I am Electabuzz, Warrior of Lightning.
I live within my territory and challenge trainers.
Only those that would be a challenge.
I like a hard challenge.

We are a misunderstood type of Pokemon.
Because of our inability to repeat the syllables of our own name we are
considered not bright.
So humans sometimes use the patronizing tones one would use to a baby.
It's ridiculous.
And trying my patience.
Ah, I remember the first time I met the new Warrior of Fire.
Years ago.
He was battling for his place among us.
Such strength.
Such determination.
Such rage.
Such sad eyes.
He is a worthy challenge.
He beat me.
He beat the old Warrior of Rock.
And earned his place as the Warrior of Fire.

And then there's Mewtwo.
He's an . . . interesting character.
With enough power to sink an island.
He's very serious too.
I believe one should have a sense of humour at least.
I swear I've never seen him laugh.
That can't be healthy!

I train my protege in the fine art of comedy and fighting.
She's a Raichu that was abandoned by her trainer.
So I took her in.
It's not required to have a trainee in your element.
But it is suggested.
I mean, look what happened to the old Warrior of Fire.
He didn't have one.
And a total stranger took his place.
Personally, there's no way I'm going to end up like that!

Never had a trainer, never will.
No way I'm going to wind up a pokemon that trapped by the confines of
a pokeball!
Especially a pokeball owned by the son-of-Muks Team Rocket.
No way, no how!

Well, thinking of the devils . . .
You know there's only so much voltage a human can withstand.
Normally a warning Thunder Shock is all that's needed to scare away
But oh, the Rockets are ornery.
Sometimes I think they'd rather die trying to capture one of us Warriors
than face their boss empty handed.

Now what?
Oh great, three more intruders!
But Raichu says they're just children.
Probably passing through, totally unaware of me.
But it's the three pokemon with them that catches my ear.
A Charizard, a Meowth and a Clefairy.
Might as well haul my striped tail off the ground and go see for myself.

I watch as the children and their pokemon send the Rockets into the
Everything matches the description of the Warriors who have met them.
The Charizard faints a femme Fire lizard before fainting as well.
She obviously belongs to the Rockets.
But to my utter surprise all three agree they should care for her until she
wakes up.
I'll wait until nightfall.

I step from the bushes, the boy warming up his Charizard looks.
He asks me to wait a moment.
I'm not sure what he's going to do, but I have an idea.
He splashes water on himself.
Guess that's the only way he'll be able to understand me.
At least he hasn't used any patronizing tones.

We greet each other and talk for awhile.
Y'know, there's nothing more pleasing than telling a joke to an
appreciative audience.
Telling the Warriors jokes always prove fruitless.
They're so boring!
When I tell him the Charizard his Charizard fainted is a girl he's surprised.
He thinks his Charizard and her are fighting because he doesn't want to
be beaten by a girl.
Ah, he's too young to know.
He'll figure it out sooner or later.
He's a little miffed when I tell him that.
I guess he sort of has a right to be.
Kids don't like it when adults keep a secret from them.

A little later I challenge him.
At first he refuses.
But I promise to take it easy on him.
We walk to a little clearing and face each other.
As we do, I see a slight shift in his eyes.
I'm a little startled by it, but I think he's just letting the Charmeleon side
We exchange blows.
He's trying, but like he said earlier he's no match for me.
But then.
As he uses a Slash attack, something happens.

I'm dazed, whooo . . . that attack was a doozie!
But what was it?
Judging by the look on his face he has no idea either.
He apologizes for it.
I just wave it off, it was no big deal.
Although any pokemon who wasn't a Warrior would've fainted after a hit
like that.
I tell him so.
I smile, he doesn't look so regretful now.
We say our goodbye's and go our separate ways.

I am Electabuzz, Warrior of Lightning.
The kid, his Charizard and his Charmeleon side are alright.
I can't wait for our rematch.
Then I'll be ready.

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/Taping/2426

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