Chi’s eagerness to learn kung fu makes him escape and he finds himself three different teachers. His first teacher (Chan Lung) teaches him strength training (horse stance etc), his second one (Choy Chung Sun) acrobatics, and his third teacher (Lily Li) teaches him a style called Woman’s Fist. Each of them are mysteriously killed by an assassin (Wilson Tong) who uses his 8 daggers to kill them. But who hired him? Don’t worry, Chi will find out.

The thing to look for here is Choy Chung Sun's short but acrobatic appearence.
Meng is pretty good also and copies Jackie Chan in "Dragon Lord" when telling a poem to his grandfather; he’s not as funny as he thinks but he is pretty sympathetic the same. He plays one of those kung fu characters that fights for fun and loves making trouble.
For the Chan Lung fans (if there are any) there's some passable fighting and some goofy acting.
Wilson has had better roles.
It’s nothing more than a comedy with a poor plot and some charismatic fighters, but it’s pretty entertaining the same, and the music was pretty good so it's an everage flick to kill a few hours with.
