Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . . .

Authors Notes: I've been wanting to try a New Trainer fic for awhile now. Two weeks ago I started this fic, not sure where it was going and just now I saw it as an opportunity! The rest of this fic will be in Satoshi's POV. Although I'll switch to Musashi's POV and Inferno's POV every now and then. Enjoy! (I hope)

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

Journey to Mt. Moon - Part 3
Chapter 5

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

I was up before anyone else. I lifted my head and looked at Satoshi. He was still sleeping, peacefully mind you. No more nightmares would haunt him today, I'd make sure of that.
*Satoshi, on my honour as one of the Children of the Fire God. I swear I will protect you to the day I die. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore, be it Human or Pokemon.*
I had thought about my Oath carefully last night while trying to lull Satoshi asleep. I knew what I was doing, I was putting everything on the line by making my Oath, everything right down to my soul. But I knew what I was doing.
One thing I really wanted to do was evolve into Charizard, if that would happen I'd be able to protect him better. Because all humans know you don't mess with an angry Charizard if you don't have a powerful Water Type with you. But if I were to evolve, I wanted Satoshi to see.
"Meowth, I neva thought in all my nine lives I'd hear da Oath twice."
*What do you mean?*
"I heard his old man's Pikachu give her Oath once. Neva hoid anything so touching."
"Yeah, if Jessie ‘n James had hoid and understood it theyd've been in tears. I know I almost was."
*Do you remember it?*
"'Course I remember it, but ya know it's against da law ta repeat da Oath of another. I don't want da four God Boids on my tail."
*I don't blame you. Remember the story of a pokemon who did and was caught?*
"Don't remind me of dat story." He shuddered. I don't blame him, the story's gruesome at best.
*Can I ask a favour of you Meowth?*
"Depends on what it is."
*I want you to teach me to talk.*
"Meowth! Why d'ya wanna do dat?"
*It's personal. Please? If not talk, then at least to read and write.*
"Dat's a big decision ya know, ya really should think it ova."
"Mmng? 'Nferno wht timne is it?"
"Go back ta sleep kid, it's too early ta wake up."
He was already sound asleep again. I chuckled.
*And he had the nerve to call me a deep sleeper. Of course I don't blame him what with the nightmare last night and all.*
*Believe me, you don't wanna know.*
"Hello Meowth, morning Inferno."
"Good mornin' Musashi!"
*Go take a long walk off a short pier.* I grumbled at her. No matter what Satoshi said, I still didn't like her.
"What did he say Meowth?"
"Uhh, trust me. Ya don't wanna know."
She glared at me, I glared right back at her.
"Satoshi better be awake by the time I get back from the shower."
I pulled back my lips and bared my teeth at her, just daring her to try something.

We were going through Mt. Moon's tunnels with the occasional battle.
When Musashi had come from the bathroom and Satoshi wasn't awake she pulled out her mallet. I jumped and used Slash on the mallet, shredding it. There was no way she was going to hurt him.
"Hey look! A Geodude!"
I snapped from my thoughts and adjusted my nice jacket, preparing to fight.
"No Inferno, let one of the others have a chance. I choose you, Butterfree! Sleep Powder!"
Geodude was snoring away.
It stirred, but didn't wake.
"Go Pokeball!"
No contest. The ball teleported to Professor Oak's, now was the time.
"Meowth! Look at da Fire Bug!"
I was concentrating on evolving I glanced at his face. He looked so happy! I looked at Musashi's face, she looked a little worried. Good, let her sweat.
"Oh Inferno! I'm so happy!" He ran and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him and picked him up. Over his head I sneered at Musashi. Try something now if you dare.
"Isn't this great Musashi?! Inferno evolved! Look out Pokemon League, because Satoshi Ketchum and Inferno are gonna incinerate ya! Isn't that right pal?"
*You bet we are!*
It was fun watching Musashi squirm. Then something seemed to click in her head, her jaw dropped as she stared at Satoshi.
So, you've only figured it out who he is now? Tsk tsk, I know Psyducks that are smarter than you.
"Go Pikachu! Thunder Shock!"
The Zubat she was after was weak so she hurled a Pokeball. The Zubat was caught.

It wasn't long before we were near the exit, Musashi unbelievably caught a Clefairy.
Between you and me, I'm proud to call Satoshi brother. If only to myself. He is worthy of being a Child of the Fire God. Because he's a human, he needs me to protect him. And I'm more than happy to take the job.
"Oh man, please don't let that be what I think it is. . ." Musashi squeaked. What a coward!
"That, is one big Onyx." I heard Satoshi say in awe.
He had a point. It was a rather huge Onyx.
*A Charizard. It has been a long time since I have fought one of you. I challenge you to a duel of Strength.*
*Let me ask my trainer.*
Onyx nodded.
*Satoshi, Onyx has challenged me to a battle of Strength, no special abilities. Power only. Will you let me accept?*
He blinked in surprise as his head swung between Onyx and I.
"Open your mouth."
Confused, I did so and a foul taste filled my mouth.
"That was a Super Potion. You're back to full health. Good luck Inferno."
*Thank you.* I gave him a smile. *You three wait for me outside, it's gonna get messy and I don't want you caught in the middle.*
Satoshi grabbed Musashi and Meowth before dragging them out the exit, protesting the whole way. I heard him say one last thing before he was out of earshot.
"Cool it! Inferno knows what he's doing! I have total faith in him."
I turned to my opponent.
*Lets do this.*
All the wild pokemon in the area immediately evacuated and left us alone. I spread my wings and flapped sand in his face before lunging. When I was close enough I whirled and gave him a solid whack with my tail, knocking him into a wall. He shook off his dizzyness and tackled me. Or at least tried to. I grabbed his head, stopping him in mid lunge. His eyes showed surprise as I snaked my neck out and grabbed his rock neck in my jaws. But before I could plant my feet he sped forward at an alarming speed and body slammed me into a wall. He wrapped his body around me while I was stunned and began to squeeze. I roared in pain.
*Do you yield Charizard?* He asked as he tightened his squeeze.
*Never . . .* I growled as I wrestled an arm free and slashed at his heavily scarred face with my claws.
His grip loosened enough for me to squirm free and turn the tables by slamming him into the wall.
The cavern shook ominously and a few stalactites fell to the ground.
*By the Fire God . . . it's a cave in! Move it Onyx!*
*I can't . . .*
*What?!* I looked in the direction he was facing. Where had that Clefairy come from?!
*Get on his head and hold on!* I growled to the frightened pokemon as I grabbed Onyx by the tail and pulled. I couldn't move him.
*Leave with the little one Charizard. I have lived a full life. It's time for me to go.*
*NO!* I pulled again, I felt him resisting.
*You old fool!* Suddenly it clicked. I picked up the little one and turned to face him one last time. The cavern rumbled harder this time and boulders almost up to my shoulders fell around us.
*Your memory will live on within me Old Warrior. Rest in peace.* I ran for the exit.
I emerged into blinding sunlight just as the cave rumbled one last time before collapsing in on itself. Tears built in my eyes and I ignored the stinging pain as I threw my head into the air. I roared the Death Cry in honour of the old Onyx who had been a Warrior. I bellowed the Cry again and heard Meowth and Clefairy join along with most of the Pokemon in the area one last time.
"I . . . Inferno? Are you hurt?"
"Meowth! What's wrong with you?!" Musashi snapped at him.
*NOOOOO!* Clefairy cried as I gently handed her to Satoshi.
*Keep an eye on her. I have something I need to do. I'll explain later, honest.*
"O . . . Okay Inferno. We'll be at the Pokemon Centre." I could sense his uncertainty and concern. Neither emotion came from Musashi.

~~~~~~Satoshi's POV~~~~~~

I watched the window with worry. What on earth had happened? That roar he gave, it was . . . heart wrenching to put it mildly.
The door opened and I looked at it anxiously. Inferno came in and stumbled over to me before falling on his knees. I rushed to him to hold him steady.
"Inferno . . .?"
Nurse Joy came over and gently put her hand on his shoulder. He followed her to the rejuvenator.
I turned to the little Clefairy on my lap and tried once more to coax the story from her. Joy came up to me and I turned to her with questioning eyes.
"It was your Charizard that bellowed the Death Cry, wasn't it?"
"Death Cry?" Was that what it had been?
"When a Warrior, such as the Onyx your Charizard fought in Mt. Moon dies. It's opponent gives the Death Cry to signify his passing. All pokemon within hearing range give the Cry too."
"Oh . . ."
"I've known that Old Onyx since I was old enough to talk and my mother was the Nurse here. I'm glad he had the chance for one more fight before his passing." I nodded dumbly and flopped into the chair, exhausted by the day's events. I was out before I knew it.

Something warm was on my lap. That was my first conscious thought as I opened my eyes and looked down. It was Inferno's head, he looked quite content there. I began to gently stroke the two horns emerging from the back of his head when I noticed the baby Clefairy he'd brought me.
I didn't care what Musashi thought, I was gonna stay here a few days until this was out of Inferno's system. For now at least. I knew that in a week or so his rage was gonna be close to blowin' up and he'd need a long, hard battle to get it out of his system.
Team Rocket would probably show up every now and again to provide that.
"Hmm? Morning Clefairy."
"I don't quite understand you yet, I'm sure I will later though. That's if you want to stay with us."
She shrugged her shoulders. Ok, so she wasn't sure.
"We'll be stayin' here a few days, I'm gonna give Inferno time to mourn the loss of the Warrior before we try for the Cascade badge."
Our stomachs rumbled loudly.
"Wanna get something to eat though?"
"Char?" (Food?)
"So, you're awake."
He stood up and stretched, Musashi chose that moment to come in and show off her new badge.
"At the rate you're going you'll never be a Pokemon Master!"
"Your point being? There's really no rush you know."
"Come on lazy, move it. Let's get your badge and go!"
"No, I'm staying here for a few days." I stared her straight in the eyes. She whipped out her mallet and prepared to whack me. I didn't flinch and stared at her cooly. Inferno rumbled a low growl. She sighed and put the mallet away.
"Fine, we'll stay for a few days."

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