Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Author's Notes: Well, what can I say?  There isn't much to tell.  At first I
wrote Guardian Angel as a one shot, but after a few days of thinking
about it I decided to take the next step and write this as a series.
My fic Forever is currently on hold, suggestions for that one would be
Greatly appreciated!

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

The Ninja Gym
Chapter 24

"Go Seadra!"
"I choose you, Shellder!"
This was just a match to up our pokemon's levels a bit.  Taiki would fight
the winner, we were using 3 pokemon.  Whoever won two battles would
face Taiki.
"Water Gun!"
"Ice Beam!"
I could almost see the question mark above Shellder's shell, she didn't
know Ice Beam yet.
I sighed as Seadra fainted her with one blast.
"You're up Taiki.  Watch out for her ego."
He gave me a sympathetic smile.
"Five on five!  Musashi, call it in the air!"  I flipped the coin.
The coin landed.
"It's heads!  You send out first Musashi!"
"I'll win anyway!"  I rolled my eyes.  "Go Seadra!"
"Go Dewgong!  Ice Beam!"
"Rats . . . Ice Beam again!"
"Seadra has become poke-cicle.  Taiki is the winner!"  I announced. 
Inferno and Clefairy chuckled.
"Return Seadra."
"Return Dewgong."
"Go . . ."
"Go . . ."
"RAICHU!"  They both shouted.  Hmmm . . . I guess Musashi evolved
her Pikachu.
"Thunder Wave!"
"Mega Punch!"
Musashi's Raichu avoided the Thunder Wave and struck back with the
Mega Punch.  Mind you I only picked up a few words of the Raichu
language 'cause dad never evolved Pikachu.  And I don't plan to either.
Well, not unless Pikachu wants to evolve . . .
"Raichu's belly-ache stops it from battling!  Musashi is the winner!"
Taiki shot me a glare.  I grinned innocently.
"Return Raichu."
"Go . . ."
"Go . . ."
"Twin Needle!"
"Water Gun!"
We all stopped what we were doing to look at the little intruder.
"It's mine!"  We all shouted as we ran after it.

Whoa, this is the Fuscia Gym?  Neat!
Now . . . what was it mom said about it . . . oh yeah, the traps.
"Okay, Inferno, Clefairy.  In your pokeballs.  Musashi you should recall
Meowth, this place is full of traps.  We gotta watch our step."
"And how do you know this little tidbit?"  Musashi asked with a sceptical
"From someone who's already gone through the Gym, my mom!"  I
grinned as I walked through the gate.
Okay, mental run through of all known traps.
Rotating walls.
Invisible walls.
Fall out walls.
Voltorbs in the floor and ceilings.
Ninjas with throwing stars.

I knew he couldn't, like he said it's against the rules to interfere directly.
I heard a muffled something above me, I paused in mid step and held out
my arm to stop Musashi and Taiki.
"Shhh . . . step carefully!  Voltorbs in the ceiling!"
I checked the wall before I put my back against it and motioned for my
two friends to do the same.
I wasn't sure how far the Voltorbs went, but we did about fifty feet to be
on the safe side.
Oh no . . . not now!
My head began pounding, I winced and put my hand against it.
"I'm fine Musashi.  Just a headache."
"Again?  You should see a doctor Satoshi."  Taiki said.
"I'm sure it's nothing serious, let's go."

We manage to make it to Koga without setting off all the traps, just the
invisible walls.
"I commend you, not many have avoided our traps who weren't ninjas."
"We're here for a Soul Badge!"
He nodded.
"We shall fight two on two."
I went first this time.
"Go, Venomoth!"
"I choose you, Butterfree!"
"Venomoth, Sleep Powder."
"Blow it away with Whirlwind!"
(Got it covered!)
The two attacks collided and caused an explosion not to be laughed at.
When the dust cleared Venomoth was out and Butterfree was on the
ground, wheezing.
I picked her up.
"Great going Butterfree.  You'll get a treat in the next town, ok?"
(O . . . okay.)
I smiled and recalled her.
"Go, Koffing."
Ummm . . . I had been hoping Butterfree could do it by herself.
"I choose you, Mankey!"
"Mankey?"  I heard Musashi whisper to Taiki.
(Yaaaaaa!  I'm gonna pound you!)
I sweatdropped, maybe I should enter her in the P-1 tournament . . .
"fing koffing."
(WHAT?!  Why you . . .!)
Oww . . . Koffing was going to be feeling that for awhile.
"Very good, you have earned this."
I took the Soul Badge from the scroll and grinned.
"Nice going Mankey."
She gave me a triumphant smile before tackling me and giving me a hug
that would do Inferno proud.
"I'm next!"  Taiki announced as he took my previously occupied space.  I
finally managed to pin Mankey and recall her.
I heard Musashi chuckling.  I shot her a glare and stood up, rubbing my
sore shoulder.
"Go, Golbat."
"Go Raichu!"
"Confuse Ray."
"Thunder Bolt!"
Can we say, electrocuted?  Yeah, I thought so.
"Return Golbat.  Go Venonat. Sleep Powder."
"Zzzzzzzz rai rai rai rai . . ."
Ouch!  Well, at least it wasn't awake to see that coming . . .
"Return Raichu, Go Pidgeot!  Whirlwind!"
"Veno . . . nat."
Man, I thought Venonats didn't learn to fly until they evolved into
"Very good."  Taiki took his Soul Badge.  Musashi was next.
"Go Drowzee."
I heard Musashi gulp.
"Go Beedrill!  Pin Missle!"
"Drowzee drowzee drowzee . . ."
"Don't listen to it!  Twin Needle!"
And Drowzee is out for the count!
"Return Drowzee.  Go Hypno, Headbutt."
Oooooh!  That had to hurt!
"Hypnosis/Dream Eater combo."
I thought a Beedrill's faceted eyes couldn't swirl like that.  Guess I was
"Return Beedrill!  Go Sandshrew, Dig!
And Hypno is unable to battle!  Musashi is the winner!

"We won!"
I grinned and high fived Taiki.
"So, we head to Cinnabar Island for the Volcano Badge?"  Musashi
"I'm using Vaporeon and Wartortle!"
"Me and Squirts are gonna wipe the floor with those Fire types."
"Hah!  You haven't seen anything until you've seen Inferno and another
Fire type duke it out!  He and Gyarados are definitely gonna put them in
their place!"  I boasted.
"So, who's got the map?"
"Taiki had it last."
"Taiki?"  Musashi asked.
"Yeah, I got it.  Let's see . . . we can catch a boat from Vermillion."
"No boats for me!"  I protested.
"Same here!"
"How're you two gonna get to Cinnabar then?"
"Then, why?"
"Taiki, last time we were on a boat we wound up in China!"  I told him.
"Oh, I see your point."
Musashi and I nodded.
"Still, if going to China meant I could get a Banshee . . ."
I smacked him upside the head.
"No way!"
"Okay okay!  I give!  I'll ride Squirts."
I grinned.
"But . . . are you sure you won't reconsider?  I heard that there are some
gorgeous girls in China . . ."
"You want him this time Musashi?"
She nodded and whapped him with her paper fan.
"Ooohhh!  Love birds!"

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/Taping/2426

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