Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . . .

Authors Notes: I've been wanting to try a New Trainer fic for awhile now. Two weeks ago I started this fic, not sure where it was going and just now I saw it as an opportunity! The rest of this fic will be in Satoshi's POV. Although I *might* switch to Musashi's POV and Inferno's POV every now and then. Enjoy! (I hope)

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

Journey to Mt. Moon - Part 1
Chapter 5

Okay then, we're finally out of Pewter and on our way to Cerulean. I knew Aunt Daisy, Lily and Violet could be bubble brains, even now. But when it came to Pokemon battles they were tough.
"Hey Musashi, I'm gonna pull Inferno over to talk ok? It's guy stuff."
"Yeah, whatever! Ivysaur and I have to have a girl talk!"
I rolled my eyes inwardly.
"C'mon Inferno." I said as I walked into the bushes. He followed.
"Charmel char?" (What is it?)
"We need to talk pal."
"Charchar?" (About?)
"Charmeleon charmel charmel charchar." (In her case there's nothing to talk about.) He said flatly.
"What is wrong with you Inferno? I thought you liked her."
"Char char mel leon charmeleon." (I used to like her, but now I don't)
"Char charmel char mel leonchar char charmel." (She wouldn't come help when you were having the nightmare.)
"You asked her too?"
He nodded.
"Inferno, did it ever occur to you that she didn't understand what you were asking?"
"Charrrr . . ." (Wellll . . .)
"My point exactly."
"Charmeleon char char mel." (It was her fault you got hurt.)
"No Inferno. That was technically your fault. If you had returned to your pokeball when I asked you to then we would've gotten away safely."
"Char . . ." (Right . . .)
"There, now that that's settled. I've got a gift for you and Weepinbell for doin' a good job against Uncle Brock."
"Charmel?" (You do?)
"Yup. I choose you, Weepinbell!"
"For doin' such a good job in the gym, I got you both little gifts." I reached in my bag and pulled out the red and green boxes. Inferno ripped open his box and pulled out the bomber jacket with his name on the back. The jacket was black and his name was in red, fiery letters on the back. It was made of a special material that would stretch when he evolved.
"Charrrr . . ." (Wow . . .) He put it on and gave me a huge hug. I assumed he liked it.
Weepinbell opened his box. I pulled out the green tinted sunglasses I had gotten him. The frames were square but the lenses were diamond shaped.
"Weepinbell." (Very cool.) I put them on Weepinbell and pulled out a mirror so they could see what they looked like.
"I'm glad you like them. But remember, this is most likely a one-time deal ok?"
They nodded in understanding.
"Ok then guys, let's go. I don't think Musashi is the patient type." I recalled them both, I wanted Inferno's outfit to be a surprise to everyone. I considered calling Pidgey out and asking him why everyone tackled me yesterday but shrugged. It probably wasn't that big a deal.
I walked back to Musashi who was waiting impatiently for me on the path.
"Geez! What took you so long?!"
"Chill out! I had to talk to Inferno about something!"
Maybe letting Musashi travel with me wasn't such a good idea . . .
"Whatever! Let's go."
"Hey! I can walk you know!" I pulled my arm from her hand and stormed ahead. What was her problem? I realize that with Jessie as her mother she'd be a live wire but this was ridiculous! I heard a rustling to my left and stopped, my hand preparing to throw Pidgey's pokeball.
From the bushes stepped a . . . Jigglypuff? I didn't know there were Jigglypuffs in this area.
"I choose you, Pidgey!"
"Pidgey, Sand Attack!" The area surrounding Jigglypuff was covered in sand. I called for a Quick Attack and heard a squeak of pain from the little balloon Pokemon.
He flapped his wings and Jigglypuff was sent flying into a tree.
"Pokeball, go!"
The ball suck Jigglypuff in and shook once . . . twice . . . three times . . .
The ball vanished, on it's way to Professor Oak's. I took out my Pokedex and exchanged Weepinbell for Jigglypuff.
"I choose you, Jigglypuff!"
"Hey Jigglypuff, I'm your new trainer. My name's Satoshi."
"Puff Jigglyjig!" I grinned.
"Welcome to the team."
Ok, my mood had improved somewhat. Not much mind you. I was still mad at Musashi and her attitude. Did she really think I'd let her walk all over me?
I sat down and began fuming silently. A thought occurred to me.
"Where am I?"
I cursed under my breath.
But there was a bright side to this, I was free of her nagging. If only for a little while. Lying on my back I looked up into the sky. Something small flew overhead. What was it? Maybe it was Mewtwo.
Hah, Mewtwo's just a story started by someone with too much imagination! I snickered to myself.
"Come on out Spearow."
"I need you to do me a favour, k?"
"Ok, I need you to fly around and look for Musashi. Then come back here and show me the way back to the path. Got it?"
"Spearow!" She flew off and I put my hands behind my head. Might as well take a quick nap . . .
My eyes blinked open, was Spearow back already? I heard rustling in the trees and paled. Something was watching me.
I reached for Jigglypuff's pokeball, hoping she could Sing whatever was out there to sleep.
"Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double!"
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To ignite all people within our nation!"
"To renounce the goodness of truth and love!"
"To expand our reach to the stars above!"
"Team Rocket circling the solar system day and night!"
"Surrender now or be beaten in the fight!"
Oh great, first I'm lost and now these idiots show up.
"Go away you two, I'm not really in the mood for this."
"How dare you insult Team Rocket!"
"You should feel honoured that we consider your Charmeleon worth stealing." Kunzite remarked before tossing out his pokeballs.
"Go Golem! Go Dewgong! Go Raichu!"
"Go Kadabra! Go Beedrill! Go Scyther!"
Oh lovely, six against five. I looked at their battle ready Flareon. Make that seven against my five.
"I choose you, Jigglypuff, Inferno, Rattata, Butterfree and Pidgey!"
"Pidgey take Beedrill! Inferno take Raichu and Scyther! Butterfree take Kadabra and Golem! Jigglypuff take Dewgong! Rattata take Flareon!" Can we say unfair odds? Yup. Oh man, where are you Spearow? I need your help, badly.
"Golem Rock Throw! Dewgong Water Gun! Raichu Thunder Bolt!" Kunzite shouted.
"Kadabra Psychic! Beedrill Twin Needle! Scyther Slash! Flareon Fire Spin!"
"Pidgey Sand Attack and Gust! Inferno Flamethrower! Butterfree Sleep Powder then Tackle and Confusion! Jigglypuff Sing and Double Slap! Rattata Hyper Fang!"
I winced at Rattata's condition when she emerged from the Fire Spin, but she was still standing if a little wobbly. Rattata lunged forward and delivered several painful looking Hyper Fangs.
Butterfree wasn't in much better condition, she finally got Kadabra and Golem asleep. She began Tackling Kadabra and using Confusion on Golem with limited results.
Jigglypuff had fainted and I recalled her.
Pidgey was a bird, but against the fully evolved Beedrill had his wings full.
Inferno was in bad shape but still standing as he unleashed a powerful Flamethrower that sent Raichu and Scyther out of the melee. He staggered over to help Pidgey with the Beedrill. Dewgong flopped over to help the Poison Bug.
I checked on Rattata, she had fainted. I recalled her. I recalled Butterfree from the pile of rocks. Kadabra was out, but Golem was still fighting as it stomped over to team up with Flareon, Beedrill and Dewgong against Inferno and Pidgey. They were exhausted but they were still fighting.
"Pidgeeyy . .. . PIDGEOOOOOTTO!"
YES! We still had a chance! Pidgeotto decimated Beedrill with a Whirlwind attack and moved on to Dewgong.
Then a miracle in feathers came to Inferno's and Pidgeotto's aid.
I looked up, that sounded like more than one Spearow . . .
"Holy . . .!"
I hit the dirt as well over 3 dozen Spearows led by my mine attacked Dewgong, Flareon and Golem. Combining a Whirlwind and a
Flamethrower they sent Natsume, Kunzite, Golem, Flareon and Dewgong blasting off again. Pidgeotto and Inferno collapsed, totally tired. I recalled them after saying what a good job they did.
"Hey Spearows, thanks for the rescue."
They squawked and flew away. My Spearow hopped on my shoulder. "Excellent save there. One question though, how on earth did you convince the flock to help?"
"Spearow spearow." (Wasn't easy.)
"Yeah, I imagine. Did you find Musashi?"
She nodded and I motioned for her to lead the way.
"Hey! You a trainer?" Someone called from the bushes.
"I challenge you to a battle! My mighty Bugs will beat you!"
A Bug trainer. But could Spearow handle up to six Bugs by itself?
"Think you can handle this guy's pokemon Spearow?"
"Ok. Challenge accepted! I choose you, Spearow!"
"Go Kakuna!"
"Spearow Peck!"
"Poison Sting!"
Whoa, well trained Kakuna . . .
Spearow managed to dodge the Poison Sting and Pecked at the Kakuna.
Her eyes glowed, frightening Kakuna as it Hardened to protect itself.
"Peck until it faints!"
Spearow was relentless, and finally Kakuna was out.
"Return Kakuna. Go Beedrill!"
I paled considerably.
"Don't let the stingers hit you! Fury Attack!"
"Row . . . Spear . . . FEARRROOOW!"
"Yes! Drill Peck!"
Beedrill was out for the count.
"Good battle. You win."
"No problem. You're bugs are well trained."
"Thank you." He gave me my winnings and left for the Pokemon Center.
Fearow squawked happily and perched on my shoulder.
"Waaaaa! You're a little heavy Fearow . . ." I moaned from the ground.
"Row?" She blinked and hopped off me.
"Gaaahhh . . . good fight Fearow."
"Fearow!" (Of course!)
"Come on, lets go find Musashi."
"Fearow row?" (Need a lift?) She gave the bird equivalent of a grin and I nodded before climbing on her back.

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