Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Author's Notes: Well, what can I say?  There isn't much to tell.  At first I
wrote Guardian Angel as a one shot, but after a few days of thinking
about it I decided to take the next step and write this as a series.
My fic Forever is currently on hold, suggestions for that one would be
Greatly appreciated!

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

The Spirit Cave - Part 2
Chapter 19

I stopped in mid step.  No way . . .
"Satoshi?  What's wrong?  Satoshi?"
"Pikachu . . ."  I weakly said.
"Say what?"
I turned toward the voice and saw a very familiar yellow figure.
"Inferno . . . the picture . . . Pikachu . . ."
(No way!)
"Da kid's right!  Dat is da rat!"
"MEEEEEOOOOOOWWWTH!!!"  Musashi and I jumped, when we
looked at him we saw a crispy, electrocuted Meowth.
"Pikachu?  Is that really you?"  I asked shakily as I took a step.
(It's me silly.  Don't worry, I won't bite.)
I fell to my knees, Pikachu scurried toward me.  I raised a hand, I could
Feel her!
"H . . . how . . .?"
(Ah, well that's a hard one to explain.  This Cave is well named, within it
Spirits like me can actually have a physical body.  To bad it's temporary
I didn't know what to say . . . Pikachu was here, she was alive . . . sorta. 
She had . . . wings?
"Hey Pikachu?  Where are you?"
"I know that voice!"  I exclaimed.  That was the same voice that claimed
to be my Guardian Angel!
Pikachu sighed and began using her Flash ability.  I saw a figure stumble
toward us with a Pidgey perched on his shoulder and white wings on his
back.  I knew the person, from stories, from . . . my . . . picture . . .
Inferno, Meowth and I gasped.  Musashi was left in the dark.
"D . . . dad?"
"Hi Satoshi."  He smiled.  Pikachu jumped into his arms.
(Oh man . . . Pidgeotto's not gonna believe this . . . or the others for that
matter . . .)  Inferno mumbled.  His eyes were glued to my dad.
My dad . . .
"DAD!!!"  I jumped to my feet and launched myself into him, my father,
the man I've never seen before except in pictures and newspaper
clippings.  My throat was too choked up to talk so I merely clung to him,
his arms wrapped around me and hugged me back.
"Oh Satoshi . . . I've wanted to do this for so long . . ."  He sighed.
No words were really needed in that moment.  I felt Inferno remove my
pokeballs and release Pidgeotto, Raticate, Pikachu, Fearow and
(What do you want Inferno?)  Raticate grumped.
(By the God of Thunder . . .!)

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

The five of them whirled and stared at what I was staring at.
*IT'S HIM!* Pidgeotto squawked.
Satoshi turned his head slightly and saw the five of them staring in
Both Satoshi and his father both had puzzled looks when they all began
gushing over them.
"What gives?"
"They're your pokemon son, I wouldn't know."
Oh man!  They still don't know?!  Oh Fire God this is priceless! 
Pokemon practically worship Satoshi's dad!
*Satoshi does take after his father after all.  They're both a little dense but
they've each got a heart to fit all of Asia in.*  I looked down at Satoshi's
father's Pikachu as she scratched her ear almost absentmindedly.
*I hear you practically raised them both.*
*Nah, that was Misty's doing.  I just dealt out the Thunder Shocks.*  She
turned to me. *Well, while they're getting acquainted, I think we should
*And just why do you think that?* I asked while raising my eyebrow.
*You mean the Warrior of Psychic didn't tell you?!  Oh this is too
funny!* She laughed.
*Would you mind cluing me in?*
She smiled.
*I'm your Guardian Angel.*
*Say what?!* I sputtered.
*Read my lips, I am Your Guardian Angel.*
I just stared slack jawed at her.  Pokemon didn't have Guardian Angels! 
She gave an exasperated sigh.
*You spoke your Oath will all your heart.  The Gods sent me down to
keep an eye on you.* She snapped her tiny fingers. *That's right . . . I
almost forgot!  The old Warrior of Rock wanted me to tell you that
despite your age and inexperience you put up a wonderful battle.*
I smiled.
*Ash!  We're running out of time here!* The Pidgey chirped.
*Maybe someday I'll see you again.* I smiled.
*Not for a long time Inferno.  Trust me on this one.*
"Yeah dad?"
"I've always wanted you to have this, here."  He put the Pokemon
League hat on Satoshi's head.
"Thanks dad . . . I love you."
"Me too son."
The three spirits began to fade.
*One more thing Inferno!* I looked at Pikachu. *How on earth could you
let them get Cursed?!*
As sort of a farewell and a kind of punishment for letting Satoshi and
Musashi get cursed, she Thunder Shocked me.
"It hoits, don't it?"  Meowth sighed sympathetically.
*And you withstood that almost everyday?*
"Nah, we always got da Thunder Bolts and Thunder attacks."
I had suddenly found a new respect for Meowth.  

~~~~~~Musashi's POV~~~~~~

I swear I had never witnessed anything as emotional as what went on in
that cave.
While everything was going on, I'd been talking with my Guardian Angel,
Moms old Likitung.  He had died in an accident before I was born and
was quite . . . affectionate.

We emerged into daylight and I saw the hat Satoshi had on.  He didn't
have that on when we entered . . .
"Satoshi, where did you get the hat?"
"Dad gave it to me . . . he assured me it wouldn't vanish when he did."
I was impressed, that was an official League hat.

It was a day's walk to Lavender, we wouldn't be there before nightfall
but we'd get as far as we could before we had to set up camp.
"HEY!  WAIT UP!!!"  Satoshi, Meowth, Inferno and I whirled.  Taiki
emerged from the cave.
"Oh man . . . gasp . . . thanks for waiting up!  Can I travel with you two?"
Satoshi and I blinked.
"Sure Taiki!  Welcome to our rag tag group!"  Satoshi exclaimed.
Hey!  Didn't I get a say in this?!
As if he read my thoughts, Inferno glared at me.  I gulped.
"Hey Musashi, what's your curse?"
I sighed.
"Tell you what, I'll tell you my curse only if you keep this quiet.  If you
blab to someone . . ."  I whipped out my mallet.  "I'll pound you!"
"Musashi!  He's my best friend!  He wouldn't sell us out!  Right Taiki?"
He nodded enthusiastically, still eyeing my mallet.
"Fine, I turn into a Machop."
"Cool!  And my best friend turns into a Charmeleon!"
"Charmel."  He laughed.
Well, if he could make light of the situation, so could I.  I began
chuckling with Inferno.
"That cave I came out of, it was freaky!  I could hear moans and screams
. . ."
Satoshi and I looked at each other.
"It's well named."  We said in unison.

We finally stopped and set up camp for the night.  Satoshi pulled out his
book and began to read.  Taiki had a wrestling match with his pokemon
and I just watched the two.
Ivysaur sat down beside me.
(Both have some faults and both have perks.)
"What are you talking about?"
She looked at me with mild disbelief.
(Mmm . . . perhaps I was wrong.)  She croaked.
"Hold it right there Ivysaur!  Tell me!"
(Let's take Taiki for example, from what I've seen and heard so far he's
fairly strong physically.  But he's not mature yet.)
No way . . . she wasn't talking about . . . she couldn't be!
(However it is a known fact that females mature faster than males.)
She was!
"On second thought Ivysaur, I don't want to know."  I told her as I made
for my tent.

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

Satoshi and Taiki were asleep.  Ivysaur made her way over to me.  I
wonder what she was talking about that made Musashi scamper in her
tent like that.
*What were you talking about to her?*
*I was pointing out the pros and cons of Satoshi and Taiki.*
I facefaulted, no wonder Musashi escaped like that!
*They're all too young to be thinking of such things.* I pointed out to
*Musashi is reaching physical maturity, she should be.*
*Physically, yeah.  Mentally, no.  Humans don't choose mates until they
reach their 20's.*
*But true.*
*I only want what's best for her.  So far Satoshi seems to fit the bill.*
I choked.  Satoshi and Musashi?!  Together?!  I couldn't see it.
Ivysaur shrugged and went to Musashi's tent.  I reached into Satoshi's
bag and pulled out the little book.
*Ess . . . Ee . . . Ee . . . sssseeee . . .*
I blinked, had I just read an actual word?!
*See.* I moved onto the next word. *J A N E . . .j . . . jane.* I clapped
my claws, I was reading!
*See Jane Run.*
I smiled, this was getting easy!

~~~~~~Satoshi's POV~~~~~~

I yawned and stretched . . . what was burning?  I blinked at Taiki's
attempt at eggs, errr . . . it would probably be safer to let either me or
Musashi cook from now on.
"Mmm . . . Eggs Flambe your specialty Taiki?"
"If you think you can do better . . ."
Ah, nothing like a little friendly competition.
By the time Musashi, Meowth, Ivysaur and Inferno were up breakfast
was all set up for them.  My other pokemon were already eating.
"Wow Satoshi . . . I've never seen such a shine on a Raticate's coat!  It's
gotta be that food!  What brand is it?"  Taiki asked as he checked out
"My secret recipe."
"No way!  You make their food?!"
I grinned.
Taiki was training just to see what it was like.  He had told me the night
before we left Pallet that if it didn't work for him he'd go to Pokemon

We marched toward Lavender, according to the map it was just over this
ridge . . .

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/Taping/2426

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