Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Author's Notes: Well, what can I say?  There isn't much to tell.  At first I
wrote Guardian Angel as a one shot, but after a few days of thinking
about it I decided to take the next step and write this as a series.
My fic Forever is currently on hold, suggestions for that one would be
Greatly appreciated!

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

The Warrior Of Water
Chapter 17

My eyes blink open, are we at Seafoam already?  I look at the shore and
call out Inferno to help me with the still snoozing Musashi.
"Thanks for the ride Gyarados."  I pat her face and recall her.
I'm so lucky to have pokemon like her.  I remember my fear when she
evolved from Magikarp, I thought she would turn on me.  Oh what a fool
I was.
Inferno follows me into the Pokemon Centre, carrying Musashi.
"Hey!  You a trainer?"
I turn and face my soon to be opponent only to find . . .
"Huh . . .?  Satoshi?  Is that you?!"
"Yeah!  Where've you been?"
"I just got here, I'm taking a break."
"Same goes for me and Musashi.  How's your Squirtle?"
"Hah!  She's a Blastoise now!"
"Cool!  Hey Inferno come meet Taiki!"
Inferno rumbled a friendly hello.
"So how about that match Satoshi?  I can't wait to see what pokemon
you've got!  I have 40 already!"
"Errr . . . I've got 14."
"Really?  I guess you're going for the old quality over quantity method."
I scratched the back of my head and mutter an embarrassed 'yeah'.
Inferno, Clefairy and I follow him outside.
"Five on five, no time limit!  Ready Taiki?"
"Ready!  Since I'm in such a good mood I'll toss out first!  Go Scyther!"
Whoa, nasty looking Scyther.
"Okay!  For your Scyther . . . I choose you, Graveller!"
"Rolling Tackle!"
The two met in the middle, Graveller plowed over Scyther.
"Double Team!"
Uh oh.
(What . . .?)  Graveller muttered as she looked at the four Scythers
around her.
"Defence Curl and Rock throw!"
She pulled up a huge boulder and threw it at the nearest Scyther, Taiki
took the opportunity to call for another Slash.  
"Graveller Spin!"  I yelled as the Scythers approached.  This move was
designed to spin up a lot of dirt and confuse an opponent.
Scyther began coughing and lost it's concentration, the mirror Scythers
"Rock Throw!"
Scyther was out.
"Return Graveller, great job!"
"Nice try Scyther, return."
We reached for our pokeballs, preparing to release our pokemon at the
same time.
"Go . . ."
"I choose you . . ."
"Bone Club!"
The attacks collided, causing an explosion.
"Focus Energy and Leer!"
Kadabras mental energy picked up Cubone and began to whamming her
into the ground.
"No!  Cubone!  Focus Energy!  Try to break free!"
Cubone tried, but she couldn't do it.
(I'll win . . . I'LL WIN!!!)  She screamed.  Then she began to evolve!
"Yes!  Marowak Bonemerang!"
It was no good.  The Disable was to strong, soon she fainted.
"Aww man . . . nice try Marowak.  Return."
My hand wavered over my pokeballs, which would be best against
"I choose you . . . Banshee!"
"Whoa!  Where'd you find a Banshee?!  I've been looking all over for
"In China!  Near the Cursed Springs!  Banshee Shriek!"
Taiki and I clapped our hands over our ears as Banshee Shrieked at
Kadabra.  Who by the way was cowering at the mere sight of my Ghost
pokemon.  The windows within a fifty foot radius of us shattered.  Oh
man, maybe using Banshee wasn't such a good idea after all.
Kadabra fainted.
"Great job Banshee!"
"Return Kadabra.  Go Sandslash!  Dig!"
The Shriek attack wouldn't work now.
"Banshee be care . . . ."
Sandslash burst from the ground and took out Banshee.
" . . . ful.  Return Banshee, I choose you Weepinbell!  Vine Whip and
Razor Leaf!"
The double Plant attack was too much for Sandslash.
"Go Flareon!"

~~~~~~Musashi's POV~~~~~~

I jolted awake at the horrible Shriek attack.  Inferno or no, Satoshi was
going to get it for waking me up like that!
I stormed outside just in time to see someone send out a Flareon against
Satoshi's Weepinbell.
Poor Weepinbell was fried.
"It's okay Weepinbell, good try, return."  He smiled.  I knew that look.
"Hey Taiki!  Eye for an eye, Fire for fire!"  Inferno stepped in front of the
So, this was Taiki, Pallet Town's king of tricksters.
"Inferno Slash!"
"Take Down!"
Inferno laughed at the attack and swatted Flareon back to Taiki.
"Fire Blast!"
My jaw dropped, it knew Fire Blast?!
"Inferno Fly and Seismic Toss!"
Ohhh . . . that did it!  Poor Flareon . . .
"You're on your last pokemon Taiki!  So you want to lose now or later?" 
Satoshi joked at him.  Taiki picked up a twig, held it above his head and
said in a phony french accent . . .
"I shall never surrender!"  Satoshi began howling with laughter, so did I. 
"Go Squirts!  Take down that Charizard!"
A huge Blastoise emerged from the pokeball.  Inferno was way over his
"Inferno, use your speed!  Fly!"
He launched himself in the air.  Blastoise readied it's water cannons for
when Inferno was in range.
"Now Inferno!"
Inferno swooped down, Blastoise turned to face him and shot it's Water
Gun.  It missed Inferno, but it hit Satoshi.
Taiki watched as Satoshi seemed to evaporate.  But I knew where he
was, he was under his clothes.
"MELEON!!!!"  Satoshi shouted, annoyed.
Taiki was too stunned to order Squirts so the turtle got the Flamethrower
full force.
"Golduck . . ."
I whirled and saw a Golduck with an amazed expression, when it saw me
it took off and dove into the water.
I turned back to the battle and saw a crispy, fainted Blastoise.

~~~~~~Satoshi's POV~~~~~~

I grumbled as I collected my wet clothes.
"S . . . Sato . . . shi?"
I look at my stunned friend and sigh.  I motion for Musashi to explain
everything while I change my clothes and turn back to normal.
*I have a feeling this curse is going to cut into my plans to be a Pokemon
Master.* I mumbled to myself as I strained to reach the hot water tap.
*No it won't.*
*You sure 'bout that Inferno?  Ugh, little help here?*
He chuckled as he picked me up and put me on the counter.
*Thanks Brother.* I paused, where had that come from?  I looked to
Inferno with a confused look.
*Don't worry, I'm proud to call you Brother and be called so in return. 
It's how we address another.*
I sat on the counter.
*You call other Charizards Brothers? Or Sisters?*
*Not just other Charizards, but our kin like Charmanders and
*I'm not gonna get the mind of a Charmeleon am I?*
*Honestly I don't know.  You might gain some of the knowledge of the
Charmeleon's spirit within you.*
*Oh.* I splashed hot water on my face.  Inferno was a guy too, so I
wasn't worried.
"Gah, I wish my clothes morphed with me."
Inferno shrugged as I put on my shirt.

"Hey Satoshi!  I was just telling your friend here about the really strong
Golduck I encountered today!  I used Raichu against it but it laughed off
his Thunder attack!"
"Oh man!  Strong Golduck."
He nodded, it was great talking to him again.
(I think he speaks of the Warrior of Water.)  Inferno mumbled.
Really?  Cool.
"Golduck duck gol."  I turned and saw the topic of our conversation
standing at the window.
"Golduck says he challenges ya to a battle."  Meowth translated.
"Be careful buddy."  Taiki told me.  I nodded and left Clefairy with

Inferno and I met Golduck at the dock, I could feel his eyes piercing into
mine but I stood my ground, unwilling to let him unnerve me.  Quicker
than I could blink he sent a wave of water my way, transforming me.
*Whad'ja do that for?!*
*So you can understand my words.* He replied cooly.
I growled, Inferno shook his head.
*Calm down Satoshi, you're letting the Charmeleon's nature through.*
Inferno rumbled.  I took a deep breath, he was right.  I had been letting
the Charmeleon take control.
*I apologize for his actions Warrior of Water.  He hasn't learned to take
control of his Charmeleon side yet.*
*Accepted.* He nodded before kneeling to my level, I stamped down the
urge to Flamethrower his face.
*Even in this form . . . your eyes are bright and unclouded.*
*Your bright eyes, so clear.  And blue like the calm ocean.  You have a
lot of promise.*
I blinked.  He stood up.
*Use your Flamethrower on me.*
*I don't wanna hurt you.*
*Have no fear of that, you will not hurt me.*
I warred internally for a moment before doing what the Warrior asked me
too.  I let up my grip on the Charmeleon a little and let it use a
Once the flames stopped, I looked at the Warrior, he remained unhurt as
he said he would.  He looked at Inferno.
*Train him to co-operate with and use this form.*
*Yes Warrior, I will.*
He turned his attention back to me.
*The Warrior of Fire is eager to meet you, just as I was.  The other
Warriors wish to meet you too.*
Golduck vanished under the water.  Inferno picked up my clothes and we
walked together back to the Pokemon Centre.

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/Taping/2426

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