The Temple of Kung Fu Movies


Welcome to my kung fu movie site. Created by a lover of kung fu movies (especially of the seventies) my site is dedicated to all the kung fu movie actors/actresses and directors. My love for Hong Kong kung fu movies started about 4,5 years ago when my mother owned a video store in Uruguay (in South America). I remember seeing the kung fu movies with delight. Bruce Lee became my first fave of course, but I was also amazed by the likes of Gordon Liu (in "Warrior from Shaolin"). Then I moved to Sweden where I had lived before, and there (about four years ago) I started collecting kung fu movies starting off with the Bruce Lee collection. Today I'm still collecting and I love the movies even more and have about 50 of them. Kung fu (the martial art) is also one thing that I can't live without and I've also trained Wing Tsun kung fu and now I'm training Shaolin Kung Fu. I also read a
Dirty Ho
lot of kung fu books, I especially like the old stories about Shaolin and any other thing I can find about kung fu.
To not piss you off and bore you with a lot of talking about myself, I'll just finish it here.
Introducing kung fu movies:
Kung fu movies, ahhhh. So cool, so full of kung fu, so entertaining, so damn great!!!
Why are they so good? Because they have beautiful landscapes, temples, pagodas, cool costumes, secret styles, meanest villains in the cinemas history, and heroes that make Van Damme, Chuck Norris etc. look pale, stiff, slow and overweight. These are some of the things you'll find in a kung fu flick, and those are some of the reasons I love them so much. Sadly people have taken the genre as a joke and nobody takes it seriously. But these people just haven't seen the real beauty of the movies and don't understand Hong Kong movie telling because they're probably used to the western style.
Kung fu movies have so much good stuff going on in them that when you see something you don't like you just forget about it and watch on or just enjoy the scene. I personally love kung fu movies just because they are so different and inventive, it's a different world which you visit every time you see a kung fu flick. And that's the world I'll like to show you with this site.
Invincible Shaolin
The site:
Well, to the page. I have a review section, where I write about kung fu movies and rate them. Want to know how I rate them, go to the rating system. If you want to know where to buy these movies go to the video info section.
I have a picture section with pictures of the kung fu actors/actresses and movies. I always try to find as many old school pictures as possible to give you the rarest and most exotic pictures. The ones that are recommended are my personal faves.
There's also a nomination section where I nominate actors and movies because they deserve it. A biography section were I write about my faves of the genre. You'll probably recognize some and if not, read on and check out their movies later. Note, the actors movie lists contain selected movies, non of them have modern day action movies (unless they have some kung fu in them!) listed for the simple reason that my page is not about that. So they do NOT show the actors entire movie list.
I'm also making a page with peoples top ten favorite kung fu movies and I hope (with your help) that it will grow to an immense list, so if you want you can send me your 10 faves (please send your name and country too). You can also vote on your favorite kung fu stars! Or just click here to see the statistics on who's getting more votes.
I hope you'll like my page. Return because it's constantly under construction. I will probably add one or two new reviews every month and some some pictures here and there.
If you have any questions or something just Email me and I'll be delighted to answer you.

Please if you have to use anything from my site ask me first!

Note: Most of the info on the stars was taken from Eastern Heroes and MIHK video sleeves. Info on Bruce Lee movies was taken from the book "Intercepting Fist: the films of Bruce Lee" and Hong Kong Legends DVD's. Others were taken from the "Impact" magazine. Most of the pictures were scanned from the "Impact" magazine, the other pictures are video captures that I've done.

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