Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Authors Notes: I've been wanting to try a New Trainer fic for awhile
now.  Two weeks ago I
started this fic, not sure where it was going and just now I saw it as an
opportunity!  The rest of
this fic will be in Satoshi's POV.  Although I'll switch to Musashi's POV
and Inferno's POV
every now and then.  Enjoy!  (I hope)

Ketchum: The Journey Continues

The Warrior of Ground
Chapter 9

"Musashi!  Stop dragging me!  I can walk!"
"Then pick up the pace!"
I sigh and walk faster, Inferno's grumbling.  I can make out the words
Musashi and brat, but
that's all.  I really don't think I wanna know exactly what he's saying.  He's
ticked off and he has
to settle down.  I reach into my bag and pull out his 3 litre jar of chili
powder.  He brightens up
and immediately begins to eat it.
Yuk, that stuff always gave me gas.
One of these days, it's not going to placate him.  Then what am I gonna

I had finished training Pikachu for his finishing move, Thunder Tsunami. 
I had an idea for
Inferno's special attack, but it would be real difficult.
"Hold it there young'ins.  Don't tell me yer planning to go through the
"Young'ins, in that forest is the strongest Marowak you'll ever lay eyes
on.  She protects the
forest and her Cubone kids."
"Ohhhhh!  I've always wanted a Cubone!  They're so cute!"
"Then I suggest you get one elsewhere, that Marowak will not let one of
her young'ins go."
I was uneasy, so was Clefairy, Meowth and Inferno.  This really sounded
like a bad idea.
(I don't like this, Marowaks are well known for their viciousness when
protecting their young.) 
Inferno grumbled as he put the chili power back in my pack.  I scratched
Clefairy behind her ears
to calm her down, she was scared.
"My pokemon can handle a Marowak!"  She boasted before storming off
into the forest.
"I don't wanna go in there now!"  Meowth shuddered.
"Same here, but someone's gotta keep an eye on her.  Let's go make sure
she doesn't do
something dumb."
I ran into the forest, carrying Clefairy.  I heard Meowth and Inferno

The forest was creepy, I couldn't hear any of the pokemon, no birds no
nothing.  Then there was
the feeling of being watched.  I shivered a little, getting freaked out.
"Clefairy clefairy fair . . ."  (I feel like we're being watched . . .)
"Me too."
(Same here.)
"I knew letting you lead was a bad idea!"
"Nonsense, besides I wanna catch one of the Cubone that's around here!"
"I know, but that's not a good idea.  Remember what the guy said about
the Marowak?"  I
cautioned.  We'd be in it really deep if the Marowak caught us.
Besides, invoking the rage of someone's mom was dangerous for your
health.  I knew that from
personal experience.
"So what?  Ivysaur will take care if it!"
"I'm tellin' you this is a bad idea.  Cubones are rare enough because of
trainers like you. 
Marowaks are practically non-existent because they're hard to control.  I
say leave ‘em be!"
"Coward."  She muttered.  Inferno and I growled.  It wasn't cowardice, it
was common sense! 
Even Clefairy knew that!
"Da kid's right.  Marowaks are tough.  I speak from poisonal experience." 
Meowth sighed.
She shook her head, she still wasn't listening to us!  I was tempted just to
leave her there and let
Marowak deal with her.  But if I did I'd be digging my own grave and
putting a foot in it.  I
Oh man, don't tell me I just heard a . . .
"Cubone!  Go Ivysaur!"
"Musashi don't!  Keep Ivysaur away from the Cubone Inferno!  I don't
really want to face the
Marowak's wrath!" I shouted, covering her mouth with my hand. Inferno
kept Ivysaur away.
Cubone began to cry, loudly.
All the blood drained from my face and no doubt Musashi's too.
I gulped.
"Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double!"
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To ignite all people within our nation!"
"To renounce the goodness of truth and love!"
"To expand our reach to the stars above!"
"Team Rocket circling the solar system day and night!"
"Surrender now or be beaten in the fight!"
"Go Golem!  Go Dewgong! Go Raichu!"  Kunzite yelled.
"Go Kadabra! Go Beedrill!  Go Scyther!"  Natsume screeched angrily.
"I thought you were in jail."  I remarked dryly.
"I was you little brat!  But now I'm out and playing hard ball!"
"I choose you, Inferno, Butterfree, Dratini, Pidgeotto, Rattata and
"Go Wartortle, Ivysaur, Beedrill, Zubat, Clefairy and Nidorina!"
"Clefairy, hide in the bushes!"  I hissed to her before turning my attention
to the fight.  "Inferno,
Dratini, take Scyther!  Pidgeotto and Geodude take Beedrill!  Butterfree
and Rattata, you've got
Kadabra!  Work together!"
"Wartortle and Beedrill get Golem!  Ivysaur and Clefairy get Dewgong! 
Zubat take Flareon! 
Nidorina get Raichu!"
I felt something clutched to my leg, I took a brief glance down and saw a
small Cubone.  Uh oh,
where was Marowak?
"Butterfree Sleep Powder!  Rattata Hyper Fang!  Work together!"
Inferno and Dratini finished with the Beedrill.  Dratini went to help Zubat,
Inferno went to help
I wasn't long before almost all their pokemon were out, only Dewgong
was left now.
"Dewgong Ice Beam the Cubone!  We'll take it with us!"
Oh no . . .
I turned and picked up the Cubone before handing it to Clefairy.  My legs
froze when the Ice
Beam hit them.  I lost my balance and fell to the ground.
"Inferno!"  I shouted.
When he saw me he got really angry.  The Marowak helped him send
Team Rocket blasting off

I shivered in my blanket, my legs were close to the fire and the ice was
slowly melting.  Inferno
hugged me from behind and covered me with his wings.  The Cubone I
had saved was sitting on
my legs, using it's bone to chip away the ice.  Clefairy was perched on my
The Marowak was sitting on the other side of the fire quietly, watching
us.  And maybe studying
us.  It was hard to tell.
I was curious though, why hadn't Marowak taken Cubone and left by
Musashi . . . well, she was sulking because I didn't let her capture
Cubone.  Tomorrow she was
going to mallet me for it.  I was sure of that.
Marowak began talking to Inferno, I only got his side of the conversation
but I was able to piece
together roughly what Marowak said.

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

*Your trainer, he is brave.*
*I know, I think he got it from his father.  Though he never knew him.*
*I have heard about his father from many pokemon.  Humans such as him
should live long lives
and to be able to influence others.*
I nodded, it was sad really.  Satoshi's father was infamous and known for
helping pokemon in
need.  I wish father and son could get to know one another.
*What is your opinion of the red haired one?*
*Musashi?  Trust me, you don't want to know.* I grumbled, a slight
smirk on my face.  Satoshi
glanced at me and poked me in the ribs with his elbow.
Had the Warrior of Ground been able to, she would have lifted an
eyebrow at this.
*He doesn't like it when I speak ill of her.*
*Perhaps he sees her as a possible mate?*
I snorted.
*If he is it's only because of . . .* I glanced at Satoshi. *Travelling
arrangements.  I don't think it
will turn serious.*
*Perhaps.  Although you have noticed he is asleep now?* I sighed.
*Yeah, and I didn't even get to hear the next chapter.  It was starting to
get good too.*
*Every night he reads a chapter from a book to me and Clefairy.  He's
been doing it since the first
night I spent with him as his pokemon.*
I could almost see the smile on her face.
*No little one, don't wake him.  I'm sure he'll read two chapters to us
tomorrow night to make
up for this.* I chided gently to Clefairy.
*What are your thoughts of the Rockets?*
*I would speak them, but I don't want to stain the ears of the little ones.*
*I see.  Does she understand you?*
*No, she's probably only picked up one or two words though.*
She looked at Satoshi and shook her head.  I looked at her questioningly.
*Such innocence even with the knowledge of his father's death. 
*Yeah, he's a great kid.  He didn't want to come here once we heard
about you, but he came so
Musashi wouldn't do something dumb.*
She nodded and glanced over at said girl who was sleeping in her tent.
*Momma?* Cubone asked drowsily.
*Yes child?*
*I wanna stay with this nice human.*
My eyebrows shot straight up.  Marowak was thinking.
*You may stay with him.*
*Thank you Momma!* I looked at Marowak.
*Care to explain?*
*She is the smallest of my Children and often picked on for that.  If she
were with him she would
become stronger and remain safe from the cruel tauntings.*
*I understand.*
She walked toward Satoshi and put her hand over his heart.
*Take care of him.  The Warrior of Fire awaits his turn to meet him.*
But she was gone.

~~~~~~Musashi's POV~~~~~~

They were talking about me, I just knew it.  Satoshi was right, this had
been a bad idea.  But I
didn't listen, I never do.  Now because of that he was hurt.
Maybe I should be nicer to him.  Maybe I should drop my mask of
selfishness that I wear when
he's around.
Maybe Inferno would forgive me and like me again.
It was quiet out there now, maybe Marowak had left?  I risked I peek
from my tent and saw
Satoshi curled up against Inferno's stomach.  Said fire lizard wrapped him
in the blanket and
deposited him inside his tent gently.  He did the same with the sleeping
Clefairy and a sleeping
Inferno looked at the sky and put himself in his pokeball by touching the
button with his claw.
I felt a wet splat on my nose and pulled my head back in the tent.

I listened to the rain hitting the tent for awhile, thinking.
I was mean to him, just like my mom was mean to dad.
Ivysaur's pokeball opened.
"What are you doing out?"
(I'm curious.)
(Is what I hear true about Satoshi?)
"What did you hear about him?"
(Is he really the offspring of Ash and Misty?)
"I'm not sure, I only know his mother's name is Misty and that his dad's
Ivysaur wasn't much of a talker and usually got straight to the point about
whatever she was
talking about.
(How did his father die?)
I told her.  For some reason she smiled.
(It's all true then.)  She said before going back into her pokeball.
What on earth was she talking about?  I knew his dad was a famous
Master.  Was he famous to
pokemon too?
I'd get her to tell me what the deal was tomorrow.

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/Taping/2426

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