Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Authors Notes: For this episode I'll be doing the POV's of Satoshi's and
Musashi's pokemon since both trainers will be asleep for the majority of

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

Odds and Ends
Chapter 12

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

I woke up and yawned, today Satoshi and Musashi were going to find
odd jobs to do so they could earn money.  I looked at the two sleeping
humans and decided to feed everyone so we would have some much
needed strength.  This was a small town, hopefully we could find
something to do to help our trainers.
"You're up early Charizard."
I looked at Nurse Joy.
*Yeah, my trainer and his friend need money so I'm gonna feed everyone. 
They'll need the strength.*
"Why do your trainer and friend need money?"
I told her the events of the other day.  She seemed shocked.
"No wonder all their pokemon were exhausted!"
I nodded and let everyone out by their bowls.
"There are a few people I know who need help."
"Yes, I know that the grocery store's Machoke is sick and they need
someone to help unload the delivery truck that's coming today."
*Me and Graveller could do that easy.*
"A couple of the farmers outside of town need supplies to be delivered to
*How many farmers?*
*Meowth, Fearow and Pidgeot can handle that.*
"The Pokemon Adoption centre needs help laying some new pipes."
*One of the Pikachu and Sandshrew.*
"Wow, your trainer and his friend have a well rounded team."
*Yeah, he's the best trainer and the best cook!  Yum!  We all love his
home made pokechow!*
She looked at everyone practically inhaling the food.
"I see . . ."
"Mmm . . . Nfrno?"
*He's not really a morning person.* I grinned to her before helping
Satoshi wake up.
"Thanks for feeding the others Inferno."  He stretched and looked at
Musashi.  "Let her sleep in Inferno, we can handle this until she's up.  Go
ask her pokemon if they'll help while I take a shower."
I nodded.
*Okay, listen up.  Satoshi's not your trainer but he needs the help of *all*
of us.  Including you Meowth!* Said cat pokemon lifted his head.
*Why should we listen to you?* Beedrill asked crossly.
*As you all know our trainers had it rough the other day!  They need to
sleep.  That's where you come in Butterfree, once Satoshi comes back
give him and Musashi a dose of Sleep Powder.  Nurse Joy told me of a
few jobs we can do to earn money for our trainers so we can get
Musashi's pokemon thought it over.
*We're in.*  Said Beedrill.
*Good, Meowth!* He jumped. *You're the translator.*
"Here everyone."  Nurse Joy came up and handed us some notes.  "Carry
these with you, that way the people will know you're all trustworthy."
*Thank you Nurse Joy.* We all chimed.
"For what?"  Satoshi asked as he came in the room.  Butterfree flew
toward him, he put out his arm for her to land on.  Instead she hovered
above him and gave him a heavy dose of Sleep Powder.  He slumped to
the ground, sleeping soundly as Butterfree did the same for Musashi.  I
picked him up and put him on the couch.

~~~~~~Fearow's POV~~~~~~

Satoshi is a good trainer.  When I was a hatchling mother told me humans
are not to be trusted.  But it was my own bad luck . . . well, now that I
think about it, good luck that Satoshi caught me.
I would do anything for him.

Inferno went in the direction of the store that needed help unloading a
truck with Graveller.  Pikachu and Sandshrew went to the Adoption
Centre to help with the pipes.  Pidgeot and I got stuck with Meowth.  But
Inferno insisted he come with us because there was money involved and
someone had to keep an eye on him.
I looked at the load being strapped to my back, ohhh . . . my wings were
going to be so sore tomorrow!
*Are you going to be okay Fearow?* Pidgeot asked.
*Yeah, I'm not even in the air yet and I can almost feel how much my
wings are going to hurt later!* He nodded sympathetically.
"Okay you two, here's where you're going."  The human pointed to a
farm about three miles from here.  We nodded.  "When you get there the
farmer will put the money in the little pouch around your necks.  He's
already been told to expect you two."
We nodded once more and took off.

~~~~~~Sandshrew's POV~~~~~~

I dug along the pipe lines, Satoshi's Pikachu was behind me using his
Flash ability to look for the leak the humans said was along here
*What's it like having Satoshi as a trainer?* I was bored and curious.
*Well, he's very nice.  Much like his father.*
*I thought his father was dead.*
*Haven't you heard the stories about Ash and Misty?*
*Yeah, everyone's heard them . . . you're not saying?!*
*Yup, Satoshi is Ash and Misty's offspring.*
*Wow, you are so lucky.*
*What's this . . .?* He said as he poked something.  A small geyser of
water shot up under him.  I dug as fast as I could to the surface and
scurried out of the way of the water shooting from my tunnel.  Pikachu
emerged, sopping wet.  He didn't look too happy.  I decided to leave him
alone and head back to the humans to tell them we . . . rather Pikachu
found the broken pipe.  
On the way there, Pikachu fell to a fit of sneezing.  He must've caught a
cold.  Oh well, our job was done, we could head back to the Pokemon
Centre as soon as we got Musashi's and Satoshi's money.

~~~~~~Dragonair's POV~~~~~~

There is a rhetorical question among us dating back when the
Trainer/Pokemon relationship was still being formed.
'Can a Dragon truly be happy in captivity?'
So far no one in my family has answered it.
Satoshi is a good trainer, his eyes are unclouded, clear.  When he truly
believes we can do something often we do it even if it seemed impossible. 
I know that's what makes a good trainer.
When I was still living with my family I talked to elder Dragonite.  I
asked him why the human species can seem to be so many species.  
*All humans are unique.* He told me.  I never understood that until now.

Now though, I'm with Vaporeon escorting some exploring divers to the
ocean floor.  Their usual diving companion, a Golduck, has pulled a
muscle and couldn't swim with them today.
I'm all for exploring and seeing new places, I've loved to do that ever
since I can remember.  Perhaps that's why I was a social outcast.
I go with one diver toward the bow, Vaporeon goes with the other to the
stern.  The plan is to meet in the middle.

~~~~~~Graveller's POV~~~~~~

I grunt as I lift another box and put it where the human told me too. 
How did I let Inferno rope me into this?
*You okay Graveller?*
*Yeah, but I want a nice long rest after this.* I told him as I rubbed my
arm.  He did the same.
*Forget the rest, I want a full body massage!*
We laughed before resuming our work.  The human we were doing this
for was old and had only a Machoke for company.  Even if Satoshi didn't
need the money I still would've done this for the old human, I'm sure
Inferno feels the same way.
*Which Gym are we heading to next?*
*Celadon, a Plant Gym.*
*Oh man . . .*
*Don't worry, I'm sure Satoshi won't make you fight.  From what I
know I'll be the key fighter in the Gym.*
*Thank all the Gods for the few sensible trainers out there and us getting
*Amen to that!*
There was one more box to go, I walked over and tried to pick it up.

*A little help here Inferno!* I called to him.  He ambled over and grabbed
the other side.  Together we heaved the box up, or tried to.
"Oh, it looks like Machoke's weights have finally arrived."
*Weights?* We looked at each other.
"You two helpful pokemon can just push it in the corner there.  Once
Machoke's better he'll take them to his room."
We smiled gratefully and began to push the box into the corner.

~~~~~~Nidorina's POV~~~~~~

Ivysaur and I were at the hospital moving things like carts and beeping
machines with the occasional trip to calm down rowdy children in the
Children's Area.
The hospital was short staffed, whatever that means, today.  So we took
the job.
Ivysaur wasn't really a talker, so I was really bored.  Down the hall I
noticed a male stumbling around and bumping into things, I pointed him
out to her.
*You help him, I'll keep going.* She said.  Gee, I was beginning to think
she didn't have a voice.
I walked around the cart I was pushing and poked him lightly in the leg,
he jumped.
*Need help?*
"Where are you?"
*Down here.*
When he looked down I saw what was wrong with him, he was blind.  I
felt his hand feel my face and head.
"Hello Nidorina, I'm trying to go outside . . . but I think I made a wrong
*No problem, get on.* I said as I put myself between his legs, he sat
"Mr. Jonson!  You know you're not allowed out of your room!"  A nurse
"But I was bored, I wanted to go outside and this nice Nidorina was
helping me."
She looked at me, I just blinked.  I don't quite know what that was about,
but it didn't make sense he wasn't allowed out of his room.  I'd be bored
too in his position!
"Alright, but I want you back by sunset!  You stay with him Nidorina and
help find his way back here, ok?"
*Got it!*
"And one more thing Nidorina, keep an eye on the children that are
outside now, ok?"
I nodded and proceeded to walk down the hall.

~~~~~~Butterfree's POV~~~~~~

Musashi's Pikachu and I were in the Pokemon Centre, keeping an eye on
Satoshi and Musashi.  I glanced at Pikachu.
*Hey Pikachu, you believe in spirits?*
*Why do you ask?*
*Because there's two of them always around Satoshi.*
*Really?  Prove it!*
*Okay, look on the floor in front of Satoshi.  I'm going to try and bring
them into visibility.*
I concentrated as I had that night Inferno pulled me from my pokeball.  I
gently pushed Psychic waves over to where I thought they were.  A
Pidgey appeared, perched on a red and white hat, sleeping.  Slowly the
owner of the red hat came into view, fast asleep.
*Whoa . . .* I heard her mutter.
The Pidgey's eyes snapped open.  Startled, I stopped the waves.
*See what I mean?*
*Any idea who the human is . . . errr . . . was?*
*I have a theory, come with me.* I flew over to Satoshi's bag and pulled
out the picture he always kept in the side pocket.
*Look at this, this human is Satoshi's father . . .* I started, Pikachu
picked up where I left off.
*And that's the spirit around your trainer!*
"Oh dear!  Are you alright Pidgeot?"  I looked up and saw Fearow
supporting Pidgeot who looked worse for wear.
"Oh Butterfree . . ."  I went rigid and turned toward the now awake
Satoshi and Musashi.  
"You'd better explain why you used Sleep Powder on us both."  Musashi
finished.  They both looked a little more than ticked off.  I recoiled.
*Help . . .* I whimpered to anyone who might be close enough to hear.

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/Taping/2426

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