Stars: Chan Lung, Ngai Sing, Chung Fa
Director: ?
Hong Kong
When Mr. Ko (Chan Lung) gets a child, he names it Long Life. To see if his new son is going to have a good life he contacts a Taoist priest (Lam Ching Ying). The priest tells him that Long Life will live about 28 years and that he’s especially weak when it’s full moon. At the age of 23, Long Life kills a girl mystically in a mistake and the girls mother refuses to bury her until the girl gets her revenge (yes, dead).
Lots of hokus pokus stuff.
The fighters use some kind of kickboxing like style, and they are supported by lots of wires.
Lam Ching Ying cameos as a Taoist priest and does nothing but fly a bit.
Ngai Sing copies Bruce Lee very badly in a fight, he doesn't impress. He doesn't even try to be good.
Ghosts and magic's (no horror) are the main stuff here, not much to watch for.
