Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Authors Notes: Well, it's back to the regular POV's now.  Hope you
enjoyed Odds and Ends.
I'm gonna rate this fic PG13 for violence, death and some angst.  So all
you kids out there under 13 better turn back now.  
You've been warned.

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

The Warrior Of Normal
Chapter 13

Butterfree and I had a loooong talk about doing something like she had
done back in the Pokemon Centre.  Actually I had a loooong talk to
everyone who went along with Inferno's scheme.  We were supposed to
take care of the Pokemon, not the other way around!
But it was touching to know they cared that much for me and Musashi.
I still can't figure out why Pidgeot was so tired and sore where Fearow
wasn't.  The same applies to the rest of my pokemon.
Maybe they're in better shape?
I shrugged to myself.
We had stayed in the town for a week so our pokemon could recover
before we left to find the road to Celadon.  It was only another day's
walk to the road after about three days of walking.
I looked at Musashi, she was shivering.  How could she be shivering?!  It
was blazing!  Maybe she was catching a cold . . .
"Musashi, are you alright?  You're shivering."  I felt her forehead, no
fever . . .
"I . . . I'm just creeped out, ok?"
Now I was curious.  Why was she scared?
"Can't you feel it Satoshi?!"  She rubbed her arms.  "This area . . . it's
like something's watching, and that someone wants to hurt us . . ."
Now that I thought about it, the hairs on the back of my neck were raised
and tingling.  I just though it was my imagination, but if Musashi felt it
too . . . I turned to Inferno, his lip was curled and his eyes were
I glanced at Meowth, his hackles down to the base of his tail were raised
and his claws flexing in and out.  Clefairy was shaking.
"That's it, we're turning back.  We'll find another road to Celadon."  As
we turned around a Meowth jumped in front of us.
"Meow mrow mrow meow meowmeow mrooow meow mrow
mroooowww mreow."
"Da Meowth said dat as da future Warrior of Normal he challenges one
of yer Normal types to a battle."

~~~~~~Musashi's POV~~~~~~

I'm to distracted from the almost tangible danger in the air to watch the
battle.  I call out Ivysaur to comfort me.  From the moment she came out
she tensed, feeling what the rest of us did.
"I'm scared Ivysaur . . ."  I whisper as I hug her for warmth and
She murmers some comforting words I can't hear, I'm too worried.
Clefairy's so scared she's run to me and buried her face in my stomach. 
Ivysaur and Infeno are shifting from side to side.

I can do nothing but shiver and comfort Clefairy.

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

"Sure!"  Said Satoshi.  "I choose you, Rattata!"
I nodded.  But I was still feeling danger, it was everywhere.  The
presence around Satoshi flared and suddenly weakened a little, like a part
of it had left.  The Pidgey's presence, it must be looking for the trouble.
Musashi called out Ivysaur and started stroking her nervously.  Ivysaur
picked up on it and began shifting just as much as I was, something was
wrong here, very wrong.  I edged closer to Satoshi.
I began looking around for the problem from my position at Satoshi's
back.  I began to clench and unclench my fists, my tail went rigid and my
flame increased in heat, a sign of my current agitation.

The presence suddenly flared so strongly I swear I almost saw him
without Butterfree's help!
<*NO!!!*> I reeled at the sudden onslaught and whirled around just in
time to catch a Persian full in the gut.
*Ooof!* I wheezed as the Persian used my knee as a launch pad and
sailed over my head.  I reached up with my head and grabbed his tail in
my mouth, stopping his attack on Satoshi.  Behind me Satoshi yelped, I
looked at the scratch on his leg, nothing serious.  I turned back to the
*Have you no honour?!* I yelled to him.  He merely laughed.
*What's so funny?!* I roared full out to him.
*The hunt is complete, the Charizard did away with his father now I have
done away with the last of his bloodline!*
I whirled, Satoshi was slumped on the ground.  Then I saw the green line
running slowly up his leg.  I cursed and grabbed Fearow and Musashi's
Pidgeot.  I called them out.
*Pidgeot, go back to the town at top speed and get a doctor to follow
you!  Fearow, carry him in your talons and follow Pidgeot.  His life is
resting on your wings!  Meowth go with Pidgeot and tell them it's
Beedrill poison!*
They took off.
*Ivysaur, look after Musashi and Clefairy.  He started the hunt, now I
finish it.* I growled to her as I took off in the direction of the
dishonourable Warrior of Normal.

He was going to pay dearly for this whether it be from my wrath or the
wrath of the other Warriors when they learn of this . . . attempt at
Warriors are bound by oath to never kill a human unless severely
Come to think of it, the Warrior of Ground never touched Musashi
despite her trying to catch one of her children.
Unusual, yes.
Honourable, most definitely.
In fact, I'm almost positive she would've killed Natsume and Kunzite had
Satoshi and Musashi not been there.
By the way, what did she mean by saying the Warrior of Fire eagerly
awaited his turn to meet Satoshi?
Nevermind that now.  
I focussed on finding the dishonourable . . . I didn't have quite the word
to adequately describe him, but what was that human saying?
Oh yeah.

~~~~~~Satoshi's POV~~~~~~

It's dark and cold, I try to move toward the warmth of the light in front
but I can't move.  My leg where the Persian scratched me is throbbing
painfully.  I'm barely able to see the green line making it's way up my leg.
<"You've got to fight.">
I look up, where'd that voice come from?
<"Ahhh . . . y'know I've never figured out how that works either if it's
any comfort.">
I try to speak but I can't, my mouth won't move beyond expression.
<"I can hear you thoughts you know.  And I know you must be pretty
scared, I remember being in your position once.">

<"All depends, you believe in Angels?">

<"Sappy . . . just like her to say something like that.  When I was your
age I could never stomach the 'mushy' stuff she liked to spout.">
 I told him flatly.
<"Okay okay, I'm your Guardian Angel.">

<"Yeah, I've been keeping an eye on you your whole life.  Thing is the
rules say I can't interfere directly with your life.  Remember when you fell
off Inferno?">

<"Well, the updraft that slowed you down enough for Inferno to catch
you was created by me and my Pidgey.">

The voice was silent for a moment.
<"Yeah, I know him.  We're very close friends.">
Other voices started wafting in the dark room.
<"Gather your strength and head to the light over there, then you'll wake

<"Nah, in the hospital room.">

<"Trust me on this one."> Then the voice left.  My leg was a little better
so I began to limp toward the light.
Suddenly my body froze up, I couldn't move!  I tried to fight but
something was pulling me back.
I would not give in!
A warmth engulfed me and I relaxed, closing my eyes.  I heard one thing
before emerging into consciousness.
"Mew . . ."

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

I found him in a glade and landed behind him.  I was shaking with my
battle fury, fear for Satoshi's life and desire for revenge.
We charged each other.  My claws raked his ribs as my teeth sought his
spine.  I began to pound him.  Not noticing the damage inflicted on me at
Then everything became a blur as my eyes filled with tears, I remember
being about to finish the job when I found myself being held back by a
Charizard and a Golduck.
*Let me go!  He poisoned my trainer! Let . . . me . . . GO!*  
There was the sound of bone crushing bone.  I saw a small blurry figure in
front of me.
*Shhhhh . . . it's over now . . .*
*Marowak . . .?*
I blinked my tears away and made out 14 Pokemon in front of me.
*Warriors . . .* I fell to my knees, emotionally and physically exhausted.
*How . . .?*
*A Spirit Pidgey told me, one you know.  Now sleep.* I looked for the
voice but everything became a blur and I slipped into a dreamless sleep.

~~~~~~Musashi's POV~~~~~~

I didn't know what to do, so I sat there and waited for one of them to
come back.  Eventually it was Fearow, she looked tired but she offered
me a ride back to town.  I got on her back and she began to fly back to
the town.

It was a quiet trip, she was saying something but I didn't understand her. 
She seemed slightly depressed, it had to be about Satoshi.
"Don't worry, he's tough he'll get through this."
We flew long into the night, I think Fearow didn't stop because she
wanted to be with him as soon as possible. 
We landed in front of the Pokemon Centre.  I helped Fearow in and
handed her to Nurse Joy.
"Where's Satoshi's Charizard?"  She asked.  I paled.
"I thought he'd be here by now . . . the Persian didn't get that much of a
head start."
"Oh dear, I do hope Satoshi's Charizard is strong.  The Persian you're
talking about is a Warrior."
Oh man, things just got worse and worse.  Ivysaur had told me about the
Warriors, and that it usually wasn't a good idea to cross one.
The door swung open. We both turned and saw Inferno stumble in.  He
was in really bad shape, the Persian really roughed him up!
I couldn't help but wonder at the Persian's fate.
On second thought, I don't want to know.  Inferno being here and alive
pretty much said it all.

Two weeks later, the doctors let Satoshi out of the hospital.  Actually I
should say that Inferno 'helped' the decision to let him out.  We had
decided to just fly over to Celadon.  Inferno was all with this idea.

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/Taping/2426

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