Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . . .

Authors Notes: I've been wanting to try a New Trainer fic for awhile now. Two weeks ago I started this fic, not sure where it was going and just now I saw it as an opportunity! The rest of this fic will be in Satoshi's POV. Although I *might* switch to Musashi's POV and Inferno's POV every now and then. Enjoy! (I hope)

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

Adventure In The Natural Maze
Chapter 2

"Hey! You a pokemon trainer? I challenge you to a battle!" Exclaimed the Bug trainer.
I sighed, like mom had warned me, the Viridian forest was crawling with Bug trainers.
"I accept! 3 pokemon each!" I told him as I pulled out Pidgey's pokeball.
"Go Metapod!"
A Metapod? He must be kidding . . .
"I choose you, Pidgey!"
"Gust attack! Blow that Metapod away!"
Pidgey clapped it's wings together and blew the Metapod into a tree.
"Metapod, Harden!"
"Gust attack!"
That did it, Metapod was out for the count. He recalled it and I did the same with Pidgey after congratulating it on a good job.
"Go Weedle!"
"I choose you, Spearow!"
"Peck that Weedle!"
Poor bug never had a chance.
"Great job Spearow! Return!"
"Weedle return, go Butterfree!"
"I choose you, Pikachu!"
"Butterfree Tackle!"
I called for a Thunder Shock. It stopped the Tackle but it didn't bring the Bug down. I had a feeling by the time all this was over and all the bug trainers had been fought Pidgey might have evolved, same with Spearow. Two Thunder Shocks later Butterfree was defeated and I was collecting his money. When he walked away I turned around and saw a Caterpie.
"I choose you, Rattata! Bite!"
That was all it took for the Caterpie to be weak enough to be caught.

I'm not going to bore you with the rest of the battles today, so by the time night fell all my pokemon were up at least 7 levels, most of Musashi's pokemon were up 5.
I unrolled my sleeping bag and set it by the fire Inferno had been so kind to light for us, he sat beside me as I pulled out my book and began to read to him. From the corner of my eye I saw a sweet smile on Musashi's face.
I snapped out of my reverie and looked at the word he was pointing too.
"Hmm? Oh, that word is flame."
He nodded and I continued to read to him.
I reached the end of the chapter and closed the book.
"Time to sleep now pal, there are a lot more Bug trainers out there." I yawned as I snuggled into my sleeping bag in the tent. Inferno curled up beside me and was instantly asleep. My eyes drifted closed and soon I was asleep as well.

~~~~~~Musashi's POV~~~~~~

I smiled as I watched Satoshi read to his Charmander Inferno. Only a boy would think of a name like that. I couldn't help but wonder about who he really was, I hadn't gotten a last name from him yet, or even what his parents were like. Of course I admit I hadn't volunteered any information myself.
He closed the book before crawling into his tent with Inferno. I stayed awake and watched the stars, one of my favourite hobbies. Something flew over the trees just then and it wasn't any pokemon that lived in this forest. I laughed quietly to myself as I thought about the possibility that it might be the legendary Mew or Mewtwo. Not a chance!
"Such a nice night, it's soooo typical for a boy to ignore it though."
"Charmanchar!" I looked over at Inferno who was looking really worried about something.
"What's wrong?"
"Charcharman mandar charman!" He pointed to the tent before dashing in himself. What on earth did he want? Fire Pokemon were weird. Maybe he just had a nightmare or something like that.

~~~~~~Satoshi's POV~~~~~~

I woke up in a cold sweat that morning. I had thought that when I left Pallet that nightmare would go away. Oh how wrong I was . . .
"Charmander char?"
"Just a nightmare pal. Nothing you should worry about." I told him as I rubbed his head and walked out into the bright glare of the sun.
"I've been up for hours lazybones! Now pack up your stuff and get going!" She snapped. I wondered why she was in such a bad mood and why Inferno was glaring and baring his teeth at her. I kneeled down to pack up my stuff.
"Inferno, what's up with you? I thought you liked Musashi."
He muttered something to himself that I couldn't make out before he became happy again. I shrugged and shouldered my pack.
"I'm ready Musashi!"
"Finally!" She exclaimed. Inferno hissed at her and I gave him a curious look that he apparently didn't notice.
The other half of Viridian Forest didn't have as many trainers as the first half, but who we did fight had stronger Bugs.
"I challenge you to a match!"
"Ok. I choose you, Inferno!"
"Go, Pincer!"
A Pincer? Oh man . . .
"Pincer Tackle!"
"Inferno, Ember!"
"Char!" He grunted as the tackle made contact. Once he was on his feet Inferno pulled his tail in front of him and used his first Fire attack. Pincer winced and I used that opportunity to call for another Ember attack. It hit but it didn't bring the Bug down.
"Pincer, Seismic Toss!"
I paled as poor Inferno was tossed like a little rag doll.
"Inferno, Ember right in it's face!"
That did it, the Pincer was out like a light.
"Inferno, great job pal. Return." He limped over and I reached for Pidgey's pokeball.
"I choose you, Pidgey!"
"Go Beedrill!"
"Pidgey Gust attack!"
"Twin Needle!"
I watched as the Beedrill dove right through the Gust attack and nailed poor Pidgey.
"Pidgey! Are you okay?!"
"Pidgeeeeyyy . . . ." It cooed softly before getting back in the air.
"Quick Attack Pidgey!" I called. Pidgey zoomed at the Beedrill and knocked it for a loop.
"Poison Sting!"
"Sand Attack!"
As Beedrill was trying to get the sand from it's eyes Pidgey zoomed in for another Quick Attack. Or at least I assumed so from the startled buzz of pain from Beedrill emitting from the cloud of sand.
When the sand settled down, Beedrill was ko'd and Pidgey was looking quite proud of itself.
"Nice going Pidgey! Return."
"You win, I'm out of pokemon."
"It was a great battle man, your Bugs really gave my pokemon a run for their money."
He beamed proudly before giving me my money and walking off. I kneeled by Inferno to check his leg.
"Does it hurt pal?"
"Char." He nodded.
I hoisted him on my shoulders.
"You shouldn't walk then. When we reach Pewter City I'll get Nurse Joy to heal you up."
He gave my neck a gentle squeeze and hung on tight as I ran to catch up to Musashi who was way ahead of me. That battle was the hardest one yet, if I wanted to beat Uncle Brock I'd have to really train my pokemon harder. I still had no idea who I'd use. If I could get Metapod to evolve I could use Butterfree. Inferno wouldn't have much luck against Rock types. Spearow would probably break it's beak. If Pidgey evolved it's Whirlwind might have a chance. Rattata's Hyper Fang might do a little damage. Pikachu wouldn't stand a chance at all. I needed at least a Water or Grass type . . .
"Get away from Meowth ya feather-brains!"
I saw Musashi pale before she turned redder than Inferno and stormed in the direction of the voice. Curious, I followed her.
All I saw when I got there was a Meowth being picked on by some Spearows and Musashi chasing them away.
"Meowth! What are you doing here?!" She almost screeched. Inferno and I winced.
"Meowth wanted to come too!"
My jaw dropped, a talking Meowth?! But the only talking Meowth belonged to Jessie and James of Team Rocket. But according to mom's stories they were good now . . . then it clicked.
Musashi was Jessie and James's daughter! During my thoughts I had completely tuned out the conversation between Musashi and Meowth.

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

I saw something sticking out of Satoshi's bag and I reached down to grab it. The Meowth was annoying, and Musashi was mean. At first I wondered why Satoshi had a picture of himself but then I looked closer. The person in the picture looked like him but it wasn't, the person was older and was holding a Pikachu. Both were smiling. Behind them was a Charizard and a Pidgeot. At their feet were a Bulbasaur and a Squirtle. Who was this person? And why was Satoshi carrying this picture around? I'd ask later.
At first I liked Musashi. But last night when Satoshi was having his nightmares I tried to ask her for help and she ignored me! I was furious!
The annoying Meowth was coming with us, I leaned on Satoshi's head and watched as the scenery passed by. My foot hurt, but Satoshi said that the Nurse Joy in the city would heal it. I put the picture in his bag where I found it and was slowly lulled to sleep by Satoshi's voice.

I woke up when I felt myself put on a cold counter and shivered. Nurse Joy was telling Satoshi that my leg is fine. I moved it and was happy to discover there was no pain! I jumped into him and knocked him into a nearby chair. I decided I would ask him about the strange person in the picture with the five pokemon. I squirmed and reached into his bag.
"What are you doing pal? You want some of the chili powder?"
No, but not a bad idea.
I pulled out the picture and gave it to him, pointing to the person with my claw.
"Charmander char char man charrrr mander char?" (Who's this? And why do you have this picture?)
His smile faded. Why does this person make him so sad?
"That's my dad."
His dad? Why hadn't I met him then?
"This picture was taken the day before . . ." He began to cry. Ignoring the pain I knew was coming I brushed them away.
"Before he died . . ."
He's dead? That's why I never met him . . .
"These were his pokemon, Pikachu, Charizard, Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Pidgeot. I never knew dad, he died before I was born. That's how I can understand you, Charizard and Pikachu always told me stories about him."
Oh boy, poor Satoshi . . . I put the picture away and hugged him the best I could with my short arms.

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