Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Author's Notes: Well, what can I say?  There isn't much to tell.  At first I
wrote Guardian Angel as a one shot, but after a few days of thinking
about it I decided to take the next step and write this as a series.
My fic Forever is currently on hold, suggestions for that one would be
Greatly appreciated!

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

The Great Pokemon Spa Scam!
Chapter 18

Although I was still half asleep I opened my eyes and looked at myself. 
With the rowdy bunch of pokemon I've got there was no guarantee I'd
wake up human, especially if they were bored.
*Oh man . . . not again . . .* I muttered as I slid off the couch and headed
for the bathroom with my clothes.
"And where do you think you're going all alone?  Where's your trainer?"
I stiffened, Nurse Joy!
*I . . . um . . .*
I was gonna regret this one of these days.  I pointed to Musashi, who was
at least still human.
"Oh, I see."
I nodded and kept heading to the bathroom.
*Oh Fire God I'm gonna regret sayin' that one of these days.* I muttered
as I managed to pull myself up on the counter.
"Oh Satoshi?  Are you in there?"  I heard Musashi chuckle.  Uh oh . . .
*Yeah, what's it to ya?*
She giggled.
"Ok Inferno."
*Inferno?  What's goin' on?*
*Well, from what I know you had a run in with Nurse Joy.  And you
pointed out Musashi as your trainer.  So Nurse Joy suggested to your
'trainer' that she take you to the Pokemon Spa.*
He had a huge grin on his face, my jaw dropped.
*You . .  You Wouldn't! You couldn't!* I sputtered.
*I can and will.  Besides, a relaxing atmosphere might help you come to
terms with your Charmeleon nature.*
I sighed and nodded, there was really nothing I could do in this situation. 
Downcast I followed him out of the bathroom.

"Next please."
Musashi picked me up and put me on the counter.
"Hi, I'd like to leave 'my' Charmeleon here.  He's a little stressed."
"Of course, if you'll just fill out this form."
If Inferno hadn't been there my Charmeleon side would be spitting curses
that could burn even his ears.

"Don't make such a face!  It might get stuck that way."  The attendant
said as she led me to my room.  I scowled at her, she had no idea what I
was going through!
"In you go!  There's a masseuse there in case you want a massage, all you
have to do is call."  She chirped merrily.
I looked around my room, not bad, but there was no running water. 
*Would you like a massage?* A Machoke by a table asked.  Sure, why
not?  I might be able to relax.
I walked up the step stool and laid down on my stomach.  He began at my
*How do you like it here so far?*
I sighed.
*Not bad, but I don't like being away from Brother.*
*Understandable.  But you're so tense, like you're ready for a battle.  No
wonder your trainer left you here, you need to relax.*
*Mmm . . . so what's it like being a Fighting type?*
*That's hard to explain . . . I like to fight, but not all the time.  The
occasional sparring match is enough for me.  I'd like to spar with you
some time though, you have a well built muscular structure.*
*Yeah, maybe.*
There was a comfortable silence as Machoke continued the massage.  I
was feeling better about this, but I'd still get Musashi and Inferno back
for it!

A little later, Machoke left.  I looked out the window and saw a bunch of
pokemon in what looked like yoga classes.  A Hypno was leading and
showing the others how to meditate.
Nah, I wasn't that bored.  But I was tired . . .
I climbed into the bed and drifted off.

My eyes opened.
Hey, this is my room back home!  How'd I get here?
Oh I get it now, this is a dream!
(So this is the place you feel most relaxed.)
I turned to the doorway and saw a Charmeleon.
"What gives?  Hey!  I'm human!"
(In a sense, yes.  Your . . . OUR physical body is still asleep in that Spa
"Say what?"
(You are dense, aren't you?)
"No!  I just . . . sorta take after my . . . dad."
(Yeah, whatever.)
"So, what's going on?"
(The Spirit of the Cursed Springs told us about this.  If someone that falls
into one of our pools is closely connected to our element our spirit
transfers into that person.  Essentially, if you had been born a pokemon
you would've been a Fire Type.)
"Oh, I get it.  So why are we here?  And talking?"
(We're sharing your body now, we gotta talk this out and come to a
compromise.  I had ta wait until you had come to terms with being a
pokemon with a splash of water.  Surprisingly it didn't take you as long
as I had thought.)
"I like pokemon.  So, what's your story?  The guide said it was a tragic
(Yeah, what year is it now?)
(I've been in that Spring for 1800 years . . .)
I nodded.
(Well, 1800 years ago some places worshipped us, and some saw us a
work creatures.  I was one of the latter at a slave town in China.  As far
back as I can remember I never had freedom.  Pokemon there were fed
poorly, it was barely enough to keep us alive.  All of us yearned for
One night, one of the free pokemon came to us.  I think it was the
Warrior of Ground, a Sandslash.  He said he wanted us to be free so he
dug a tunnel that even an Onyx could fit in.  Unfortunately one of the
guards saw us slip into the tunnel.  Once we were out we scattered.  I
wound up running into the Cursed Springs, bad move.  I was surrounded
by humans with only two ways out.  Either go back to Slavery, or death. 
You know which one I chose.)
Tears were running down his red face, I went over to him and hugged
him.  He didn't pull away.
(Thank you . . . I needed that.)
I smiled.
"No problem, I hate to see a sad pokemon."
Everything exploded in white.

I jerked awake, oy vey whadda dream!
Or was it?
I looked at the clock, it was almost midnight.  Had I been out for that
long?  Someone in front of my door was talking, I listened in.
*The Charmeleon in there, he's intelligent and strong.  I'm sure the
boss'll want him.*
That sounded like Machoke.
"Are you sure he won't give you any trouble?"
My door opened, I pretended to be sleeping on the bed.  Charmeleon was
angry at this deceit but I made sure he didn't do anything until I let him,
we had to wait for the right time.
Now that we were co-operating, I understood more about pokemon than
Professor Oak probably.
He was right behind me, I let Charmeleon take over.
I jumped and used Flamethrower in Machoke's face, running out while he
was blinded.  An alarm began whooping, I saw a window and jumped
through it.  The shards of glass cut through my skin as I landed on the
grass.  Once I got my feet under me I began to run for it.
The Pokemon Centre wasn't far from here, if I could make it I'd be safe.
*Stop right there!* A Kingler bubbled as it collected for Hyper Beam.  I
began to panic.
A Slash Attack blinded Kingler momentarily while I jumped over her.
"Gyarados, Hydro Pump!"
He roared and let loose, the water burned me, hurt me.  I stumbled in
Oh by the Fire God I hurt!

"Go Superball!"
I managed to knock it away, but that quick pause had cost me.  I was
surrounded by Water Pokemon.  I set the grass around me on fire, hoping
it would strengthen me and at the same time let me catch my breath.  I
darted in a random direction and managed to slip between the Golduck
and the Kingler.
Kingler's unspent Hyper Beam struck me full on.  I screamed.
*BROTHEEERRRRRR!!* I wailed as I fell.
I saw the people for who they were, Team Rocket.

"Go Ivysaur, Pikachu, Pidgeot, Zubat, Ekans and Beedrill!"
My vision was blurry.  Musashi?
*Butterfree, Pikachu, Gyarados, Weepinbell and Banshee.  Help
Musashi's pokemon!*
Every atom of me hurt.
*Leave him alone!*
"Meeeeoooowth!  Fury Swipes!"
Meowth too?
"Oh you poor Charmeleon!"
Nurse Joy . . .
I fainted.

~~~~~~Musashi's POV~~~~~~

I paced in front of the E.R.  Satoshi had taken heavy damage.
It was all my fault!  He didn't want to go!  But I took advantage of his
current form and made him!
Inferno was still fuming, blowing the occasional flame to keep the
Rockets in the corner until the police got here.  He wanted to do more
but it had take both me and Nurse Joy to stop him.
Now I've seen the true power of an angry Charizard, and it scares me. 
All those times he had toasted my mallet and paper fans, they were just
warnings.  One of the Chansey's here was keeping him in line.
Satoshi's scream had woken us all up.  When Inferno saw what was
happening . . .  I shuddered, the Kingler was in worse shape then Satoshi.

The E.R. light blinked off with a little ding.  I ran to Nurse Joy.
"Nurse Joy?"
"He'll be alright, he just needs rest now."  I ran to the window and
looked in.  His tail flame had certainly improved, now he was just
Nurse Joy gave me my pokemon and Inferno Satoshi's pokemon once the
police had taken away Team Rocket.
"Charmelmel . . ."
My face brightened.
"You're okay!"
"Leonchar."  He responded flatly before heading to the bathroom. 
Inferno followed him with his clothes.

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

*Satoshi?* I asked.  I wasn't sure if he'd ever want to see my face again
after my part in all this.
*Yeah Inferno?  You got my clothes?*
*Right here.  Satoshi . . . I'm so sorry.*
He paused.
*For what?*
*My part in all of this.*
"You didn't know that would happen.  Don't blame yourself."
I smiled and handed him his clothes.
"Come on, lets get going to Saffron for a Marsh Badge."
*Yeah!  I'll roast those Psychic types!*
He put on his jacket and walked out of the bathroom, at the door frame
he paused and turned toward me.
"Let's beat the League together, Brother."  He walked into the lobby.  I
gazed at the door he had just gone through.
*Together, Little Brother.*
A tear of joy ran down my face.

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/Taping/2426

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