Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Author's Notes: Well, what can I say?  There isn't much to tell.  At first I
wrote Guardian Angel as a one shot, but after a few days of thinking
about it I decided to take the next step and write this as a series.
My fic Forever is currently on hold, suggestions for that one would be
Greatly appreciated!

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

The Warrior Of Lightning
Chapter 25

"Hey Musashi, what has four eyes, eight legs and is black?"
"I'm not falling for that one Satoshi."
"Umm . . . Musashi, he's serious."
She turned her head to look at her shoulder.
"SHHRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEIIK!  Get it off get it off get if off!!"
"Arachshock, a bug/electric pokemon.  This pokemons shoots webbing
charged with electricity at it's opponents."
I shrugged, I already had a Bug and an Electric type.  Besides, it was long
gone by now.
"Oh!  You're handsome!  How about if I win you take me on a date?"
We spun around and saw a girl holding some pokeballs.
"I guess, and If I win you give me $500."  I shrugged.
"Alright.  Three on three."

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

Heh, I didn't know if Musashi was green with illness or jealousy. 
Probably both.  I knew I was going to be sick from this girls attitude.
"Go Persian!"  She said as she spun and tossed out the pokeball.
I had a hard time keeping my growl down and reminding myself that this
wasn't the Warrior of Normal, he was dead.
"I choose you, Shellder!"
I held back a laugh.  Poor little Sheller up against the Persian?  Shellder
who didn't even know Ice Beam yet?
"OHohohohohOH!  What a cute little pokemon!  Persian, Fury Swipes."
"Shellder Withdraw!"
Minimal damage, good move Satoshi.
"Shellder, Supersonic!"
Small waves emitted from Shellder and struck Persian who was way
beyond confused now.
In fact, he was so confused he began hurting himself.
"Oh no!  Oh my poor Persian!  Return!"
I think I'm getting cavities.
"You're Shellder is good.  But it can't beat my next Pokemon!  Goooo
"Return Shellder.  Who do you think I should use?  I really don't want to
see her again."
*I know, she's annoying.  Normally I'd volunteer but you need something
that strikes fear into the minds of human and pokemon alike.*
He grinned as he got my subtle hint.
"I choose you . . . Banshee."
Jolteon began whimpering and dropped on all fours, the girl began
"Th . . . Thunder . . . Shock . . ."
"Banshee Leer!"
Yet another of Banshee's intimidation moves.  This one was designed to
seriously unnerve and scare an opponent.
Jolteon tucked her tail between her legs and hid behind the girl, crying for
her mother.

"Did'ja see the look on her face Inferno?  I thought she was gonna faint!"
The girl had proven to be a coward and had run from the battle,
immediately losing and giving Satoshi the money.
I looked to the side of the road, I think one of the Warriors was watching
The question now is, which one?
"Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double!"
"To make the world a place of devastation!"
"To totally control all people within our nation!"
"To annihilate all law and love!"
"To promote war and bring the devil above!"
"Team Rocket will carve our destructive path!"
"So surrender now or feel our wrath!"
*It's time to finish our fight!*
I nodded before I charged.

As one we took to the air and tried to blast each other with various fire
attacks.  She ducked one of my Flamethrowers and bit my wing, hard.
I roared and plummeted to the ground.
I was stunned and tried to clear the fuzzyness from my head.  I could see
her over me.
*No!* I spat as I struggled to my feet and braced myself.
I avoided her charge and tripped her withmy tail.  When she landed face
first I
put her in a head lock.
*You yield!*
*Never!* Then she spat some words that I'm not going to repeat. 
Turning her head she bit my arm, forcing me to let go of her.
I growled as I watched her stand up.  I opened my mouth for a
Flamethrower, instead a Fire Spin came out.
I saw the look of surprise on her face before the fire surrounded her.
When the Fire Spin died down, she was still standing, and looking
absolutely furious!
Uh oh.
The glint in her amber eyes was the only warning I had before she
exploded into a full out Rage attack.
This was not good.  She would fight until one of us faints.  Her every
blow would get stronger and stronger.
I swerved and blocked her various attacks, each one was getting closer
and she was picking up speed.
One of her hands struck me and sent me reeling.  Normally I would've
barely felt that . . .  But with it's deliverer in a fit of Rage, an Onyx
would've felt that.
I blocked the next blow and held her wrists.  She kicked me in the gut and
slammed her tail into my head.
I roared and held my head, one more hit would faint her.  I used a Slash
She fainted.
And so did I.

~~~~~~Satoshi's POV~~~~~~

I understood why Inferno always fights the other Charizard first!
At least, my Charmeleon side knew.
It definitely hinted at something.
It's honour, its gotta be all about honour.  There can't be a different
reason, can there?
So there I sat by the fire, keeping Inferno warm and occasionally glancing
at the other Charizard.  We'd all agreed that it'd be cruel to just leave it
there despite being one of Team Rockets pokemon.
I heard a noise beside me and looked, it wasn't Musashi or Taiki, they
were sleeping.  It was night after all.
It was an Electabuzz.
"Just a second, ok?"  It nodded.  I grabbed my canteen and splashed
myself.  He wasn't the least bit surprised.
*You have been to the Cursed Springs.* Was the first thing he said.
*Yeah, I kinda noticed.  You a Warrior?*
He nodded.
*I'm the Warrior of Lightning.* He looked me over. *Yes, the Warrior of
Fire will be very happy to see you.*
*You're the second Warrior I've heard say that.  What's so special about
the Warrior of Fire?*
He sat down and crossed his legs while motioning for me to do the same. 
Charmeleon was mainly in control now, but I was still listening and
popping a question every now and then.
*The Warrior of Fire has a sad tale.  But he knew your father personally.*
My jaw dropped.
*That's why he's so eager to meet you, he wants to see how you've
progressed over the years since he last saw you.  Besides, he might even
lighten up a little.* The Warrior of Lightning grinned.
*Wow . . .* I was dumbstruck.
*I tell you the Warriors are all so serious it's not funny anymore!  No one
there appreciates a good joke!*
*I like jokes!*
*Really?  Have you heard this one?  Why'd the Raichu cross the road?*
*Doduo's day off!*
I laughed.  He got a distant expression when he looked at Inferno and the
other Charizard.
*After all the trouble she's given you so far you'd still care for her when
she's hurt?  Humans, when you think you know a species . . .* He shook
his head.  I double taked.
*The Charizard's a girl?!  No wonder Inferno always fights her!  He
doesn't like the idea of being beaten by her!*
He coughed something under his breath I didn't catch.
*What?* I asked.  Was I missing something here?
*Nothing, you're a little young, you'll find out when you're older.* He
smiled that infuriating smile only adults can do, I pouted a little.
*Yeah, I'd care for her.  She's got feelings just like the rest of us.*
He raised an eyebrow.
*Perhaps you'd like to fight me?  Surly you must be curious as to how
strong your Charmeleon form is.*
*Yeah, I am.  But you're a Warrior!  I wouldn't stand a chance.*
*I promise to take it easy on you.* I caved in.  Sure, why not?  It's not
like I could hurt him, right?
*You can use your flames if you want to.  I promise I won't use my
electric abilities.*
Okay Charmeleon, you're up.  This is your department.
In a way, we were one and yet we were separate.  We could talk to each
other if we wanted to in either form.  Charmeleon had reasoned that since
this was my body originally I'd be in control most of the time.  However
in times like these I let him step up and take control.  I'm sure he likes the
I jumped and used Slash, as Electabuzz leaned back to avoid it something
strange happened, my claws began glowing red as I used Slash again, but
this time I used both arms and Slashed downwards, a huge, fiery red arm
extended and used Slash with it's claws.  When I landed I looked
incredulously at my arms as the red glow slowly faded.

<"Fire Claw.">

<"An attack that has been forgotten over the centuries.">
*Owwww . . .* I looked at the fallen Warrior of Lightning.  Had
Charmeleon done that?
<"Yes.  I didn't realize it would have that effect, in my time it was an
attack more powerful than Fire Blast is now.">

*Are you okay?* I asked him worriedly.
*Whooo . . . now that's an attack!  Any other pokemon except the other
Warriors would be fainted after a hit like that!*
*I . . . I didn't mean to!  I'm sorry!*
*Don't apologize!  That's a powerful attack!  You'd better head back to
you're camp.  The Fire lizard femme'll be waking up soon.*
I gave him a weak smile.
*See you later maybe?*
*Sure!  I'll be looking forward to a rematch!*
We waved good bye and I crawled into my tent with Inferno, not
bothering to change back.

<"Yes, but I'd have to be in my form for a day or two to regain the
memories on how to teach it.">

<"Good night Satoshi.">

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/Taping/2426

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