I am Golduck.
Warrior of Water.
I challenge many trainers and their pokemon.
So I may grow stronger.

Not long ago, my strength was tested.
It takes much to restrain an angry Charizard, even with help.
I remember seeing the tears in his eyes.
Tears for his trainer, his friend.
I hope he survived.

All the Warriors mourned the Old Warrior of Rock.
We all shed tears at his death.
Including myself.
We all hope he is happy where he is now, with the Goddess of Rock
The Warrior of Ground is the eldest of us all now.
The new Warrior of Rock, a Golem now resides in his territory.

The trainer I have just fought recalls his fainted Raichu.
He thought that would defeat me.

I never had a trainer, but my father did.
While I was still a Psyduck I lived with him and his trainer.
His trainer had wept for weeks when her mate died.
I remember father trying to comfort her.
I tried to comfort her as well.
We succeeded to some extent.
Sometimes, along with the other pokemon we'd watch and play with her
I had always liked him.
His bright eyes showed promise of a bright future.
That's how I choose my opponents, I look for unclouded eyes.
Eyes that are clear with innocence and wisdom at the same time.
Eyes that show promise of a bright future.

I see a Gyarados pass with two trainers asleep atop her head.
Gyarados, hold.  I call to her.
She stops and looks at me before her head bows in respect.
Where are you going?  I ask.
To Seafoam Islands.  She answers.
I nod and motion for her to go on her way.
There is a deep loyalty in her eyes.
By nature Gyarados are loyal to those that raise them from Magikarp.
But there are exceptions.
But the loyalty in her eyes far surpasses the loyalty of other Gyarados.
But no matter, perhaps when I see the two trainers again I shall challenge

It was years ago, I remember my first meeting with him.
I swear I almost saw the Warrior of Psychic quiver with the power that
leaked from him.
He does have a . . . commanding presence.
We had gathered at our secret meeting place to greet the new Warrior of
That is when he arrived.
For some reason he knew the Warrior of Fire.
I saw his eyes cloud over when he learned of a trainer's death.
Tears almost spilled from his eyes.
I understood why when I heard their stories.

The Warrior of Psychic has teleported me to our meeting place.
We must swear in the new Warrior of Normal.
It is a long, but necessary ceremony.
We must ensure she will not follow the path of her father.
I watch her eyes as she speaks her vow.
They are clear, unclouded by lies or deceit.
I see some doubt in the eyes of the Warrior of Fire.
But he accepts her vow.
Yes, I remember the Warrior of Fire from my days as a Psyduck.
I remember hearing his vow to kill all Rockets for what they did.
I don't blame him.

Mewtwo has arrived in time to hear the vow of the new Warrior of
He used to know her father.
In his eyes I saw the disgust when her father is mentioned.
He is within your territory Warrior of Water.  Mewtwo tells me.
I smile, I would like to meet him again after so many years.

I went to the island, intent on spying on trainers that may be worthy of
fighting me.
There, the boy atop the Gyarados!
He was battling someone, an old friend by the way they were joking with
His unruly black hair reminded me of my father's trainer's offspring.
His head tilted, I looked into his eyes from my position by the Pokemon
By the Water God!  It's him!
Clear, unclouded eyes the colour of the ocean.
Bright eyes that promise a bright future.
The Charizard, I know him . . .
My mind recalled the day I was called to restrain an angry Charizard.
The same Charizard who's trainer was poisoned.
Oh thank the Water God he survived!

The Blastoise's Water Gun hits him, where did he go?
A Charmeleon emerges from the pile of clothes.
He's been to the Cursed Springs.
No wonder Gyarados was in a hurry to get here.
The girl whirls and faces me, I turn and dive into the ocean.
It is not yet time to challenge them.

I await him and his Charizard, Inferno on the dock.
I can hold my curiosity no longer.
Splashing the boy, Satoshi with water angers him.
But he shows remarkable restraint.
Yes, even as a Charmeleon his eyes are unclouded.
I speak my piece to them, telling Inferno to train Satoshi.
Train him to use abilities inherent in his Charmeleon form.

I am Golduck, Warrior of Water.
I seek those with unclouded eyes.
Those with bright eyes. 
And I have found what may be my greatest challenge yet.
In one boy and his Charizard.
Their eyes are windows to their souls.

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/Taping/2426

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