Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Author's Notes: Well, what can I say?  There isn't much to tell.  At first I
wrote Guardian Angel as a one shot, but after a few days of thinking
about it I decided to take the next step and write this as a series.
My fic Forever is currently on hold, suggestions for that one would be
Greatly appreciated!

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

Journey To Seafoam Islands
Chapter 16

"Go Nidorino!"
"I choose you, Gyarados!"
Me and Musashi were battling our pokemon, just a friendly match . . .
Awww . . . who'm I kidding?  Musashi wanted revenge 'cause Raticate
beat Nidorina in the Challenge Race.
"Hydro Pump!"
Nidorino was out for the count, not much can stand up to a Hydro Pump.
"Okay, you win!"
I didn't hear her though, I had a monster headache.  I'd been getting them
since the incident with the Warrior of Normal.
Actually, come to think of it.  They began when I woke up in the
hospitable bed after some crazy dream about Guardian Angels and Mews.
"I'm gonna go swimming."  I suddenly announced before heading into the
Pokemon Centre by the dock to change.

I slid into the cold water, I heard Gyarados and Dragonair join me.  My
headache was slowly vanishing and I sighed in relief.
Relaxing my body I floated on my back, enjoying the cool water and the
sun's rays.
"YIIIIIEEEEE!!!!"  I shouted as Gyarados came up under me and began
swimming.  I flipped on my stomach and held on to the middle spike on
her head.  Apparently feeling this she began to swim faster, Dragonair
was easily keeping up.
Oh man!  This was great!  I thought flying with Inferno was fun, this
almost tops that!
"Gyarados!  Look out for the Boat you two!"
(Boat?)  They echoed as they stared at the incoming boat before turning
around and swimming top speed toward the shore.
"Gah that was close!"  I gasped as I recalled Gyarados and Dragonair.
"Satoshiiii!  Our boat's here!"
And wouldn't you know it, it was the same one Dragonair, Gyarados and
I had almost swam into.

It would be a five hour trip to Seafoam, more than enough time to take a
nap.  Besides, the captain would announce through the speakers when we
got there so there was no fear of missing our stop.
We settled in our room and chose a bed, I got one by the window. 
Sometimes I loved watching the sea.
I yawned.
"See you in a few hours Inferno . . ."
There was only an answering snore.
It wasn't long before I was asleep too.

~~~~~~Musashi's POV~~~~~~

I sat up in the bed and stretched.  Ahh, I felt so refreshed!  And not an
ounce of sea-sickness!  I looked out the window and saw we were
docked at the Seafoam port!
"Satoshi!  Wake up we're here!"
"Ngh . . . whaa . . .?"
"We're at Seafoam silly!  Let's go!"
"Yeah yeah, I'm up."  He yawned before grabbing his bag.  "Clefairy,
Inferno, time to get up we're here."
"Charizard char . . ."
(I'm awake!)  Clefairy chirped happily as she bounced on Inferno's
stomach.  He grumbled and followed us out the door to the dock.

We began walking through a thick forest on a small path, the hotel had to
be around here somewhere.
(There's something in the air . . .)  Clefairy murmured from her position
atop Inferno's head.
"Charizard . . ."
"What are you two talking about?  It's just a forest."  Satoshi asked.
"Char . . ."
He shrugged.
"Hey Musashi, where's the hotel?  I wanna try one of those hot-springs."
"Me too, but it should be at the end of this forest.  Now I wish we'd
bought a map of Seafoam."
"Yeah, but it's getting late.  We should set up camp for the night.  Looks
like rain too so . . ."  He held up Clefairy and Inferno's pokeballs.
"I hate water!  Especially wet water!"
"Then you should go in your pokeball.  It looks like a bad storm is
heading our way."
A flash of lightning agreed with me.  Meowth and Clefairy pretty much
jumped into their pokeballs, Inferno just let himself be recalled.
We set up our tents in a hurry and managed to get inside before it started
to pour.

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

I was never too fond of my pokeball, but there are times when it's
necessary, like when it's raining.
Not to mention I'm now too big to fit in Satoshi's tent.
It's hard to describe being in a pokeball, it's like, you're there but you're
not. I think humans would call it total sensory deprividation . . . that's
why some pokemon don't like it.  But in the pokeball you can't feel pain
if you're hurt, you can't see, smell, taste, hear or touch.
Sometimes it feels like time has stopped.
So I merely began think about things while I'm in here, mainly Satoshi. 
Ever since the Warrior of Normal tried to kill him he's been different,
almost distant at times.
"I choose you, Inferno!"
I erupted from my pokeball and stretched.  Gah it's cramped in there.
"C'mon Inferno, Fearow said she saw a small valley of springs not far
from here, it's probably the hotel."  I nodded and waited patiently as
Satoshi picked up Clefairy and began following Musashi.

On the way there I saw an ominous looking sign, mind you I could only
make out two words but the first word I could read is what caught my
That was not a good thing.
*Satoshi, maybe you should read this sign.* He turned his head and
glanced at it.
"Beware, you now approach the Cursed Springs." He laughed, I looked
at him curiously.
*What's so funny?*
"We must be near the hotel!  This is just a tourist trap!  Cursed springs
indeed . . ."  He chuckled as he walked on.
I had a bad feeling.

~~~~~~Satoshi's POV~~~~~~

Cursed Springs, that's a new one.  Heh, what can you do?  It's just a
tourist trap to attract people!
Besides, what could happen?
I told Musashi about the sign and she laughed too, it was pretty funny.
"Hey, what's that?"  I pulled out my pokedex.
"Banshee, a Ghost pokemon.  This pokemon's Shriek attack is said to be
able to shatter diamonds and it's appearance is said to strike fear into the
minds of human and pokemon alike."  It's tinny voice reported.
"Cool!  I'll catch it!  I choose you, Inferno!  Flamethrower!"
He reared back his head and let loose with an impressive flame, the
Banshee screamed in pain.  I covered my ears.
He pulled his tail in front of him and spun in a circle, weakening the
"Pokeball go!"
It was sucked in while it was still dazed.  I picked up the pokeball and
held it shut to ensure it's capture.
"YYYYEEEEEEESSSSS!!!!  I got a Banshee!"
The pokeball teleported away to Professor Oaks, hope Banshee doesn't
give him a hard time.
"Lupis, a Fire pokemon.  These wolf pokemon travel in packs and are
extremely difficult to capture."  I looked at Musashi and then the Lupis. 
I'd heard about them.
"Fire huh?  Well then, Go Vaporeon!  Water Gun!"
"Luuuuuu!"  It squealed before jumping out of the way of the surprise
attack and countering with Agility.
"Ice Beam!"
The beam missed and Lupis slammed into Vaporeon.  Ohhh, that had to
"Ice Beam again!"
Direct hit, the Lupis was frozen solid.
Before the Lupis's flame could melt the ice around it Musashi threw the
It began to shake.
Once . . .
Twice . . .
Thrice . . .
The ball teleported away to join Banshee's in Pallet.

We reached the edge of the forest only to be greeted by hundreds of little
"Whoa . . ."  I muttered.
The paths were only about a foot wide, we had to step carefully.
Suddenly I felt rough hands shove me into one of the pools.
 I silently growled as I came up
for air.  Musashi took one look at me, screamed and fell in a pool
opposite of mine.
"Oh!  Mr. Customer fall in 'Spring of Drowned Charmeleon'!  Very
tragic story of Charmeleon that drown there 1800 years ago!  Ms.
Customer fall in 'Spring of Drowned Machop'.  Very tragic story of
Machop that drown there 1500 years ago!"
I blinked and looked at the pool Musashi fell in, a Machop emerged.  My
jaw dropped, so did Inferno's, Clefairy's and Meowth's.  When she laid
eyes on me her jaw dropped as well.
Then it clicked.
  I dropped my eyes to my hand . . .

Once it sunk in Musashi and I did the only thing anyone would've done in
our current position.
We fainted.

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

I don't know what's creepier, watching Satoshi and Musashi transform
into pokemon, or watching pokemon transform into Satoshi and Musashi.
*This is unreal.  Satoshi said this was one of the Seafoam Islands tourist
The guide blinked and looked at me.
"You think this is Seafoam?"
*Where else could it be?  We got off when the boat docked.*
"Aiya, Seafoam only stop over for boat.  Then boat make it's way here
for delivery."
I was suspicious now.
*Where are we then?* I asked him carefully.
"You in China."
I reeled.  No way!  But the look on the guide's face only confirmed what
he had said.
*Oh by the Fire God . . .  We're even more lost than usual . . .  When's
the next boat due?*
"Not for two months."
Oh joy, Satoshi and Musashi were going to love that.

~~~~~~Musashi's POV~~~~~~

I sat behind Satoshi atop Gyarados's head, who by the way had been
quite amused to learn of our curses.  All our other pokemon reacted the
same way, they laughed.  
Of course we weren't the least bit amused.
Everytime I got hit with cold water I'd turn into a Machop!  And Satoshi,
he'll turn into a Charmeleon!  Of course I'm sure Inferno loves the idea.
Gyarados yawned and said something to Satoshi.
"She says that Seafoam isn't that far away now!  We'll be there in about
an hour!"  He told me.  But I barely heard him, I was half asleep.

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/Taping/2426

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