Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . . .

Authors Notes: I've been wanting to try a New Trainer fic for awhile now. Two weeks ago I started this fic, not sure where it was going and just now I saw it as an opportunity! The rest of this fic will be in Satoshi's POV. Although I *might* switch to Musashi's POV and Inferno's POV every now and then. Enjoy! (I hope)

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

Double Trouble
Chapter 3

Inferno was walking behind me with Pikachu as we headed for the lake by Pewter City. I needed a Water type to help me defeat Uncle Brock. Maybe I'd get lucky and catch a Squirtle. That's why Pikachu was with us. But I would need Inferno incase a Grass pokemon showed up.
"Bellsprout." I turned my head and looked. What luck! A Bellsprout!
"I choose you, Inferno! Ember!"
The Bellsprout winced at the attack, but retaliated with Vine Whip. Inferno ignored it and inhaled. What was he doing?
Whoa! Flamethrower!
"Pokeball, go!"
The Bellsprout didn't put up much of a fight. I let it out and gave it a potion to help it feel better.
"Bellsprout bell bellsprout."
"Sorry Bellsprout, I don't understand you. Maybe once we get to know each other better, k?"
It nodded and I recalled Pikachu before heading to the lake. Maybe I would catch a Water type anyway, just for backup. I planned to get Bellsprout to fight it so it would get some experience points on it. I pulled my fishing rod from my bag and cast the line into the middle of the lake.

This was boring, not a single nibble. Not even a Magikarp! Of course I don't know what I'd do if I did catch a Magikarp, train it I guess. They were powerful once they evolved into Gyarados.
"What is it Inferno?" I asked, eager for some conversation. He shook his head.
"If you insist." He nodded but he still looked wary. I shrugged it off when I felt a tugging at my line.
"Finally! I've hooked something!" I began to reel it in. Whatever pokemon this was is really strong! Maybe it's a Squirtle or a Wartortle!
I dropped my rod calling back Inferno and Bellsprout as I ran for my life. I saw Musashi up ahead and yelled out my warning as I ran past her.
I heard her and Meowth scream before catching up with me.
"Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double!"
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To ignite all people within our nation!"
"To renounce the goodness of truth and love!"
"To expand our reach to the stars above!"
"Team Rocket circling to solar system day and night!"
"Surrender now or be beaten in the fight!"
I looked behind me and saw the angry pokemon charging down the road.
"Look, I don't know about you. But we're not sticking around and letting that angry Gyarados catch us! Run Musashi!" We took off once again.
"Angry . . ."
"Gyarados?" Kunzite squeaked.
"Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off!" I heard them yell. The all too familiar noise of a pokeball opening made me screech to a halt and turn around. There, in front of the water dragon was Inferno. Musashi didn't notice I had stopped and kept running.
"Inferno return!"
"Char!" He avoided the pokeball's beam and shot a Flamethrower. I tried again but he jumped out of the way.
"Inferno! This is crazy! Return! Please . . ."
I looked at the huge Water type and pleaded Inferno to return. The Gyarados reared up for the ultimate Water Attack, Hydro Pump. I got to my feet and charged, ramming my fist into it's belly and causing the attack to miss by mere centimetres. However I wasn't so lucky, the attack hit me instead. Then my world became black.

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

I watched in horror as Satoshi took the attack that was meant for me. He slumped to the ground.
That was it! No more Mr. Nice Pokemon! I jumped and used Scratch on Gyarados's one weak spot, it's eyes. Remembering the trick I used with the Pincer I used Ember right in it's face while still in the air. He roared in pain at the double attack. Blinded and confused, he turned in the direction he had come to go back in the water. I was really weak after that match. That Gyarados was at least 6 levels higher than me. But I didn't want to give in and let him hurt Satoshi anymore so I fought. I staggered over to him and saw his shallow breath. At least he was breathing. I stopped to reflect how I had escaped from my pokeball. I don't understand. Oh well, why bother to figure that out? I had escaped and Satoshi was alive. That was all that mattered to me. But I couldn't get rid of the feeling someone was watching me. There was obviously no one there but . . . there was a sort of . . . what was the word? Ah yes, sort of a ghostly presence hovering around Satoshi.
It figures Musashi was too cowardly to stay with us and fight. Bulbasaur and her Pikachu would've been helpful.
I wondered why Satoshi didn't send out Pikachu and Bellsprout, working together would've beaten the Gyarados easy. Then again, maybe not. Bellsprout would've been tired from his battle with me and Pikachu, though strong against water might have gotten frightened. He is after all a mouse.
"Ugggn . . . anyone get the ID on that pokemon . . ."
"Charcharman!" He was ok!
"Hey buddy. Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in for pulling that crazy stunt?"
Umm . . . not really . . .
"You, are in Big trouble! Ugh, return Inferno. Once you're all healed up then I'll chew you out."
He recalled me back into the pokeball.

~~~~~~Musashi's POV~~~~~~

I ran into the Pokemon Centre and told Nurse Joy what had happened. Where was Satoshi though . . . Oh no . . . the Gyarados must've caught up with him. I hopped in Joy's ambulance and she drove down the path. About five minutes later we spotted a soaking wet, stumbling and obviously hurt Satoshi. I jumped out the door and threw my arm over his shoulder, stabilizing him.
"Satoshi! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Stupid questions, those. "Do I look ok?" He mumbled before tripping. Nurse Joy helped him into the seat and we drove back to Pewter.
I sat by the cot he was sleeping on when Joy handed me his pokemon. I said thank you and put them on his belt, except for Inferno's. I wanted to talk to him.
"Go, Inferno!"
"What happened out there Inferno? How did he get hurt?"
He whirled around, when he saw me he snorted a bit of flame and turned his back on me.
"Inferno?! What's up?"
"Charrrrrrrrrrrrr . . . ." He growled. What was wrong with him? Maybe Meowth would be useful after all.
"Meowth, can you try to find out what's wrong with him. He won't talk to me."
"Alright." He turned to the angry lizard. "What's da matta wit' ya?"
"Charmander char charman."
"What?! Whaddya mean by dat?!"
"Charmander charman derrrrr charrrrrrman charmander charm mander!"
"Ohhhh . . ."
"What did he say Meowth?"
"He's upset because he tinks it's yer fault Satoshi was hoit. He said dat if you'd been brave enough ta fight dat Satoshi wouldn't have been hoit."
"You mean he's blaming all this on me?!" I roared at the cringing Meowth. I couldn't believe it! That . . . That FireBug was blaming Satoshi's condition on me!
"Char!" Inferno nodded.
"Why you . . .!" I pulled out my huge paper fan, a gift from mom and prepared to whack him with it when he incinerated it with a Flamethrower.
"Charrrrrrmanderrrrrrrr." He growled menacingly. If he was this bad as a Charmander, what would he be like as a Charmeleon? Or a Charizard? I shuddered, I didn't want to think about that.
"Inferno . . . Musashi . . ."
"Hey kid."
"Hi, what are you all yelling about? Hey Inferno, c'mere a moment."
Satoshi slapped Inferno's nose lightly. We were all stunned.
"Inferno, if you ever pull a stunt like that again you'll get more than a mere slap. Ok?"
Inferno lowered his head and nodded.
"Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double!"
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To ignite all people within our nation!"
"To renounce the goodness of truth and love!"
"To expand our reach to the stars above!"
"Team Rocket circling to solar system day and night!"
"Surrender now or be beaten in the fight!"
I rolled my eyes, my parents used to do this for a living?
"Get out of here you three before I set my Bulbasaur on you."
"Ha! We're here to steal your Pokemon! Go Beedrill and Kadabra!" The orange haired Natsume shouted.
"Go Golem and Dewgong!" Echoed the bleached blond Kunzite.
"You take carrot-top, I'll handle bleach boy there." I whispered to Satoshi. He nodded.
"Oh man . . . a Kadabra . . ." I heard him moan.

~~~~~~Satoshi's POV~~~~~~

Ok, if Metapod would care to evolve, she could handle the Kadabra. I hope.
"I choose you, Metapod! I choose you, Inferno! Inferno, Flamethrower! Metapod, Tackle!" Inferno let loose with his attack at the Psychic Type who sent it back at him. I winced. Beedrill used a Poison Sting. And Metapod began to glow!
"Yes!" I shouted as Butterfree emerged.
"Butterfree Sleep Powder Kadabra! Inferno teach the Beedrill not to mess with fire!"
"Bulbasaur Vine Whip Golem! Pikachu, another Thunder Shock!"
"Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!"
I watched as they disappeared over the horizon courtesy of a Flamethrower.
"I wonder if this is what my dad had to go through almost every day when he was younger."
"Satoshi! Look!"
I looked at Inferno, he was glowing!
"All right Inferno!"
"Oh Bulbasaur! I mean Ivysaur! You evolved!"
He jumped into my arms and knocked me on my butt.
"Oh man! You've put on weight pal!"
"Char char char!"
"Hey! I was kidding! C'mon, let's get everyone healed up before we head to the Gym." I put Inferno on my shoulders and dropped him off with my other pokemon at the desk.
"You're pokemon will be ready in an hour."
"Thanks! I gotta call mom anyway."
I dialled home and the phone rang for a couple of minutes before being picked up.
"Hi mom!"
"Hi Sato-chan! You're in Pewter?"
"Yup, once everyone's healed up we're goin' to face Uncle Brock. Inferno evolved into Charmeleon and Metapod evolved into Butterfree!"
"That's great news!"
I left out Team Rocket and the Gyarados though, otherwise mom would've stormed up here and drag me home by my ear. And after that she would grounded me for life.
We chatted for awhile before we hung up. I looked at the clock, still another half hour before everyone was healed. Maybe I should go window shopping . . .
"Musashi, I'm goin' out. Wanna come?"
"No, I'll stay here and talk to Meowth for awhile."
I shrugged.
"If that's what you want, Musashi Rocket." I left, wishing I had seen the look on her face.
As I walked down the street I took brief glances in store windows, not really sure what I wanted. But I'd know it when I saw it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something in a window to my right. I turned and smiled to myself when I saw it. It was perfect.

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