Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . . .

Authors Notes: I've been wanting to try a New Trainer fic for awhile now. Two weeks ago I started this fic, not sure where it was going and just now I saw it as an opportunity! The rest of this fic will be in Satoshi's POV. Although I'll switch to Musashi's POV and Inferno's POV every now and then. Enjoy! (I hope)

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

The Annual Music Festival
Chapter 7

~~~~~~Musashi's POV~~~~~~

It was raining Meowths and Growlithes outside. I sighed and glanced over at Satoshi who was preparing for the Music festival. But because of the horrid weather that would be sure to ruin my hair it was going to be held in the Cerulean Gym. Ok, now I was bored!
"Satoshi, are you going sing in the Talent Search?"
"Me? Sing? You must be kidding! I can't sing to save my life!" He laughed. "Another thing I inherited from my dad, my singing ability."
"Oh. Well I'm going to sing and wow the judges! I'll win that first prize rare Pokemon!"
"You're so serious! I'm entering just for the fun of it!"
"Charizard rizard char chariz charchariz?"
"I'm gonna play my clarinet."
I was stunned, he could play the clarinet?
"Hey, I've got an idea. How about we do a duo?"
"Not a bad idea, but no. This is a song that would be ruined if anyone sang with it."
"Grrrrr . . ." I grinded my teeth, how dare he insult my singing!
No . . . calm, gotta stay calm . . . I breathed silently to myself.
Inferno was keeping an eye on my reaction to Satoshi's answer. The door opened and a pair of familiar people came in. The man began to whine.
"Jesssiiiieeee . . . my hair's all frizzly! Where's the comb?"
I paled. Mom and dad were here.
"Meowth! Would you two stop whinin'?"
"Meowth, you're supposed to be with Musashi!" Out came her paper fan . . .
"But I am! She's right dere!" He pointed in my direction. I looked desperately at Satoshi and Inferno, they were engaged in a tickling match.
"Oh Musashi! We're so glad you're okay! Now where's your little friend you've been telling us about in your letters?"
A yellow blur zipped by my feet and joined the tickle fray. Mom and dad turned their heads to the scene I was watching.
"Ha! Pinned ya Inferno!"
"Pikachu!" (Pinned you both!) His Pikachu cried triumphantly from on top of the pile of human and pokemon.
"As if!"
"Charizard?" The three tumbled around for a few more minutes before Inferno's tail accidentally made contact with Pikachu's head. He yelped and let loose a Thunder Shock.
As soon as mom and dad heard his voice they both paled. I smirked, this should be interesting.
"Owww . . . that hurt Pikachu! Huh? Hey Musashi, who're ya talking to?"
"The twerp's come back to haunt us!" Mom panicked.
"Waaaah, I don't wanna be haunted!" Dad wailed. I sighed, my parents were so embarrassing at times.
"Huh?" Satoshi blinked, a blank look on his face. Inferno and Pikachu echoed the expression.
"Would you two stop wailin'! Dat ain't Ash!"
Mom and dad immediately stopped their crying and looked at Meowth.
"It isn't?" They asked.
Inferno rumbled a question at him, Satoshi just shrugged, totally clueless.
"Mom, dad. I'd like you to meet Satoshi Ketchum. Satoshi, these are my parents."
"You're Ash's kid?"
"Uhhh . . . yeah. Nice to meet ya. So you're Jessie and James, Meowth was right. Out of the three of you he's got the brains."
That wasn't the smartest thing to say Satoshi . . .
Mom and dad glared at Meowth who was hiding behind my legs.

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

We were at the Gym waiting for Satoshi's turn to perform. I couldn't help but wonder what he was going to play. I sighed, this person playing a Pokeflute, rather badly I might add finally left the stage.
"Entrant number 97." I sat up straighter, that was Satoshi's number!
He looked nervous as he stepped on the stage, I don't blame him. He clutched his clarinet tightly as he turned to the audience.
"Ummmm . . . I'm sure all of you remember the Old Onyx that died at the cave in a few days ago. This song is dedicated to him."
My jaw dropped, he was really going to play for the Warrior of Rock? He put it to his lips and began to play.
At first it was soft and low, soothing to one's ears. Then he picked up the beat, making it sound like battle music. It was a tune that made you look over your shoulder to make sure no one was going to blind side you. Then it changed, it was such a heartbreaking tune. By the time he was done almost everyone, including me was crying. Satoshi walked off the stage, wiping his eyes with his sleeves.
I ran from my seat and to the back of the stage where I was sure Satoshi was.
*Yeah, it's me. That song was beautiful, everyone was crying.*
*Really. Listen, you can already hear them applauding your song.*
I watched him cock his head toward the crowd and grinned.
*See? They loved it!*
He smiled. Ahhh, it was so good to see him smiling. I hated it when he was down or depressed, it just didn't suit him at all.
The crowd hushed as Musashi stepped up on stage. Now this should be interesting. She took a deep breath and began.

Well, I must admit she's not bad. Who would've thought that someone who screeches as much as she does could actually sing? Just another mystery of human-kind.

We waited, well, Musashi waited anxiously for the Judges to announce the winner. Satoshi just leaned against me with his arms across his chest.
"I don't really care who wins Inferno, I just did this cause I thought it'd be fun." He confided to me as the judges got to announcing the runners up. I personally thought Satoshi would win, after all, no one out there compared to his performance today. It seemed though that he didn't think that.
"Second prize goes to . . . Entrant number 109, Musashi Rocket!"
I grinned. Musashi looked absolutely furious but accepted the second prize pokemon anyway, a Vaporeon. That meant trouble for me though, once we were out of here she was sure to pit it and her Squirtle against me.
"And now, for our Winner, who will receive a rare, beautiful and intelligent Dratini . . . entrant number 97, Satoshi Ketchum!"
I watched in amusement as he blinked and fell over in shock. I sighed and led him to the announcer who was holding, ironically enough, a cerulean coloured pokeball. Numbly he took it and muttered a thank you. Totally oblivious to Musashi screaming in disbelief. I took notice of it however. She'd better not try anything . . .
Her parents went up to her and managed to calm her down. She got embarrassed as they talked sense into her.
I heard a bit of the conversation.
" . . . . are you kidding? If I did Charizard would roast me . . . .!"
I smirked.

~~~~~~Satoshi's POV~~~~~~

I don't believe I won . . .
It was absolutely impossible, I wasn't that good! But a Dratini . . . wow . . . They were almost impossible to catch . . .
"You know Musashi, your face is gonna get stuck that way if you keep that up." Inferno held back a chuckle, I shot a look at him.
"What would you know?" She asked sourly.
"Well that's what mom always says when I make a face. She said that's what dad told her when they were our age."
"Oh really?"
"Well, yeah."
She looked angry, I decided to give her some space.
"C'mon Inferno, how about we fly around until Musashi cools off? She looks angry ‘bout something." I hopped on his back and he took off into the air.

Wow, this was amazing! Is this how Inferno feels when he flies?
Inferno rumbled in laughter as he did a loop. I nearly lost my grip.
"Heeeey! Careful Inferno! I don't have wings, remember?"
"Charizard rizard zar char char?" (Do you think I would let you fall?)
"Of course not! But give me a little warning next time, please?"
He laughed. Just then, something whipped by us and I fell.
I screamed.
So scared, I've never been so scared in my short life. I closed my eyes and began to cry.
This is it, I'm dead. Mom, I really love you. Taiki, you're the best friend a guy could have. Inferno, you're my best pokemon, please don't incinerate Musashi . . .

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

Oh God of Fire NO!
I flapped my wings and dove after Satoshi, straining my wings to make me fall faster so I could catch him.
There! There was that presence again! I could feel it creating the updraft that slowed Satoshi down! No matter, I'll think about that later.
The presence flared again as a slightly stronger updraft allowed me to grab Satoshi and land safely with him curled up in a ball in my arms.
*Satoshi, I got you. You're safe.*
"Inferno?" He squeaked. "What happened, something's jet wash knocked me off . . ."
*I know, but I don't know what it was . . . I think it was a Pidgeot.*
He stood shakily on his knees and we walked for the Pokemon Centre, tomorrow Satoshi would fight for the Cascade badge.
"I want a rematch Satoshi! I won't go easy on you like I did last time!"
"Fine." He sighed before pulling out a coin. Heads he'd choose first. Tails Musashi did. He flipped the coin.
"Grrrr . . . Go Wartortle!"
"I choose you, Pikachu!"
"Water Gun!"
"Thunder Bolt!"
Mmm . . . was that roast turtle I smelled?
"Return Wartortle. Go Nidorina!"
"Great job Pikachu, return. I choose you, Pidgeotto!"
"Poison Sting!"
I didn't know Nidorina's could fly . . .
"Oh no . . . Return Nidorina. Go Pikachu!"
"Pidgeotto return. I choose you, Geodude!"
"Pikachu here! Ivysaur Vine Whip!"
"Geo . . ."
I growled. Satoshi grinded his teeth.
"Inferno, Flamethrower!" He shouted as he recalled Geodude. I was happy to oblige.
"Return Ivysaur. Go Pikachu! Thunder!"
"Pi . . ." (Ow . . .) She fainted.
"Return Pikachu. Go Vaporeon! Ice Beam!"
The beam missed by mere centimeters.
"Seismic toss!"
I picked up Vaporeon and flew high before hurling her to the ground.
"Return, nice try . . . Go . . . Clefairy! Double Slap!"
Clefairy was out.
Satoshi and I continued to the Centre, totally oblivious to Musashi throwing a tantrum behind us.

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