I am Onyx, Warrior of Rock.
As the eldest of the 15 Warriors I play a large role in making decisions.

I remember my first battle, years and years ago.
The old Warrior of Rock had just passed her title to me the day before.
I was against a Charmeleon.
He gave me my first scar.
It was also my first victory of many.

We Warriors have been around for centuries.
Since the prehistoric era.

Now though, my eyesight is failing me.
My apprentice, Golem will soon take my place.
But I wish to go with one final battle.

I am called to our meeting place.
The Warrior of Fire has fallen.
The one who wishes to take his place must fight the rest of us.
For the Warrior of Fire had no apprentice to take his place.
A Charizard.
He must earn his place among us.
My first battle with a Charizard.
As the eldest I must battle him last.
I turn to the Warrior of Ground, she is watching him as well.
Learning how he fights.
In his every movement is determination.
In his every breath of fire is traces of a pokemon who once had a trainer.
In his eyes is fury.

The Warrior of Ground has been defeated.
Beaten, exhausted the Charizard still stands tall.
He will be an admirable opponent.

That night, I approach him.
He bows.
Why do you persist? Why must you become the Warrior of Fire?
He looks at me levelly.
Revenge. He answers.
Team Rocket killed my trainer. So now I will make myself a target and kill the Rockets as they come.
I nodded. There was the reason behind the fury.
I must rest.
Tomorrow I fight him.

As we welcome the Charizard a stranger comes.
He stands tall.
His every step shows confidence.
He knows the Warrior of Fire.
We all listen to their tales.
They are sad indeed.

Many of the Warriors speculate about my age.
For I have never told any of them.
As far as they know, I was the Warrior of Rock when they became Warriors.
It is my little secret.

From within my cavern, I hear a Clefairy cry.
This is unusual.
Clefairy are usually perky and happy.
As the Warrior of my territory I decide to investigate.

Her mother has been captured.
So I will adopt her.
She will not become the next Warrior.
Merely my child.
Golem accepts her as such.
She is quite young.
She does not even know her first attack yet.

Now I wait in my territory, Mt. Moon.
Many new trainers pass through.
But none capture my attention.
None of their pokemon would give me a true challenge.
All I ask for is one more true challenge before I pass my status to Golem.
Golem is patient and understanding of my wish.

Perhaps my last challenge shall be against a Wartortle or Ivysaur.
I have seen many new trainers with them.
Warrior, I think I have found you a challenge. Golem tells me.
Oh? Who might it be? I ask her.
A trainer with a Charizard by his side.
A new trainer who's first has fully evolved?
This I must see for myself.

So, it is true.
The boy is a new trainer.
His Charizard is young though.
But even a young Charizard has the strength of a Machoke.
I have found my final challenge.

When they enter my cavern I challenge the Charizard to a battle of Strength.
He says he must ask his trainer.
I allow this, almost all ask their trainers before accepting.
I am patient.
The boy blinks and looks back and forth between the two of us.
He gives Charizard a potion before telling him good luck and dragging his friend out the exit.
The pokemon in this area have already left.
So we begin.

He is very strong.
Not that surprising.
In his every attack I see his determination to win.
The cave begins to collapse.
I refuse to go with him.
My adopted is here and too scared to move.
Silly Charizard, he can not pull me from here.
I tell him to go and to take the little one with him, I have lived a full life.
He nods in understanding as he picks up Clefairy.
Before he leaves, he tells me he shall always remember me.

I am Onyx, Warrior of Rock.
I am confident the Charizard's trainer will care for Clefairy.
It is time to go.
It is also a good day to die.

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