Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . . .

Authors Notes: I've been wanting to try a New Trainer fic for awhile now. Two weeks ago I started this fic, not sure where it was going and just now I saw it as an opportunity! The rest of this fic will be in Satoshi's POV. Although I'll switch to Musashi's POV and Inferno's POV every now and then. Enjoy! (I hope)

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

Journey to Mt. Moon - Part 2
Chapter 5

I sat in front of the phone in the Pokemon Centre beside the entrance to Mt. Moon. After I had caught up to Musashi Fearow had flown the two of us here.
"Hi mom!"
"Sato-chan! Where are you calling from?"
"The Centre at Mt. Moon, my Spearow evolved and flew us here!"
"That's wonderful! How's Inferno and your other Pokemon?"
"Inferno's fine, so are the others."
"That's good to know."
"Can I ask you something mom?"
"Of course! What is it?"
"When Inferno was fighting Uncle Brock's Vulpix, he had this . . . weird violent gleam in his eyes. Is that natural?"
"Well, I'm not sure. But I think so. Charmanders aren't that violent. When they evolve they have a . . . lust for battle. It only increases when they become Charizards. I think they have a need to prove to others how powerful they are."
"Anyway, it's good to know you're alright honey. How's Musashi?"
"Well that's to be expected, she is the daughter of Jessie and James after all. At least you don't have to deal with Meowth."
"Wrong mom, I do. He joined us on the way to Pewter."
"Oh man . . ."
I grinned, the feeling was mutual.
"Well, don't worry about him. I'm sure Musashi is keeping his big mouth under control."
"Yeah, she is."
"Meowth! Hey there twoip!"
"Grrrr . . . MEOWTH!" Mom shouted.
"Dis is da thanks I get fer sayin' dat it's a shame about yer husband?"
Mom facefaulted.
"Err . . . thank you Meowth."
"Do you mind Meowth? I'm trying to talk to my mom here." I told him flatly.
"But she wuz besmirchin' Meowth's good name!"
"You need a good name to besmirch first!" Mom snapped.
Uh oh . . . cat fight. Better stop this now . . .
"Hey mom, lay off. He was sent here to keep us out of trouble."
"Good-bye Sato-chan. Love you. Bye Meowth." She hung up.
"You know the next time she see's you she's gonna mallet you."
"Hah! I'd like ta see her try."
I shook my head and smiled.
"You're not a bad pokemon once someone gets to know you."
He mock hissed at me.
"Lookin' at ya's almost like lookin' at yer old man. ‘Cept fer yer eyes." He sighed. "Believe it or not I miss yer pop. I almost miss tryin' ta steal da Pikachu. Whateva' happened to da rat?"
"Pikachu lasted the longest of all of dad's pokemon. But she died when I was 8."
"Heh, look at da bright side. Least ya get along with yer Charmeleon. Yer old man's Charmeleon refused ta listen ta him. When he wuz a Charizard he totally ignored ‘im."
"You've got a good point. After dad died I remember Charizard occasionally going into fits of rage ‘cause he blamed himself."
"Yah, dat sounds like sumthin' da big lizard would do."
"I wish I could've known him."
"Eh . . . I tink dere's a way ya can at least see ‘im."
I stared at him. Was he serious?
"If I remembe' right, Sabrina of Saffron's a psychic. Her and dat Haunter might be able ta help ya. Dey owe yer old man big."
"I think I remember that story. But wasn't mom and Uncle Brock dolls at the time?"
His eyes boggled. Guess he didn't know that part . . .
"Your pokemon are all healed Satoshi. So are Musashi's. Where is she anyway?"
"Thanks Nurse Joy. Uhhh . . . she was here a minute ago. Maybe she went for a walk? Come on out everyone!"
"That was a rough fight. Everyone okay?"
They all nodded, happy to be conscious again.
"Hi Satoshi, are my pokemon ready?"
"Yup. Nurse Joy's got them. Wanna have a match? Just to up their levels a bit before we go in Mt. Moon? We'll do six on six."
"Good luck Musashi!"
"You're rooting for her Meowth?"
"Yeah, someone's gotta beat one of yer family sooner or later."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence." I responded dryly before turning to face Musashi. I knew which pokemon she'd use, she only had six so far while I had eight. She'd save her Ivysaur for last though. But she'd expect me to save my best for last too . . . heh, can't let myself fall into that habit. Gotta be unpredictable. I whipped out my Pokedex and switched Fearow for Weepinbell.
"Ready Musashi?" I pulled out a coin. "Heads I send out first, tails you do! Okay?"
I flipped the coin in the air and it landed in the dirt.
"Rats, heads. I choose you, Jigglypuff!"
"Puff!" (Ready!)
"Go Kakuna!"
Kakuna? Odd choice . . .
"Kakuna Harden to your hardest and Poison Sting!"
"Eeep! Jigglypuff Sing!"
I plugged my ears, Musashi did the same and Kakuna fell asleep.
"Jigglypuff, Pound!"
"Wake up Kakuna!" Musashi screeched. I winced.
As Jigglypuff got close enough Kakuna snapped awake and Jigglypuff got a sting in the gut.
"Ow, that had to hurt . . . Double Slap!"
"Poison Sting!"
Oh man . . . I looked at Kakuna. It was evolving! Blast!
"Pound while it's still woozy from evolving!"
"Twin Needle!"
"Double Slap!"
Jigglypuff began slapping Beedrill senseless before it could retaliate. It fainted.
"Go Pikachu!"
"Return Jigglypuff! Good job. I choose you, Weepinbell!"
"Thunder Bolt!"
"Razor Leaf!"
"Kaaaa!" (Owwwww!)
I winced, knowing perfectly well what Pikachu said.
"Sorry ‘bout this Pikachu . . . Wrap attack!"
"Thunder Bolt along the vines!"
Uh oh . . . Weepinbell was toasted.
"Nice try Weepinbell, return. I choose you, Inferno!"
"Charmel!" (Ready!)
I'll never forget the smell of Pikachu's burnt fur . . .
"Oh no . . . Return Pikachu. Go Squirtle!"
"When'd you get a Squirtle?!"
"I caught it." She replied smugly.
"Inferno . . ."
"Squirtle . . ."
"Water Gun!"
"Squirt!" (Ow!)
"Charrrr . . ." (Owwww . . .)
"Water Gun again! Show no mercy!"
"Inferno dodge it and your most powerful Flamethrower!"
He hopped away from the Water Gun and a flame that does his name proud emerged from his mouth.
Squirtle, knowing a world of pain was heading it's way hid in it's shell. I helped ward off the flames but ultimately it's Water nature was what kept it conscious as it popped out of it's shell and it's Water Gun warred with Inferno's Flamethrower.
The steam from the battle hid the two pokemon from view but when it cleared Squirtle was still standing, barely. And Inferno was out for the count.
"Grrr . . ." I growled. My best Pokemon was out of the battle.
"Good try Inferno, return."
"Great job Squirtle! Return."
"I choose you . . ."
"Go . . ."
" . . ."
Nidoran was out. No contest.
"Go Rattata! Hyper Fang!"
Pidgeotto winced at the vicious attack and Rattata used another Hyper Fang. Pidgeotto was out.
"Good try pal. Return. I choose you, Rattata!"
"Hyper Fang!" We both called at the same time. Our two Rat Pokemon collided in mid air. Both were out for the count. We sweat-dropped.
"Return . . ."
"I choose you, Pikachu!"
"Go Ivysaur!"
"Razor Leaf!"
The two attacks cancelled each other out.
"Quick Attack!"
"Stun Spore!"
"Pik!" (Eep!) He was totally paralyzed. He couldn't move.
"Ivysaur, Tackle and Vine Whip!"
I sighed, Pikachu was out.
"Return Pikachu. Nice try." I looked up. "Good battle. We should do it again sometime."
"Meowth, yer family has all the luck kid."
"If my family had all the luck. Dad wouldn't be dead."
Meowth, for once in his life, shut up.

~~~~~~Musashi's POV~~~~~~

I wasn't out for a walk like Satoshi had thought, I had been listening to his talk with Meowth. I shook my head. No wonder he didn't like to talk about himself, his dad was dead. It must bring back painful memories to be reminded.
I watched at he read to Inferno from another book, this was a nightly ritual now. They would sit down, he would read one chapter out loud to Inferno before they went to sleep. They both lay down on the cot and immediately drifted off to sleep. I watched them both for awhile. I wasn't that tired at all.
"No . . . leave me alone . . ."
Huh? Was Satoshi awake? I laid down and pretended to sleep, keeping an eye on them.
"No . . . it's not true . . . my daddy's a hero . . . Mom and Pikachu said so . . ."
He began to thrash and sweat in his sleep. Inferno woke up and gave him a worried look before shaking him.
"Stop pickin' on me . . ." Tears began streaming from his eyes. Inferno seemed to regard me for a moment before snorting a bit of flame in my direction.
"Charcharmel charmel charrrr . . ."
He bolted to a sitting position.
"Not again . . ."
Again? What was he . . . oh man, now I remember. That first night in the forest Inferno tried to ask me something, that's why he began getting so mean toward me . . . Now I understand.
"Charcharmel charmeleon?"
"It was the same nightmare. I had wanted to leave it and the others like it back in Pallet . . ."
"Charmeleon char?"
"Everyone at school, hittin' me. Teasin' me ‘bout my size. Picking on me ‘cause I don't have a dad. Sayin' he abandoned me . . ."
Is that what he went through as a kid?
"Char charmeleon charmel charmel?"
"It's nice of you to ask . . . but no. Pikachu could always Thunder Shock ‘em. Even when she hit 18 she could pack a mean Thunder Shock."
Inferno climbed on Satoshi's lap and gave him a hug before gently brushing the tears from his face.
"Thanks buddy."
I turned over and went to sleep as well. Unaware of my own eyes stinging with tears.

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