Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . . .

Authors Notes: I've been wanting to try a New Trainer fic for awhile now. Two weeks ago I started this fic, not sure where it was going and just now I saw it as an opportunity! The rest of this fic will be in Satoshi's POV. Although I *might* switch to Musashi's POV and Inferno's POV every now and then. Enjoy! (I hope)

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

Pewter: Rock and . . . Fire?
Chapter 4

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

I was one bored pokemon.
According to loud mouth Meowth, Satoshi had gone window shopping or something like that while I was healing. Gah, I was so bored I was tempted to strike up a conversation with Meowth. But I wasn't that bored, yet. So I dug through the others pokeballs trying to figure out who would be good to talk with.
Butterfree? Nah, Bugs aren't the smartest of pokemon. Some are even as dopey as a Psyduck.
Pidgey? Possibility.
Spearow? Hmm . . . she has an attitude problem. Then again what Spearow doesn't have one? I'll put her as a maybe.
Pikachu? Maybe.
Rattata? No, they have real bad language. At least when they evolve they do.
So Pidgey it was.

*Ready! Huh? Where's our trainer?*
*Take it easy Pidgey. He'll be back soon I think.*
*So, why'd you bring me out?*
*Boredom, so I decided that talking to you would be better than talking to him.* I nodded toward Meowth. He nodded.
*Well, since I'm out. I might as well ask a few things I am curious about.*
*Like what?*
*Well, what's Satoshi's other name? All humans have two at least.*
Pidgey squawked in surprise.
*What?* Now I was curious.
*Didn't you know? I thought all pokemon had at least heard some stories about his family.*
I shrugged.
*There are probably a lot of Ketchum's you know. What's the big deal?*
He sighed, noticeably deflated by my remark.
*Then again, maybe you're right. What are the names you know of in the family?*
*Ash and his mate, Misty. Those are the two the stories tell about.*
No way . . .
Misty is Satoshi's mother . . . and as we were walking from her territory she had said something that made Satoshi pause.
‘Take good care of Satoshi Ash . . .'. Was Satoshi's father famous?
*Pidgey . . . don't get too excited ok? Those are Satoshi's parents . . .*
*I DON'T BELIEVE IT! YES!* He yelled as he flew up and somersaulted in the air.
*Mind cluing me in?*
*You know the story about when the four gods were caught and out of control, right?*
I sniffed. Of course I knew that story, all Pokemon did. There was a trainer that freed them and pretty much saved the world.
Then it clicked.
*No way . . . It was him?!*
He nodded excitedly before calling out Spearow, Rattata, Pikachu and Butterfree. When he told them they were all excited. The Pewter Gym leader wouldn't stand a chance against us now. I grinned.

~~~~~~Satoshi's POV~~~~~~

I walked in with the packages I was carrying and was immediately tackled by six Pokemon.
"Whaaaaa? Who let all of you out?"
Pidgey stepped forward.
"Y'know, I'm not even gonna ask why." I shook my head and put the boxes in my bag for later. I noticed something missing . . . Dad's picture! Where was it?!
"Inferno, you know where the picture of my dad is?!"
He nodded an pointed to Meowth who was holding it and staring slack jawed at it. I plucked it from his paws and put it carefully away.
"Dat's yer pop, right?"
"We hoid ‘bout him and dat Charizard, ya got Meowth's sympathy."
"And here mom told me you were a loud mouth with no brain." I chuckled so he would know it was a joke.
"Nah, she musta meant Jessie and James. I was and still is da brains of da group." We had a good laugh over that as I recalled everybody and exchanged Pikachu for Bellsprout with my Pokedex.
"Allllright! Time to go to Pewter City Gym!" I shouted as I grabbed my bag and strolled out the door with Inferno.
"Ahhh . . . Satoshi. Do you even know where it is?" I heard Musashi ask. I facefaulted.
"Don't you dare laugh Inferno." I grumbled as I stood up, trying to ignore his snickering.
I pulled the map of Pewter from my pocket and saw that the Gym was only three blocks away.
"Let's go!" Musashi said as she grabbed my hand and began drag me toward the Gym. I couldn't help but wonder why Inferno growled as she did.

"Whoa, nice Gym." I murmered as I walked in the front door. I saw the person of my search in a corner brushing Vulpix.
"Hi Uncle Brock! Hi Vulpix!" I said as I ran to them and gave them both a hug. Vulpix wasn't pleased that I ruffled her fur but she gave me a little lick anyway.
"Satoshi! How are you?"
"Great! How're you and your pokemon?"
"I'm fine, but Graveller is sick and he's at the Pokemon Centre."
"Oh, too bad."
"Enough with the pleasantries! We challenge you for the Boulder Badge!"
I sighed.
"Uncle Brock, I'd like you to meet my friend Musashi Rocket. And before you ask, yeah. She is Jessie and James's daughter."
"That explains a lot. I accept your challenge! Two on two, no time limit."
Musashi strolled to her end of the battle ring. I hung back in the bleachers with Inferno.
"Go Onyx!"
Onyx emerged and gave a battle cry.
"Go Ivysaur!"
"Tackle!" Onyx rushed forward and sent Bulbasaur flying.
"Ivyyyyy . . ."
"Oh no! Ivysaur Leech Seed!"
"Ivy!" A tiny seed came from her bulb at Onyx but he dodged it.
"Charmel char!" (Go Onyx!)
I blinked and looked at him.
"Don't you want Musashi to win?"
He shook his head.
Oh well, I wasn't one to judge who my pokemon liked. But I did want a reason. I'd ask him later on the road to Cerulean.
"Vine Whip!"
Onyx roared in pain as they connected. Ivysaur kept Vine Whipping him until he was out cold.
"Saur." She smiled in satisfaction.
"You did good Onyx, return. Go Geodude!"
"Vine Whip!"
That was all it took for poor Geodude. It must've been new because I didn't recognize it.
"You win, here's your Boulder Badge. Good work with your Ivysaur too."
I stood up and replaced Musashi across from Uncle Brock. I motioned for Inferno to stay on the bleachers. He wouldn't be much help against Uncle Brock's pokemon.
"Go Golem!"
Golem? I gulped, hoping Bellsprout could take her out.
"I choose you, Bellsprout!"
"Bellsprout, Sleep Powder!"
Golem was snoring like a little baby. I snicked inwardly at the thought of Golem in baby clothes.
"Vine Whip!"
That knocked of Hit Points of Golem, but she didn't faint. In fact she woke up!
"Oh man . . . Vine Whip again! You can do it!"
Golem winced.
"Golem Rock Throw!"
She ripped up a boulder and tossed it at poor Bellsprout who panicked and scampered out of the way to my relief.
"Rolling Tackle!"
"Vine Whip!"
It slowed Golem down, but Golem plowed poor Bellsprout flat.
"You okay Bellsprout?!" I yelled to him. He struggled to his feet and gave a weak nod. Golem was getting to her feet.
"Rock Throw!"
"One more Vine Whip!"
His vine snake over and hit Golem. It wasn't enough! She was still standing!
He was evolving!
"Bell . . . Weepinbell!"
Weepinbell used his vines and knocked Golem for a loop. She was out. "YES! Good goin' Weepinbell! Congratulations!"
I gave him a hug and he attached himself on my head.
Weepinbell let go and I recalled him before feeling my slightly wet hair.
"Ewww . . . Weepinbell drool . . ."
Uncle Brock, Musashi and Meowth found this hilarious for some reason. I glared at them all, not getting the joke.
"You okay Golem? Sorry ‘bout that."
"Golem gol." (It's okay.) She muttered as I gave her a pat on the head before Uncle Brock recalled her.
"Ready Satoshi?"
"Go Vulpix!"
"VULPIX?" I stammered, shocked.
"Like I said, Graveller can't fight. So Vulpix is your next challenger." Uncle Brock explained.
Great, now what? All my other pokemon would be toast, literally!
Except . . .
"Ok then. You know what they say Uncle Brock. Eye for an eye, fire for fire! I choose you, Inferno!"
"Charmeleon!" He shouted as he ran in front of me, happy to get a chance to fight. I noticed he had a kind of violent gleam in his eyes. Was that natural?
"Vulpix, Fire Spin!"
"Inferno! Don't let it surround you!"
"Char!" (Right!) He said as he dodged.
"Inferno, Slash!"
"Vul!" She squeaked in pain as his claws made contact.
"Char!" He grunted as Vulpix slammed into his stomach.
"Flamethrower while she's close!"
The flames engulfed the fire fox, but she came out of it in decent shape.
"Vulpix, Leer!"
"Inferno Slash! Inferno?" I blinked and looked at the flame on his tail increasing in size. He was shaking with his battle fury. I grinned, I knew this move. I'd seen it on Charizard often enough when he began to blame himself for dad's death.
In what seemed to be an out of control fury, Charmeleon let loose on Vulpix. She squeaked in pain as each blow she took was getting stronger. Musashi, Meowth and Uncle Brock stared slack jawed as he made Vulpix faint before showing his usually pleasant attitude. The gleam in his eyes had lessened, but it was still there.
"Great going Inferno! Return!" Instead, he flopped over, exhausted. I ran over and picked him up, making a mental note not to use that move too much.
"Good handling of your pokemon Satoshi. Here's your Boulder Badge."
I smiled as I took it and my won money from his hand. I stuffed them in my pocket before cradling Inferno in both arms and walking out the door.
"Nice goin' pal. But man are you heavy now!"
"Charmeleon." (I resent that.)
I laughed as we headed for the Pokemon Centre.

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