Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Authors Notes: I've been wanting to try a New Trainer fic for awhile
now.  Two weeks ago I started this fic, not sure where it was going and
just now I saw it as an opportunity!  The rest of this fic will be in
Satoshi's POV.  Although I'll switch to Musashi's POV and Inferno's
POV every now and then.  Enjoy!  (I hope)

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

Vermillion: Thunder And Lightning
Chapter 10

I don't believe it, she hasn't hit me or yell all day!  This has to be a dream,
if it is I don't wanna wake up.
Musashi's actually being nice to me.  I looked at Inferno, trying to
determine if he was somehow the cause of this.  He seemed genuinely
puzzled by her behaviour.     
"He he he, you wanna rumble kid?"
I looked at the owner of the voice, a hiker.  They usually had Rock types. 
This would be a good time to test Pikachu's new move.
"Sure!  Three on three!"
I pulled out Pikachu's pokeball.
"I choose you, Pikachu!"
"Hah!  Yer rat's no good for my pokemon!  Go Rhyhorn!"
Excellent, just like I thought.  Although Pikachu bristled at the Hiker for
his comment, I didn't blame him.
"He, since I'm in a good mood I'll let your rat go first before it gets
I smiled.
"Pikachu, Thunder Tsunami!"
I had taught Pikachu how to Surf before teaching him to blend his
Thunder attack with it.  The result?  A ten foot high wall of water
charged with a good 90,000 volts of electricity.
Rhyhorn was out.
"Great job!  Return Pikachu."  I recalled him and glanced at Musashi who
was dealing with another Hiker.
"Go Rhydon!"  
"I choose you, Weepinbell!"
"Horn Drill!"
"DOOOON!"  It roared as it struggled to free itself.
"Finish it!  Razor Leaf!"
"Pinbell!"  (We won!)  As usual he attached himself to my head.
"Do you mind?"  I asked him as I recalled him.
Yuk, I was taking a nice long shower once we got to the Pokemon
"Grrrrr . . . Go Graveller!"
"I choose you, Dratini!  Surf!"
Graveller never had a chance.
"Here's yer money kid."  He growled as he stalked off.
"Great job Dratini." I knelt down and scratched his chin.
"Hey Satoshi, who are you going to use against General Surge?"
"I'm not sure yet.  I'll use Geodude, that's a definite. But I don't know
who else."  I told her as I recalled Dratini.
"Maybe Pikachu as well?"
I thought about it, Pikachu had beaten Surge when he was a Lieutenant. 
Maybe my Pikachu could too!
"Yeah . . . that's a good idea Musashi!  Thanks!  But who are you going
to use?"
"Nidorina and Sandshrew of course!"
"Ok.  Hey, when did you get a Sandshrew?"
"I caught her when you got us lost."
"I said I was sorry!"
Musashi smiled.  I exchanged a look with Inferno.
"(Girls.)" We both huffed out at the same time.

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

Females, truly a puzzle to the mind of any male.  It didn't apply to just
humans, but to pokemon too.
They send you mixed signals.
I sighed as we walked to the Pokemon Centre, perhaps I had judged
Musashi too quickly.  She was being nice to Satoshi, she hasn't hit or
yelled at him all day.  I'll give her another chance.

In the Centre, I studied her.  Trying to figure her out while I munched on
my Charizard kibble.  I glanced at Satoshi who handed a bowl of food to
a grinning Raticate.  I myself had been surprised that she actually asked
Satoshi to make her food nicely.
Hey!  Where'd my chili powder go?!
*Hee hee!* I looked up and saw Clefairy and Cubone giggling.  I sighed
and began chasing them.
*Satoooshiiii . . . they took my chili powder!* I whined.  I must've been
quite the sight because both Satoshi and Musashi began laughing.
"Clefairy, Cubone, lunch!"
*Yeah!* They abandoned my chili powder and raced to their bowls.
"How's that taste Cubone?"
*The best!* I translated for Satoshi.
He smiled before writing something in that little book of his.  I polished
off my food and plopped down behind him.  He reached into his pack and
pulled out a few things I recognized.
"Inferno!"  He clamped my mouth shut but the damage had been done.  A
small stampede ensued at the word.
All his pokemon tackled him, he vanished under the pile of pokemon with
Clefairy and Cubone on top.  I could barely hear his muffled yells for
help.  I couldn't help but laugh at my poor trainer as the pokemon got off
him and waited in an eager circle, except for Weepinbell who remained
attached to his head.
Dessert was a rare thing for us, Satoshi said such treats were okay once
in a while but too many treats weren't good for us.  Plus it only happened
when he had enough money and could spare some.
He gave me a small baggie a quarter filled with Gummies.  Geodude got a
Jawbreaker, Dratini got a few pieces of licorice, Butterfree got a
chocolate bar, Weepinbell got a small sugar cane, Fearow and Pidgeotto
got some Gummie Worms, Rattata got a few peanut butter balls,
Jigglypuff and Clefairy got small scoops of ice cream, Pikachu got a
chocolate egg and Cubone got a cookie.
Musashi was muffling her giggles when she saw Satoshi's paw print
covered face and clothes.
"Stay out of trouble while I go take a shower."  He stood up and left, I
watched him go.  As he passed Nurse Joy I saw her cover a smile with
her hand.
I picked up my bag and walked over to Musashi.  She looked at me
questioningly.  I picked up Meowth by his tail and put him between us.
*Translate this Meowth.* I growled at him.
*Look Musashi.  I was a little too quick to jump to conclusions about
you.  That day Satoshi pulled me over for a talk he wanted to know what
my problem with you was.  I had begun to consider apologizing but then
you went all violent with him.*
When Meowth finished translating Musashi winced at the truth of my
*I've thought it over once more though, now I see the mask you wear for
your parents.  Can't say I like it but after meeting them and hearing
Meowth's stories it's understandable.* I put my claws in the bag and
pulled out some of the Gummies, offering them to her.
*Let's start over.*

~~~~~~Satoshi's POV~~~~~~

I smiled, looks like Inferno has finally called peace between him and
Musashi.  It was about time!
"Geodude, Pikachu, ready to win a badge?"
(Yeah!)  They yelled as I sent Fearow, Pidgeotto, Butterfree, Jigglypuff,
Weepinbell and Rattata to Professor Oaks.
I recalled everyone except Inferno and Clefairy, for obvious reasons.

Together Musashi and I walked into the Gym, glancing at all the military
"We challenge you for a Thunder Badge!"  Musashi said as soon as we
saw him.
"Awww . .  Tha little babies wanna match?"
I bristled, so did Musashi.  I held Inferno back though and pointed him in
the direction of the bleachers after handing Clefairy to him.
"You wanna go first Musashi?"
"Yeah . . . I'll show him who the baby is . . ."  She growled as she took
her position.
"Go Electrode!"
"Go Sandshrew!  Dig!"
Surge growled as Sandshrew flew up from under Electrode.  While it was
still dazed Musashi ordered a Slash attack.
"Electrode, Swift!"
Ohhhh, that had to hurt!
"Dig one more time!"
Sandshrew dug under, but Electrode was wiser now and barely managed
to avoid the up-coming Sandshrew.
"Electrode, Explosion!"
"Elec . . . trode!"
Sandshrew was out, Electrode was just dazed though and soon ready to
fight.  Although one more hit would take it out.
"Return Sandshrew . . .  Go Nidorina!  Double Kick!"
That did it, Electrode was out of the fight.
"Heh, not bad baby.  Let's see if you can handle this!  Gooo Raichu!"
"Poison Sting!"
"Thunder Bolt!"
Nidorina shut her eyes against the electricity and was still standing,
perfectly fine.
"Hah!  Nidorina is a Poison/Ground type!  Electric attacks won't work! 
Nidorina, Mega Kick!"
"Raichu, Agility!"
"Chu chu chu chu!"
"Poison Sting!"
"Body Slam!"
I coughed as dust arose around the two pokemon.  When it settled,
Raichu was down and out, Nidorina was still standing, barely.
"Good girl Nidorina!  Return!"
"Nido . . ."
"Here's yer Thunder Badge and what you won, good job."
"He's right Musashi, great job.  Now it's my turn!"
Musashi and I switched places.  He still had his original Raichu.  How
ironic, to be beaten by a Ketchum and his Pikachu twice.
"Go Electabuzz!"
"Good luck Geodude . . ."  I whispered to her pokeball.  "I choose you,
Geodude!"  Surge lost a little colour with that phrase.  Good, I unnerved
"Mega Punch!" 
"Defence Curl!"
Geodude went flying, and when I asked her if she was alright there was a
gleam I recognized in her eyes that I saw on my other pokemon.
"Geooo . . . .  DUDE!!"
She began to evolve!
"Graveller!"  She boomed.
I brightened up. 
"Rolling Tackle!"
"Mega Punch!"
It didn't stop Graveller, she kept rolling.
As it stood up, I saw it's face, now Electabuzz was mad!
"Mega Kick!"
I covered my eyes as Graveller glowed and heard the imminent boom.  At
such close range the Electabuzz didn't stand a chance.
"Congratulations Graveller!  Great job!  Return."
"Go Raichu!"
"I choose you, Pika . . ."
"Whaaaaa?!  Cubone?!"  I heard Musashi and Inferno gasp at this.
"Heh, you can't change pokemon now!"  He gloated.
Cubone growled and lowered Raichu's attack.
"This'll be quick, Body Slam!"
"Bone Club!"
Cubone jumped out of the way and brought her bone down hard on
Raichu's head.
"Chu!"  He spat as he backed away a few steps, rubbing his sore head. 
My ears burned slightly at the . . . colourful word.
"Leer and Bone Club!"
"Mega Kick!"
"Booonnnnnne . . . . CUBONE!"  She jumped and rammed the bone in
Raichu's gut.  Ow!  My jaw dropped though, Cubone's size had led me to
believe she was as young as Clefairy!
"RRRRRAAAAAAIIIIIII!!!!"  Raichu screamed as he charged with a
Mega Punch without having been ordered to.  He must be upset that a
small Cubone was beating him so easily.
"Raichu HALT and Atten-HUT!"  Surge yelled.  On reflex Raichu
stopped the charge and realized what he had done.
"Chuuu . . ."
"Raichu Body Slam!"
"Bone Club!"
Boom!  The bone smashed onto Raichu's head one more time and
knocked him out.  I risked a glance at Inferno, he had that 'I knew this all
along' look.  I vowed to talk to him about not telling me later.
"Return Cubone, excellent job.  But we're going to have a talk about you
coming out when I don't call you."

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/Taping/2426

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